Players of the procedurally generated Space actions adventure game, No Man’s Sky, have discovered a peculiar new solar system named, Reddit. This discovery has been becoming very popular on the social media platform, especially on the No Man’s Sky subreddit, as each member is sharing their speculations about what kind of Solar System Reddit could be. And the answer is an extremely aggressive one.
During its launch, No Man’s Sky was a bit of a mess. But over the years, with a constant wave of patches and updates, the game has redeemed itself. Now it has turned into what it had promised, a truly endless space adventure, that can have wild and crazy things, such as an entire solar system named Reddit.
Reddit discovers a solar system named Reddit in No Man’s Sky
In No Man’s Sky, all the solar systems are procedurally generated. This means the galaxy is unique to each player and their adventures. Each of these Solar Systems has at least six planets orbiting them and some of the planets have one of the multiple moons orbiting them, making a virtual day and night cycle.
Each time a player discovers a new system, or planet gets the chance to rename it. They can rename a planet whatever they want. This explains the origins of the Reddit Solar system. It is highly possible that a player had discovered the system and to make a meme they named it Reddit. However, some fans have different opinions.
This discovery was shared on the No Man’s Sky subreddit, and OP shared that the system is extremely aggressive. Each of the planets reportedly has high sentinel activity. If a player makes the mistake of landing on any of these planets without proper preparations, they are bound to meet their demise.
This made many fans speculate that the original discovery of the solar system saw its aggressive nature and to give it a justifying term, they named it to Reddit. It is because Reddit as a social media platform, is well-known for its hyper-aggressive users who are notorious for online bullying and gatekeeping.
That said, not everything is grim in Reddit. According to the OP, the moment they entered the system, they were welcomed by an attacked Vy'keen crewed freighter. After they defeated all the pirates attacking the ship, the commander of the Vy'keen just gave up the ship. The OP said they truly feel “Blessed” by Reddit.
Although the OP posted a lot of information about the solar system, unfortunately, they forgot to share the coordinates of the system. Seeing this, one of the fans got the job into their own hands and found the system soon. They shared the Signal Booster Galaxy coordinates (check the image above). You can follow them to reach this system and make your own settlement.
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