Shroomer is an intriguing entity in Palworld and was introduced in the Sakurajima Summer update. Known for its unique abilities and distinctive appearance, this creature has quickly become a sought-after Pal. For those who might not have noticed, Shroomer's name cleverly combines "shroom" and "boomer."
This Pal is a Grass-type variant of the Shroomer Noct and shares the same physical appearance but differs in element typing and coloring. In this article, we'll explore where to find Shroomer, its partner skill, item drops, and other essential details.
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Where to find Shroomer in Palworld
Shroomers can be found in the Mushroom Wetlands on Sakurajima Island. If you haven't unlocked a travel point near this location, head to Ice Wind Island. Then, move northwest and cross the water body to reach Sakurajima Island.
You can use Jetragon or any fast mount Pal to make this journey. Shroomers are abundant in this area and can be found both during the day and at night.
Additionally, these creatures can be encountered and obtained inside dungeons scattered across the map.
Also Read: Sakurajima: All new Pal Skills, weapons, and cosmetics
Shroomer in Palworld: Stats and other basic information
- Element type: Grass
- Paldeck entry: Inhaling large amounts of its spores will put you into a trance. Sometimes, if a Shroomer appears motionless, it's not because it's mimicking a mushroom, but rather because it's high off its own spores.
Partner skill: Swooshy Spores
Shroomer's partner skill, Swooshy Spores, is particularly useful while the entity is at a base. The mysterious spores released by this creature help reduce the rate at which the SAN (Sanity) values of allies at the base decrease, making it an excellent companion for maintaining morale and stability.
Here are this entity's skills
- Poison Blast (Dark) - Lv1
- Seed Machine Gun (Grass) - Lv7
- Grass Tornado (Grass) - Lv15
- Seed Mine (Grass) - Lv22
- Spine Vine (Grass) - Lv30
- Circle Vine (Grass) - Lv40
- Solar Blast (Grass) - Lv50
Crafting the Shroomer Saddle
To create the Shroomer Saddle (Ground Mount), you will need:
- Leather x20
- Fiber x30
- Paldium Fragment x30
- Mushroom x20
- Refined Ingot x10
- Required Level: 46
Also Read: All new Pals in the Sakurajima update
Shroomer in Palworld: Work suitability
Shroomer is highly versatile and can assist in various tasks in the base:
- Planting: Lv. 2
- Handiwork: Lv. 1
- Lumbering: Lv. 2
- Gathering: Lv. 2
Shroomer in Palworld: Item drops
When defeated, Shroomer drops the following materials:
- Mushroom
- Red Berries
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Shroomer is a fascinating and valuable addition to any player's roster. This creature's unique abilities, combined with its utility in various tasks, make it a Pal worth seeking out and partnering with.
Whether you are looking to enhance your base's functioning or equip an effective partner skill, Shroomer proves to be an indispensable choice.
For more articles on Palworld Sakurajima, check out the following:
- How to reach Sakurajima Island
- All new Pal Skills, weapons, and cosmetics
- How to defeat Saya and Selyne in Palworld Moonflower Tower
- How to get Supply Drops in the game
- 5 things you need to know about Palworld Arena PvP