In Throne and Liberty, mining is one of the most important skills to learn. This MMORPG puts a lot of emphasis on crafting and customizing your character. To craft the best gear for your character, you must mine ores from various ore deposits and veins. In this article, we have shared all the basic information you will need about the Throne and Liberty mining mechanic.
How to mine in Throne and Liberty

To mine in Throne and Liberty, you must first spot ore deposits or nodes. While you explore the open map, keep an eye out for the crystal-like ore sign on the map. It indicates the location of an ore deposit nearby. The ore deposit icons pop up on the map when your character is within a 100m radius of the node.
Once your character is near the node, press the indicated interaction key to start mining. Keep in mind that in Throne and Liberty, ore nodes or veins spawn on the map in random locations. Once you fully mine a node, it won't spawn in the same location again.
Another important fact about ore nodes in Throne and Liberty is that they can only be used once. This means when a player mines the deposit, it will be exhausted for all other players too. That is why you may have to compete with other players to mine all the rare ores.
Read More: How to increase Carry Capacity and Storage in Throne and Liberty
All minable resources and ores in Throne and Liberty, and their uses
Here are all the mineable ore nodes you can find in Throne and Liberty.
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Ores can also be found as drops from killing certain enemies, rewards for completing certain Lithograph entries, and opening certain chests. Below, we have shared all the sources you can find the following ores from.
Best places to mine ores in Throne and Liberty

You can find a great concentration of the Moonstone nodes in the following locations:
- Windhil Shores and Nesting Grounds: Road between these two locations
- Shattered Temple: Borders of this location
- Urstella Fields: Middle of this location
- Fonos Basin: The north road that comes to this location
- Black Anvil Forge: Middle of this location
You can find Marind Ore in the following locations:
- Terror Bird Hill
- Fonos Basin
- Black Anvil
As said before, make sure it is rainy weather when you try to mine the Marind Ore.