As is in the name of the title itself, Descendants, the playable heroes, are a big part of The First Descendant. You will obtain several unique characters as you progress through the narrative and grind for their research materials, so it will not be uncommon to feel attached to a hero whose playstyle you gravitate towards, be it the agile Bunny or tanky Ajax.
While there are over a dozen characters, only 10 Descendant slots are available in the game by default. So if you want a new hero, especially the Ultimate versions of the base Descendants, then the older ones will have to go. While it is not possible to "sell" Descendants in the traditional meaning of the term, The First Descendant does allow "dismissing" them; in other words, deleting them. Here's how to go about doing it.
How to dismiss Descendants in The First Descendant?

Dismissing Descendants AKA deleting them is very easy. To do so, simply navigate to the Descendants list in the Inventory. Then, select the Descendant to be dismissed and press and hold the following button:
- PC: Z key
- Xbox: Y button
- PlayStation: Triangle button
This will dismiss the hero, freeing up their slot. Now you may wonder: What happens to the hero after doing this? Simply put, you will lose access to the hero, and once deleted they are gone forever, including all EXP progress made. All equipment and modules attached to them will be removed and put back into the player's inventory.
Also Read: How to change characters in The First Descendant | How to switch between Public and Private sessions | How to assign Attached Items
To reacquire them, you must gather their research materials, or purchase them using real money, and then summon them at Magister Anias' lab. Of course, this will start them over from level 1, meaning players must pour all-new effort into leveling them up again so it is recommended to be sure before taking the plunge.
There is another catch, however. Reacquired Descendants cannot gain Mastery Ranks until they reach the level prior to their dismissal. As an example, if the hero Bunny has been dismissed at level 25, then she will only gain Mastery EXP starting from level 26 after being reacquired.
As for slots, while all accounts start with 10 Descendant slots, additional ones can be acquired using Caliber - the premium currency in The First Descendant acquired using real money. One slot costs 50 while 10 of them will cost 500 Caliber.
The First Descendant is available as a free-to-play game on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S systems.