Sea of Thieves was not always the fun and hilarious pirate game that we all love today. Back in its early days of development, the game had character models which were just white sausage figures, with eyes, mouths, mustaches, and a limited collection of discernable cosmetic figures. A recent Reddit post by u/LucasBouyoux has gained reactions from fans, in which the user said:
"This is what one of the prototype of Sea Of Thieves looked like."
The early prototypes of Sea of Thieves were hilarious, to say the least, and featured sausage-like character models and plain textured ships. The community had a field time with this, not in a negative way, but in a fun and frolic demeanor. One user named u/bprice0214 said:
"We are the pirates who don’t do anything"

One user, u/GordOfTheMountain, suggested painting the prototypes green, referring to the iconic character from VeggieTales. As evident from the design, relating these "white sausages" with Larry the Cucumber isn't very difficult if you add a dash of green to them. Other users found this idea enthralling, with user u/Iwillrize14 mentioning that they would buy this game immediately if that happened.
Relations were also drawn to Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag regarding the usage of sea shanties, a feature that has also found its way to Sea of Thieves, although in the form of musical instruments only.

However, user u/787v pointed out a very specific and hilarious resemblance to the bowling alley animations. If you've been to a bowling alley, you would notice how comic the bowling-pin animations are on the scoring screen, and u/787v correctly draws out the similarity between them.

The developers of Sea of Thieves have already immortalized this prototype version with a ship cosmetic named "Figurehead of the First Crew," as pointed out by user u/IAmTiiX. It is plausible to believe that the "white sausages" are indeed dubbed as "the First Crew", and the cosmetic item has a sneaky easter-egg to it as well.
The Fighurehead of the First Crew costs 3,202,018 gold coins, which is the release date of the game itself (March 20, 2018).
The current state of Sea of Thieves

Rare's popular open-world pirate game has come a long way from the First Crew and has just launched Season 12 a few weeks back. From the white sausages, the current player models are extensively customizable humans, with a dash of the cartoony flair that the game encompasses.
With stunning visuals, fun and interactive gameplay, and a plethora of pirate antics, Sea of Thieves is arguably one of the best pirate games out there.