The Division 2's one-shot Sniper build paves the way for many free EXPs and solo sessions within the open world. Players can set as many Directives as possible with the highest potential difficulty. They can also run the most brutal Control Points and other exploration activities efficiently. All it needs is a bit of tweaking, an armor set, and a couple of perks to get underway.
The one-shot Sniper build requires The White Death Marksman Rifle with Determined perk, alongside a 4-pc Hotshot. The Chainkiller-named chest piece can add to loadout with the Perfect Headhunter perk, one of the main sections that hold this build together.
This article guides you through the making of one of the best builds in the game, meant for solo players in the high-tier open world.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
Best armor pieces for The Division 2 one-shot Sniper build
Like any build in The Division 2, the one-shot Sniper build requires a few perks and armor set bonuses to work correctly.

Here is a list of every armor piece necessary, alongside some possible replacements to make the build a little different for specific scenarios:
- 4-pc Hotshot armor set. Parts need to include a Mask, Glove, Holster, and Kneepad
- Chainkiller chest piece for the Perfect Headhunter perk
- Backpack can include Memento for increased weapon damage

Now, while the setup mentioned above is ideal, there is another way you can move forward with this build. Instead of Memento, the Ninjabike Messenger backpack can be equipped with three pieces of the Hotshot. Additionally, replacing the Hotshot Holster with Picario's Holster is a decent move.
Best weapons to have for The Division 2 one-shot Sniper build
For this Sniper build, you must acquire a suitable Marksman Rifle. In this case, The White Death is the weapon of choice, alongside the Determined perk. Here is a list of everything you can have in the weapon section:
- The White Death with the Determined perk
- Lefty Shotgun with Sledgehammer perk, or anything that can kill enemies near you
- Any handgun

To pair The White Death and Determined together, hop onto any farming spot with Marksman being the targeted loot, and look for a drop with the Determined perk on it. Return to the Recalibration table to put the perk on The White Death. Note that any named Marksman with the perk will have a "perfect" version of Determined, which cannot be recalibrated.
Best attributes to have for The Division 2 one-shot Sniper build
The attributes that should be prioritized for this build include mostly red stats, which are:
- Weapon damage.
- Headshot damage.

Critical rate and damage aren't necessary here, as you will inflict guaranteed headshots with increased damage multipliers than critical hits. The sweet spot for headshot damage is around 320% to 400%.
Best Specialization to have for The Division 2 one-shot Sniper build
The Sharpshooter is the best Specialization for the one-shot build in The Division 2. From increased Marksman damage to ammo generation, the image below should help you through the perks necessary within the Specialization.

Typically, there won't be a time when you need to use your Specialization skill at any given point.