Destiny 2 The Final Shape brought in several planetary weapons linked to the Pale Heart, similar to the past expansion. However, while some of the previous weapons failed to make an impact on the meta, it seems that the Traveler has other plans this time around. One of the weapons, The Call, follows the archetype of the newly released Rocket-Assisted Frame, allowing the user to deal massive damage to enemies from a great distance.
This article lists the best perks to have on The Call Sidearm, for both PvP and PvE. Note that The Call is a craftable weapon from the Pale Heart, meaning that players can craft the perk combination of their choice anytime they want.
The Call PvE god roll in Destiny 2

Here is a list of all the best perks on the new The Call Sidearm for PvE:
- Linear Compensator for increased Stability, Velocity, and Blast Radius
- High-velocity rounds for increased speed on projectiles
- Beacon Rounds for tracking projectiles after kills. The duration extends with more kills.
- Hatchling for a chance to summon a threadling with precision kills, or rapid kills.
There are numerous other perk combinations that The Call can be utilized with for an all-out Strand build, such as Demolitionist and Adrenaline Junkie, Subsistence and Desperate Measures, and Slice and Hatchling.
The Call PvP god roll in Destiny 2

Here is a list of all the best perks on the new The Call Sidearm for PvP:
- Linear Compensator for increased Stability, Velocity, and Blast Radius
- High-velocity rounds for increased speed on projectiles
- Beacon Rounds for tracking projectiles after kills. The duration extends with more kills.
- Vorpal Weapon for increased damage to enemies with active supers
The Call isn't a weapon meant for PvP, as there are other potent special weapons available. However, if used right, its user can lock enemies for a short duration, which can prove to be immensely helpful in 3v3 situations.
How to get The Call Sidearm in Destiny 2?
As mentioned, The Call is tied to the new planetary destination, Pale Heart of the Traveler. Additionally, it can be crafted by collecting five deepsight patterns, making it possible for players to get the first-ever Rocket-Assisted Sidearm with enhanced perks. One such pattern can be earned by completing the fourth campaign mission in The Final Shape, called Requiem.
Other sources include the Pale Heart Engrams and Public Event chests throughout the different corners of the Patrol Zone.