Theodor's Research Journals is among the easiest Exploration Codices in Throne and Liberty's new Talandre region. As the name would give away, it's a collectathon of five pages scattered about the market district of Herba Village. Unlike the day-one patch of Throne and Liberty's global release, the current version of the game directly points you toward all the Research Journal pages with on-screen waypoints.
Still, some of these can be quite tricky to reach due to the complex nature of the market area. In this guide, we'll go over how to collect all Theodor's Research Journal pages easily in Throne and Liberty.
How to get all Theodor's Research Journal fragments in Throne and Liberty
Like any other fetch quest in the title, Theodor's Research Journal pages can be collected in any order you prefer. The most expedient way is, of course, to start with Page 4 from the fast-travel point of Herba Village. Nevertheless, we will list them in numeric order for your convenience.
Page 1

Look opposite Resistance Guild Merchant Elinor, then head to the crossroads to the southwest. On the way, you'll find a piton you can grab on to (looking towards the north at the Breezeline Station). The rampart where you can access Page 1 is another piton away.
Page 2

This is the easiest one to get, as you can simply grab on to a piton up high from Abundance Street.
Page 3

From the location of the Accessory Crafter Nancy Jesper, go behind the building from the left. In this alleyway, there will be a high balcony with a piton. Grab on, then jump to the tiled roof to the west to grab Page 3.
Page 4

Take the lift back to the Breezeline Station, then jump down to the ramparts towards the right (northwest), aiming for the Theodore's Research Journal Page 4 marker.
Page 5

Page 5 can be found on a platform suspended from the crane near the Culinary Contract Manager.
What is the reward for completing this Exploration Codex?
Collecting Theodor's Research Journal pages gives you 2x Resistance Medal for each, and then 7x Resistance Medal for finding all five pages. For returning players who need a refresher, these can be used to craft various Resistance Set items, including the more powerful ones added with Throne and Liberty's Wilds of Talandre expansion.
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- How Throne and Liberty plans to tackle the Conflict boss zerg problem
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