As you progress through Throne and Liberty, learning about Traiting will be an important part of your growth. Traits are additional stats you’ll find on your gear as you kill bosses and complete quests. Although you will occasionally find gear that’s going to have amazing Traits, you won’t want to keep using them. You may decide it’s not worth upgrading, or it just won’t fit the build you’ve got in mind. Thankfully, there are ways to keep and use these Traits later.
Traiting is found in the Enchanting screen of Throne and Liberty. In the early game, it’s unlikely that you’ll be doing much with this. Later, however, once you’ve got some better gear, or the Sollents to purchase specific gear or traits from the Auction House, you can start taking advantage of this system.
What are Traits in Throne and Liberty?

There are plenty of Traits in Throne and Liberty, and many of them do exactly what you expect them to. They add greater stats to your character, in some shape or form. They might add more Hit chance, Critical Hit, reduce your cooldown speed, increase your Skill Damage, or even Evasion.
When you loot gear in this free-to-play MMO, they will come with a series of traits, picked randomly from a pool of potential traits. If you have Traits on equipment that you can’t use, you can use Trait Extraction Stones to remove and sell them at the Auction House.
Conversely, if you have gear that has useless traits for you, you can acquire a Trait Conversion Stone to swap a different Trait in. If you extract a trait, it does destroy that piece of gear, so keep that in mind.
How to unlock Traits in Throne and Liberty

You can unlock Traits on your gear in a few ways throughout your adventures. You can find the menu for this by pressing “.” on the keyboard, or by hitting F11, clicking Enchanting, and going to the third tab: Trait.
The first method requires you to find a piece of gear that has the same type/name, as the trait you want. If you want to add a Magical Critical Hit to a piece of gear you have, you need to find another with that same name, with the Magical Critical Hit rate Trait on it. Then you can add it to your currently owned gear.
You can also go to the auction house and look for [Desired Trait] - [Desired Equipment] extracted trait. It has to be the same name piece, and whatever trait you’re looking for. The other option is to use Trait Unlockstones when you have access to them. As you can see above, Heavy Attack Chance requires 4 Trait Unlockstones and 5,000 Sollent.
Leveling up your Traits in Throne and Liberty

If you want to level up one of your Traits, you need a piece of gear that is the same type, that also has that desired trait on it. The greater the rarity of that gear, the better efficiency you’ll have at upgrading it. This also increases your success rate:
- Epic gear: 100%
- Rare items: 10%
- Uncommon items: 1%
If you fail, you receive a Blessing that will improve the chances of the next attempt at that Trait upgrade, of a lower level. It’s a common strategy to sacrifice weaker gear to upgrade your Traits, though. The Blessings make it a bit easier if you fail though, so take heart from that.
Check out our other Throne and Liberty guides:
- All Field Bosses in Throne and Liberty, explored
- Throne and Liberty Longbow and Staff build guide
- Throne and Liberty Fishing guide