In Throne and Liberty which weapons you combo together will define your build and playstyle, so we've made a tier list of the best ones. Since there are no classes in Throne and Liberty the weapons you choose dictate almost everything about your abilities. Because you can equip two weapons and swap between them in combat, the combination you pick can also greatly alter the way you apply.
You can combine any two weapons in Throne and Liberty but some pairs are certainly better than others in the current meta. What makes a certain pair meta will also depend on the type of content you're doing and what role you're filling. A weapon combination that works very well for maximum DPS in PvE may not be very good in PvP, for example.
In this guide, we're going to explain what the best weapon combos in Throne and Liberty are, and why you should try them.
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Throne and Liberty PvE weapon combos tier list (September 2024)
1) Meta Tier

This weapon combo is currently defining the meta, if you are attempting to play at the absolute highest level then this is your pick on most occasions.
Crossbow/Dagger - If you've been following the Throne and Liberty meta, you've seen this combo being used. It's currently considered the best weapon set in the game on Korean servers, at least in PvE, and is seeing frequent meta use.
This pairing works so well due to the damage synergy between the two weapons. The crossbow is already unique in that it allows certain passives from your secondary weapon to be carried over to itself, but there's more to it than that. Both crossbow and dagger focus on high crit chance and crit damage, making them a perfect match.
When playing this build you'll typically engage by applying your Mortal Mark, teleporting to the target, and dumping any crit buffing and poison abilities from either weapon you have onto an enemy. From here, you do your best to maintain these buffs and debuffs while using your highest-damage crossbow abilities.
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2) S Tier

These weapon pairs are excellent and should fill situations that the crossbow/dagger combination cannot.
Longbow/Staff - Using Longbow and Staff together is the best option for long-range DPS gameplay. It's a very simple and effective build that will see you keeping as much distance as possible while spamming all of your abilities. As far as builds for Throne and Liberty go, this is probably the easiest of the high meta combos.
The playstyle will generally center around swapping off of staff when you are out of mana, and swapping off of longbow when it's regenerated. There are ways in which you can passively recharge mana while not having your staff equipped that you'll need to utilize.
This build is strong in both PvE and PvP but is a bit of a glass cannon in both, so you'll need to manage distance and defenses well. Thankfully grouping up with capable tank players can trivialize the difficulty of this combo.
Sword and Shield/Tome - This is one of the safest and most utility-friendly builds in the game, and sees use in both PvE and PvP. It is probably the best, and certainly safest, option for tanking in any PvE content and for survivability in PvP.

The combination of these two weapons excels at keeping you alive and generating aggro. The Sword and Shield have plenty of weapon skills in Throne and Liberty that provide utility and aggro generation, making it perfect for tanking PvE mobs. The tome conversely can apply AOE and self-healing, as well as passive healing even when unequipped. It's easy to see how these two things together can lead to a nearly invincible tank build.
When playing this you'll probably not be too focused on damage, but rather on maintaining enemy aggro in PvE, or applying pressure and creating openings in PvP.
Geatsword / Dagger - This combo is a solid pairing for any type of content, though not as specialized as some higher-tier weapons. Like the crossbow, the Greatsword will also benefit from the increased crit chance the dagger can provide.

This build is capable in PvE and PvP but may see more use in PvP due to how difficult it can be to get the build to its highest potency late game. Even so, it is a perfectly capable PvE build for those simply trying to clear content.
This build is currently seeing, and will surely continue to see, huge PvP usage due to the speed and CC ability it can have. Players using this combo are a menace to encounter if you're unprepared. They can keep up with your movement, stun you with their dagger, and slam you for huge burst damage with their greatsword. If you're seeking a melee-oriented PvP build, then this is currently your best bet in the free to play MMO Throne and Liberty.
2) A Tier

Greatsword/Sword and Shield - This is a solid pick for players who are seeking to play a tank-oriented build but feel comfortable doing more damage for added risk. If you want a safer build then you should switch your greatsword, but you will lose DPS.
This combination will see you staying on greatsword for as long as possible to maintain high DPS, and swapping to sword and shield when necessary. The sword and shield will have a lower damage output but will keep you alive during heavy damage. You can also weapon swap if your greatsword is out of cooldowns and doing so will increase your damage output.
This is also a very good build for leveling in Throne and Liberty, as it gives enough damage to fight alone and enough defense to not need a healer.
Staff/Dagger - This build is in this tier specifically for PvP gameplay, if you want a high potency PvE build then you should pair these weapons differently. The reason this build is so strong in PvP is due to the survivability that dagger can grant staff users. If you don't have ample protection from your teammates, then it may be difficult to survive running the higher-damage staff/longbow build.
By utilizing the dagger staff players can do as much damage as possible to an enemy, and then evade their attacks using teleports and invisibility. This gives you a much more guerilla style of play, wherein you will dump your staff abilities and run.
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3) B Tier

Staff/Tome - This support build will keep you decently balanced between damage capability and healing and buffing your allies. More of an off-healer than DPS or pure healer, you will stay on staff for damage and swap tome for healing when needed. There are also ways to incorporate passive healing from your tome while on staff that can keep your DPS up for longer before having to swap.
This build may see higher-tier play, more it's more likely that organized groups may request a teammate to use this if more heals are required.
Longbow/Tome - The pairing will probably see less popularity due to its lack of specialization, but generalist builds shouldn't be ignored. By running these two weapons together you will become a sort of jack-of-all-trades of support.
You can use your longbow for its cleansing abilities and damage, and swap to your tome for direct healing, buffing, and debuffing. In massive battles, it may become common to see at least a couple of players running this due to their utility alone. Even though they will not do the most damage or the most healing, they will be able to help healers sustain while helping DPS apply damage in PvE or pressure in PvP. This build can also do all of this from the safety of the backline, meaning healers will not need to waste resources on them.
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4) C Tier

Tome/Dagger - While not a bad build necessarily, this weapon combo is extremely niche and difficult to use effectively in high-tier play. The player base may one day discover more effective uses of this, but in the meantime, it will not see wide use.
This playstyle revolves around being effectively an enemy saboteur, applying constant debuffs to foes and buffs to allies, while not doing much direct damage. In very specific circumstances or with an organized group it is possible to get good mileage from this setup. In many scenarios, you may struggle to feel as though you're contributing much compared to other combos.
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