Like any other MMORPG, crafting is a central part of progression in Throne and Liberty, side-by-side with the Lithograph, a menu you'll need to visit often. You can get gear from monsters in the overworld and dungeons in this game, but it's practically impossible to reach a good combat score in the endgame without making use of the crafting and Lithograph systems.
In this beginner-friendly guide, we'll go over all the different things you need to know about Crafting and using the Lithograph menu in Throne and Liberty.
How to craft in Throne and Liberty

You cannot craft things by hand in Throne and Liberty. Instead, you'll need to head to a town hub (Kastleton, Vienta Village, Stonegrad and so on) and find the relevant crafting vendors:
- Armor Crafter for armor pieces: Chestpieces, Gloves, Boots, Helmets, Masks, and Cloaks
- Weapons Crafter (Blacksmith) for weapons: SnS, Greatswords, Daggers, Longbows, Staff, Crossbows, Wands
- Accessories Crafter for accessories: Necklaces, Bracelets, Rings, Blets
- Skill Researcher for Skill Growth Books
- Sundries Crafter for Resistance Scrolls and Fishing Rods
Simply interact with the vendor to access the Crafting menu. From here, select the item you want to craft, ensure you have the required materials, and begin crafting.
Throne and Liberty Crafting process, explained
You can craft everything including green (Uncommon), blue (Rare), or purple (Epic) gear in this game, while white items can only be either purchased from the general vendor or dropped by mobs.
To craft, you'll need to gather the necessary materials, which can range from Leather and Ore to Magic Powder and Polished Crystals. These materials are primarily obtained through gathering nodes in the open world, drops from monsters, or rewards from completing quests through material selection chests.
The following crafting materials are needed to get gears of various rarities:
- Armors: Armor Lithograph, Manasteel/Magithread/Rune Leather, Magic Powder, Polished Crystal
- Accessories (Belts): Accessory Lithograph, Rune Leather, Magic Powder, Polished Crystal
- Accessories (Amulets, Rings, Bracelets): Accessory Lithograph, Pure Gold, Magic Powder, Polished Crystal
- Weapons (Greatswords, Sword and Shield, Dagger): Weapon Lithograph, Manasteel, Magic Powder, Polished Crystal
- Weapons (Crossbows, Longbows, Staff, Wands): Weapon Lithograph, Mystwood, Magic Powder, Polished Crystal
Great Success
After collecting the required components, simply choose the item you wish to craft and begin the process. Upon crafting, there is a chance to achieve a "Great Success," where the item you create is of significantly high quality. This is visually indicated by a thick brown border around the crafted item, and these items usually come with improved stats or additional effects. "Great Success" items can be sold for a big profit in the Auction House.
There is a 20% chance for your crafting item to be a “Great Success”.
While on the crafting menu, you can find a magnifying glass icon to the top-right corner of the chosen equipment's icon on the right panel. This brings up a list of possible traits your gear can roll when crafted, and the respective chances to roll that as one of the traits when this gear is crafted.
Check out our Throne and Liberty Gear traiting guide to learn more about this feature.
Crafting materials and where to find them

Gathering materials in Throne and Liberty is simple but vital. Materials are spread throughout the game world, and you can locate them easily using your mini-map:
- Rune Leather: Dropped by mobs.
- Manasteel and Pure Gold: Found from mining Moonstone ores.
- Mystwood: Acquired by logging.
- Magic Powder: Acquired by dissolving unwanted items into their base components. High-tier items yield more potent powders.
- Polished Crystals: World drops from enemies and quest rewards.
You can head over to our complete Throne and Liberty Gathering Guide for a detailed breakdown of what you can gain from mining, logging, and harvesting.
Mobs and monster drops
Monsters in Throne and Liberty can drop specific materials occasionally. For example, goblins in Urstella fields can sometimes drop Rune Leathers (common or rare) and Manasteel (common or rare). Since gathering sources are limited, mobbing is the main way you farm numerous materials in Throne and Liberty.
Contracts and Lithograph Book
Contracts also grant you a good number of consumables and materials. Usually, it's a tier of Magic Powder and a material of rarity higher than common. Lithograph Books, similarly, can be used for getting some materials that you're having a hard time farming.
What are the material tiers in Throne and Liberty?
Higher-tier items require multiple copies of the same type of common-tier material. For instance, multiple Quality Pure Gold pieces can be combined into Rare Pure Gold, which is essential for crafting blue or purple-tier items.
There are four tiers of gear: Common (White), Quality (Green), Rare (Blue), and Precious (Purple).
What are Lithographs in Throne and Liberty?

