No Man's Sky recently celebrated its 7th birthday with an Anniversary video. The short montage provided glimpses of all the major content updates over the years. While it was a nice nostalgic callback, viewers were also provided with a peek at the future. The clip concluded with a teaser for the next big update coming to No Man's Sky, titled Echoes.
This has expectedly put the game's community into overdrive, with players providing a plethora of speculations regarding what the upcoming content update will bring. Some of these are serious with logical reasoning, while others were a tad more fantastical.
u/YawnTractor_1756 commented on the game's subreddit (travelers refer to the player race in-game):
What will No Man's Sky Echoes bring? Reddit weighs in
Apart from the highly imaginative theory from u/YawnTractor_1756, others also participated in the discussion. One user speculated that the update might have something to do with the Korvax, one of the races present in-game. Their reasoning behind this is that the race's collective knowledge is Korvax Echoes.
This is a plausible theory backed by the known game lore. According to No Man's Sky wiki:
"The Korvax Echoes are a collection of shared knowledge and experience of the Korvax race. For many generations, Korvax entities have made the choice to disconnect from society and their metallic shells (the "fading process") and become one of the Echoes. While the shells were recycled by new Korvax, the knowledge became part of shared racial memory."
The community was quick to note that Sean Murray used the question mark symbol (?) along with the word Echoes. No Man's Sky fans are well-aware that the developer often hints at the next update with emojis and symbols.
While it's unknown what the '?' refers to, a few promptly drew a link to the James Webb space picture, which featured a question-mark-shaped structure. Hilarity ensued as a Redditor posited that "even our universe was teasing the Echoes update."
u/NMSSnyunyu "painstakingly" analyzed the 7th Anniversary celebration video and finally decided that the letter E looked different from previous teasers. This elicited others to quickly state that the symbol looked like a Greek letter. While some seriously replied that this could hint at an archaeology update, others jokingly quipped that Greek should surely mean God of War collaboration was inbound.
The jovial mood of the No Man's Sky community is a testament to the laid-back nature of the players and the relationship between them and the developers. They know that Hello Games will likely not share any information about the upcoming update Echoes until it's released.
Given that the developers have been providing one exciting major content update after the other free of cost, the community is quite happy to sit back and wait to see what they have in store.