Throne and Liberty has unveiled a new weapon type, the Spear, and it is set to arrive on all servers on December 5, 2024. This is the first major update that will affect every Throne and Liberty server in tandem, as the Spear will come to both Global and Korean servers simultaneously. Its inclusion is also expected to cause pretty significant balance and strategic changes for Guild vs. Guild scenarios, and even in PvE — thanks to the weapon's brand-new kit and cross-weapon synergies.
Moreover, the class balance will shift majorly in the upcoming days, as the new weapon will find its place in the meta.
This article outlines what we know about the Spear. Read on to know more.
Everything we know about the Spear in Throne and Liberty, so far
The Spear is set to become a rusher's favorite weapon in Throne and Liberty. Although its existence had been datamined almost 5 months ago, as posted by Redditor u/Ronroe, there was no other concrete information beyond that.
Yesterday, November 26, 2024, NC Studio X and Amazon Games released a video and a blog post confirming the Spear's imminent arrival and comprehensively discussing a few skills and passives of the upcoming weapon, respectively.
According to the blog post, Throne and Liberty's Spear is primarily a melee weapon, but has abilities to close the gap and put pressure from a distance.

The Spear will have a full suite of ten standard and two Omnipotence skills, with seven passives to complete the set. Among those skills, the blog post discussed Flash Barrier, Brand Javelin, Cut Slashs, Gale Rush, and Smash Blade. Here's a short description of what these skills can do:
- Flash Barrier: Allows players to dodge ranged and magic projectiles before attacking enemies within its range. Extremely useful in all game modes.
- Brand Javelin: This is a directional ability that can be charged up for additional damage. Upon hitting an enemy, the projectile applies a brand on the target that increases the Critical Hit Rate and Critical Hit Damage against it.
- Cut Slashes: Hits enemies multiple times and inflicts unique effects based on Weaken effects applied on enemies. The attack comprises of two phases, the first stabs deal damage and apply weaken. The second attack is a spiral attack that hits every enemy within range. Both attacks inflict additional damage if the enemy has more than 5 stacks of Weaken debuff.
- Gale Rush: This is potentially the strongest engagement skill in the game. It has a two-fold function where it can target both enemies and allies. If the target is an enemy, Gale Rush deals damage and increases attack speed. Furthermore, if the target is affected by Stun, Bleed, Sleep, or Fear, the attack will reset its cooldown. However, if the target is an ally, Gale Rush will attack all enemies around said ally, inflicting a short stun.
- Smash Blade: This attack disables defensive attacks by enemies for a short period, making it invaluable in all of Throne and Liberty's PvP modes like Castle Siege and Arenas.

Like most other weapons, the Spear will also come with multiple passive skills, of which five have been revealed. They are:
- Ultimate Grip Strength: Inflicting damage with a Spear, Longbow, Staff, or Greatsword skill grants a chance for other two-handed skills to inflict additional damage, for a short time.
- Power Intensification: For every Weaken application, the player's attack speed increases.
- Deadly Decisive Strike: Critical hits against low-health targets inflict additional damage
- Battlefield Dash: If a player dies within 10 seconds of applying a weakened debuff, the player might get a boost of attack speed.
- Sadist's Rage: Players taking skill damage will increase all of their defensive stats for a short period.
As evident from the short preview of the kit, the Spear comes packed with skills to inflict damage across all theatres of war in Throne and Liberty. It will be interesting to see players combine Spear's passives with other two-handed weapons, like Staves, to dish out maximum damage with the popular Flash Wave skill. They could also use it to close the gap before opening up with their Greatsword combos.

The PvE potential of the Spear cannot be downplayed either. The spear is set to bring a new weakening effect called Ignite, alongside having a primarily fire-based skill set. Should the Dual Dagger's Thundercloud weaken effects stack with the standard weakened debuff, the Spear has the potential to be an extremely high DPS option for Throne and Liberty's T2 dungeons.
All that said, players should temper their expectations, as this is a brand-new weapon for all servers. There have been no balance tests conducted in the public realm; therefore, unforeseen bugs and glitches could easily be encountered during the initial days.