As you explore the vast world of Pax Dei, you will need plenty of Flint. It’s one of the more important crafting materials, especially in the early game, but it’s not always clear to newcomers where to find it or what it looks like. For those who don’t do a lot of camping or wilderness exploration, Flint is a rock, often used to light campfires in the wild. In this game, you need to use it to make a wealth of equipment and tools.
Considering it’s high demand, the difficulty of finding it depends on where you start in Pax Dei. If you don't find any of the locations, someone else has likely taken it. That means you have to wait to respawn or travel further. If you’re looking for this mineral, here’s what you need to know as the game enters Early Access.
Where to get Flint in Pax Dei

If you’re seeking Flint in Pax Dei, head to the mountains and rivers on the map. You can often find it lying around. These rocks are easy to spot, but your interaction button may not pop up - it’s pretty finicky. Thankfully, it’s not too rare as far as materials go.
Once you spot a piece of Flint in Pax Dei, you’re likely going to see a lot of it on the ground nearby. You need not do any mining or deep exploration. Simply walk alongside any river, or head up to the mountains, and you should find Flint.
If you don’t see it, then it’s either been collected or you need to explore further. We advise finding a place on the map that isn’t deeply populated and using that to farm the material.
What are the uses of Flint in Pax Dei?

Flint has a wealth of uses in the early stages of your adventure. While you can’t pick a class in the game, you will want to focus on Flint if you want to live your best life as a woodland ranger/archer.
Flint is used for most of the early-game tools, including Basic Leatherworking Tools, Basic Fletching Tools, and Basic Cooking Tools. In addition, you can also use this resource to create Flinthead Arrows, which is a solid, early-game improvement for the standard Wooden arrows.
These are the primary uses for Flint, although more may be uncovered as the Early Access testing phase goes on.
Pax Dei is available on PC in Early Access. It is currently unavailable on consoles, though that could change in the future, depending on the developers and publishers.