Path of Exile 2 gives you tons of skills to bind and rebind as you progress through the campaign. You’ll undoubtedly pick up new abilities, or simply decide you don’t like where certain ones are in the first place. I wound up replacing several ability locations on my hotbars throughout the preview period for the Early Access ARPG. Even if I was just placing abilities where they would be in Diablo 4, to help with muscle memory, there’s never a bad time to change things up.
As I progressed on my Witch, I wanted to make certain occult skills bindable to easier buttons on my controller, such as the Skeletal Sniper’s Poison Gas ability. No matter how you approach the game, setting skills is important in Path of Exile 2, and here’s how to do just that.
How to bind (and rebind) any Skills in Path of Exile 2
You have a few options when initially binding skills in Path of Exile 2. If you’ve just learned an ability from the Skills menu, you have a handful of options, depending on how you’re playing the game. While controller players have the easiest time binding skills, we have mentioned how you can tackle it for each control scheme below.
- Controller: Highlight the skill gem in your inventory, press X/Circle, and put it in one of your skill slots. Then, press X/Circle again to bring up the binding screen. Just press the button you want and then confirm.
- Keyboard/Mouse/WASD: Right-click the skill gem to open the skills menu. Then, left-click and drag the skill gem to the slot of your choice. Just drag the skill icon down into your action hotbar, wherever you’d like.

Keyboard/Mouse/WASD players have another option to bind skills in Path of Exile 2. All you need to do is click on an empty skill slot, with the Left Mouse Button. This will open up a series of buttons - all the possible skills and abilities you have. You can then select the desired one. This also works to rebind - left-clicking a skill in the action hotbar will allow you to select a different ability.
Do note that this goes for your Town Portal, Health/Mana potions, and other important features. You can also slot a button to swap your Weapon Types if you want. However, there is another way to rebind buttons if you want it.

Open your menu tab over to the Skills section, and select the Skill Gem in question. Then, select that skill with X/Circle/LMB, and select the Set Skill Bind option. This will pull up your skills and allow you to slot it wherever you want.
If you’re playing on a Keyboard/Mouse instead of WASD, you can also set a button to Move In Place, if you want. This is a common thing in Path of Exile, so it’s likely to also be common in Path of Exile 2. In total, players have access to 12 primary keybinds on a controller - Face Buttons, Top Buttons, and D-Pad.
On the other hand, keyboard players have access to LMB/RMB/MMB, Q, W, E, R, T and then Control+Q, W, E, R, T buttons. Controller players can swap to a second bar as well, giving players plenty of buttons to bind skills to in Path of Exile. Put your skills in a comfortable location. For example, Occult curses should be mapped to buttons that are easy to reach.
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