In Throne and Liberty, a Lithograph is essentially a full recipe that is needed to craft specific items. Without it, you won’t be able to create certain high-tier gear. Lithographs can be farmed from different locations, dropped by enemies, or obtained as quest rewards.
To create a Lithograph:
- Gather materials like Blank Lithographs from an appropriate crafting vendor (Armor, Weapon, or Accessories).
- Infuse these with an item to create a Lithograph Recipe, which can then be sold at the Auction House or used in crafting high-tier items.
For the most part, you'll be crafting items with the help of a Lithograph recipe obtained from dungeons, contracts, or quests.
Quality Lithographs will be specific to a tier and an equipment type. For example, a Quality Lithograph: Weapon can be used for crafting any type of green-rarity weapon, be it sword-and-board or wand. In this way, there are three types of Lithograph recipes in the game:
- Lithograph: Weapon is used for Swords, Greatswords, Longbows, Crossbows, Wands, and Staves
- Lithograph: Armor is used for Helmets/Masks, Chest Armor, Leg Armor, Cloaks, Gloves, and Boots
- Lithograph: Accessory is used for Necklaces, Rings, Bracelets, and Belts
Rare or Epic Lithographs, on the other hand, are blueprints specific to one unique piece of gear. In other words, to craft a rare or higher tier weapon, armor, or accessory from a crafter, you'll need that specific Lithograph.
How to use the Lithograph Book in Throne and Liberty
The Lithograph Book is a collection system where you track all the items you’ve crafted or gathered. Completing sets of items within the book rewards you with valuable resources like growth materials, higher-tier gear, and rare crafting materials.
To complete a specific entry in the Lithograph book, you have to collect and turn in specific weapons, armors, or accessories. Adding them to the Lithograph consumes the item, so you essentially sacrifice said items.
You can use the tabs under the Lithograph menu to filter the following categories of Lithograph:
- Common Lithographs: Grants Quality materials and Quality Lithographs for various items. Accessible when you unlock the Lithograph Book.
- Uncommon Lithographs: Grants Rare materials and Rare (blue) gear. Accessible from lvl 20.
- Rare Lithographs: Grants Precious materials and Epic (purple) gear. Accessible from Lvl 30.
- Epic Lithographs: Accessible from Lvl 40.
What is Advanced Crafting (Tier 2 Crafting) in Thrones and Liberty?

Unlocking higher tiers
As you progress, you’ll eventually unlock the ability to craft blue and purple (Epic) gear. These high-tier items require not only better base materials but also special components like:
- Soul Shards: Found through dungeon grinds and high-level in-game content.
- Dimensional Essence: A key component for crafting Tier 2 items, often crafted at elite vendors in special locations like Stonegard Castle.
High-level vendors
For crafting items beyond Rare quality, head to Stonegard Castle. Here, you’ll find Senior Crafters who can create Uncommon, Rare, and even Epic-quality items if you have the right materials. However, you will have to grind dungeons or complete tough quests for the necessary resources.
Some crafting tips for beginners
- Start with green quality items: When starting out, focus on crafting green-tier gear (Uncommon). This will provide a solid base to begin upgrading your character.
- Gather regularly: Keep an eye out for gathering nodes and resource chests while adventuring to avoid being under-stocked on essential materials.
- Sell "Great Success" items: Items created with “Great Success” are highly valuable. Sell them on the Auction House for extra Lucent (in-game currency).
- Plan your crafting sessions: Always check the Lithograph Book for missing pieces and plan your crafting sessions to fill out sticker lines for optimal rewards.
- Farm Lithographs: Regularly farm for Lithographs and recipes, as these are crucial for creating Rare and Epic gear.
That’s it for our Thrones and Liberty Crafting and Lithograph guide, we hope it has been helpful to you.
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