The September 2023 update for Rust is here, with the central highlight being Attack Helicopter, which is now available from the Air Wolf store for 2250 scrap. It also brought in the Homing Missile Launcher (as a craftable addition), Parachutes (as a craftable addition), Hot Air Balloon armor upgrade, and the Global Networked Bases feature.
The developers have also revealed the set of improvements and fixes accompanying the September 2023 update. Read on to find out the entire patch notes for the latest Rust update.
Rust September 2023 official patch notes
The following improvements, features, and fixes have been mentioned in the official patch notes for the Rust September 2023 update:
- Added Parachutes.
- Added Attack Helicopter.
- Added Hot Air Balloon armor upgrade.
- Added Homing Missile Launcher.
- Added Global Networked Bases.
- Improved jumping behavior when attempting to climb onto solid objects in the ocean.
- HAB’s will now eventually decay over time if they get stuck on a solid object and are no longer moving.
- HAB’s will now get a slight physics push occasionally when they are stuck on an object to try and dislodge them.
- A blueprint will now display if it’s learned or if it is a default blueprint when selected in the inventory.
- Sleeping bags will now render underneath team markers on the map while alive.
- Airdrops will now become lootable if they land on a tugboat.
- Improved first-person spectating behavior when a player is piloting a vehicle.
- Boats abandoned for more than two hours (secondsUntilShoreDrift convar) now slowly drift towards the shore.
- Improved the F-15E end of wipe flyby by adding a new 3D skybox model.
- Hot Air Balloon is cheaper to repair.
- Hot Air Balloon uses slightly less fuel.
- Smokestack VFX improvements.
- Updated quarry model.
- Updated pumpjack.
- Improved snow when using low shader levels.
- Fluid switch now stacks in the player's inventory.
- Fluid pump now stacks in the player's inventory.
- Fixed being able to break Patrol Helicopter’s attack behavior by diving into deep water.
- Patrol Helicopter will now fly higher above the water.
- Fixed chinook ground particle effects not rendering on the terrain surface.
- Fixed being able to deploy elevators on a floor foundation from underneath the floor.
- Fixed Twitch Rivals trophy name list not rendering properly.
- Elevator item now lists correct power consumption when inspecting the item.
- Fixed spinner wheel not rotating properly when mounted on a tugboat.
- Fixed campfire visual not rendering properly when placed on a tugboat.
- Fixed jackhammer not playing attack animation in 3rd person.
- Fixed Rust PVE mode (convar) not allowing players to shoot NPCs.
- Fixed a null volume, which may have caused audio to crash when mounting a boat.
- Fixed Industrial light missing texture on cargo ship.
- Fixed Code lock world model missing back face.
- Fixed Brick 2x2 Roof tips clipping through each other.
- Fixed RHIB using incorrect LODs.
- Fixed Missile Silo computer station killing the player when mounted.
- Fixed water disappearing when exiting the sewer branch monument.
- Fixed building tier disappearing from the radial menu when valid building skin is set.
- Fixed naked player censorship when inside smoke grenade smoke.
- Fixed Server side demos being unable to be played back.
- Fixed furnace skins not getting their correct emission colors.
The Rust September 2023 update details can be found here.