Tevent is one of the pinnacle PvE challenges in Throne and Liberty. It represents a daunting obstacle for even the seasoned guilds and parties of players. One of the two Archbosses currently in-game, Tevent is the manifestation of undeath, armed with attacks to deliver death unto everyone daring to engage it.
In this guide, we will attempt to break down all the necessary aspects of challenging Tevant, such as preparation, attack patterns, special mechanics, etc.
Throne and Liberty Tevent Archboss location and schedule
Tevent has a fixed spawn location inside the appropriately named Tevent Temple in the Ruins of Turayne zone. This boss spawns once every week on Wednesdays at 22:00 server time but appears as the Peace variant or the Conflict variant on alternating weeks.

The easiest way to reach Tevent Temple is by exiting via the Northeastern gate of Watcher's Post and flying down. The second route is from the Shadowed Crypt dungeon waypoint, following the road southward. The third and longest route is northward via the road from the Ruins of Turayne Waypoint.
Regardless of the paths taken, Tevent is encountered inside the temple. For the Peace variant, multiple portals spawn, each leading to a separate instance of the fight, allowing many players to engage. The conflict variant is, however, open for any guilds to conquer.
How to prepare for the Tevent Archboss in Throne and Liberty
Tevent requires no particular item or guild store purchase for a safe fight. A good rule of thumb for any Archboss fight is to be as tanky as possible. Players should eat their strongest Defense-boosting food and stock up on a few Quality Recovery Potions to have an easier time.
How to beat Tevent in Throne and Liberty: Complete Mechanics guide
The fight against Tevent is rather simple to understand. The boss has very few, well-telegraphed mechanics that can be easily dodged and mitigated by staying at range, so players with Longbow / Staff builds can happily do their rotations from relative safety. Tanks and mid-range DPS players with Crossbow and Wand kits will face the brunt of the pressure.

Throughout the fight, Tevent will launch a series of auto-attacks and a few special attacks require different methods to mitigate or cancel. These attacks are hereby detailed:
- Fury Attack: Every few auto attacks, Tevent will do either one or two overhead slams that can be blocked. These are Tevent's only Fury Attacks and have the standard Purple circle marker to denote as such.
- Gravity Slam: One of Tevent's most subtle attacks, the boss jumps up in the air and slams down on the ground, sending players up into the air — this can deal fall damage.
- Bone Growth: Occasionally, Tevent will cast three purple lines across the arena, and a second later, bones will grow out of these zones, dealing massive damage.
- Charge: Tevent will shout "Plummet to the depths of hell" and charge around the arena three times. After the third charge, it will jump back to the middle of the platform dealing massive damage.
- Lightning Blast: Very often, Tevent will hold out its right hand and cast lightning strikes upon several players. These strikes will deal massive damage and inflict a strong damage-over-time or dot effect on players.
- Shrapnel Barrage: Tevent can cast a barrage of bones around itself that deal considerable damage. Players can get hit by multiple projectiles.
Unique mechanics
Tevent's lightning attacks inflict damage over time effect on hit, which needs cleansing. Fortunately, there is a circular depression around the inner platform filled with water, which can cleanse the dot debuff. Furthermore, there are waterfalls around to aid in the debuff cleansing.

General Strategies
Tevent is relatively easy to fight as most of its high-damage attacks are well-telegraphed and have a relatively long wind-up time, giving players ample time to dodge. Here are a few tips and tricks to make the encounter easier for all classes:
- Players can easily morph into their airborne Glide Morph and negate the fall damage during the Gravity Slam.
- Tevent's Charge can be easily avoided by jumping into the water whenever the boss utters its signature phrase.
- The Gravity Slam and Charge's final slam can both be negated by jumping right before Tevent crashes down on the ground. However, the window is rather short.
- A well-timed Defense Skill usage can easily block the Lightning Strike's damage. The dot debuff will still need to be removed by jumping into the water.
- The Shrapnel Barrage is extremely dangerous for any player, regardless of class. It is highly advised to start healing as soon as the first shard hits to avoid any unfortunate deaths from shotgunning projectiles.
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