Star Trek Online is kicking off 2025 with a treat for its fans as its developers have announced the return of all Red Alert events for two weeks. Some reports also hint that the Earth Space Dock (ESD) will undergo a major update, though the reveal came a little earlier than intended. Due to a potential scheduling error, Star Trek Online accidentally spilled the beans on the update through a blog post.
In this article, we have shared everything we know about the Red Alert events and the Earth update in Star Trek Online.
Star Trek Online will start the year with Red Alert events

During the Red event, you can participate in various Red Alerts, from battling the Borg to facing off against the Elachi, Tholians, Tzenkethi, and Nakuhl. If you are at level 50 or higher, you can join these events through the PvE queues window, where you can queue up for any available Red Alerts. The event runs from 8 a.m. PST on December 31, 2024, to 12 p.m. PST on January 14, 2025.
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During the Red Alert events, you can earn Daily Progress points account-wide, and once you've accumulated 10 of these points, you'll get rewards including the Ultimate Tech Upgrade, a Specialization Point, and an Experimental Ship Upgrade. If you want to get more of these upgrades, you can also purchase them with points in the shop at a price based on how many Daily Progress points you've collected.
A potential Earth update is on the way for Star Trek Online

While Red Alerts are already enough to hype the player, according to recent reports, ESD is getting a makeover after more than a decade. This new update will bring it closer to the visual style of the new canon, as seen in Star Trek: Picard Season 3, where the new Enterprise F emerges from "Probert Station."
Also read: Star Trek Fleet Command station guide
This is a mostly cosmetic update, with Earth Space Dock getting a more modular design for future dev flexibility. While many areas are being visually upgraded to match the newer aesthetic, there will also be some significant size changes in certain parts of the station. Some areas will be bigger and more impressive as a result.
Earth itself will also receive a "facelift" to make it feel grand once again. 8K textures will be added and the clouds will be programmed with multi-layer morphing tools, ensuring the view from space will never look the same twice. However, one of the most surprising changes is the removal of the Fleet Yards.
These will be replaced with drydocks, no longer offering the same functionality as before. Thankfully, the landing will be made easier, and players can expect even more chances to grab those perfect shots of the updated Earth and space station.
The new Earth Space Dock update in Star Trek Online doesn’t have a specific release date just yet, but with the premature reveal, we likely won’t have to wait too long to see it in-game.