Destiny 2 leaks are always welcomed by the community with open arms, especially when the game faces a drought period mid-season. One such leak comes in the form of new DLC information scheduled for next year, including missions, open-world mechanics, and most importantly, hints of vehicular PvP combat in Crucible.
The community has been getting several other leaks regarding the roadmap of Destiny 2, and most of them have been backed by reliable sources. The leak mentioned in this article is no different, as it comes directly from Liz, one of the primary dataminers from Destiny Leaks.
Disclaimer: This article is based on leaks made by renowned dataminers, Liz and Bungie Leaks. Readers should take everything mentioned here with a grain of salt.
All the new DLC and content pack leaks for Destiny 2 future
Here is Liz's statement regarding the leaks on the upcoming DLC/content pack in 2025:
"Moving away from eight linear missions with one focused story, and more separate storylines which build into each other at the end. Expected to have more content due to smaller seasons. Seems like they’re bringing back the Pale Heart destination mechanic, where you unlock more of the destination as you progress. Working on a crucible mode with vehicles (tanks, interceptors, pikes)."
It should be noted here that "smaller seasons" refer to the upcoming seasons' worth content-wise, rather than their runtime. Since it has already been leaked that each year will have two DLCs and two seasons, it seems Bungie will be giving more attention to the DLCs while keeping seasons on the side for a while.
However, the most exciting leak for a lot of players seems to be the "Crucible mode with vehicles." Almost everyone is hoping for a large-scale vehicular battle between players, something that hasn't been implemented in Destiny 2 before.
It also looks like this recent batch of leaks has been getting positive responses for the majority of the playerbase, hoping to see how everything rolls out.
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