War Thunder is the premier military vehicle combat MMO. With over 2000 historically accurate military vehicles, it is the most comprehensive game of this genre. As you might expect, it features various unique-looking tanks. Tanks like the M50 Ontos, the T95, Maus, etc., look like they came out of a sci-fi movie.
In this article, we will discuss six unique-looking tanks that you can get in War Thunder.
War Thunder: 6 unique-looking tanks that you can get
1) M50 Ontos

The M50 Ontos is a Rank IV, Battle Rating 6.7 Tank Destroyer in the American ground tree. It is a small vehicle with a lot of firepower, and comes equipped with six 106 mm recoilless rifles. These give it a unique look.
All six of the rifles can be fired simultaneously, giving the M50 extreme effectiveness when facing multiple enemies at once. The rifles can fire HE grenades and HESH rounds, and they are effective against every vehicle the Ontos faces.
Although the tank destroyer has barely any armor, it is quite mobile. It has a maximum speed of 48 kmph when going forward and 16 kmph when reversing. Due to this, it is a great flanking vehicle. However, keep in mind that since the M50 only has two crew members, you will be knocked out if just one of them gets hit.
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2) T95

Situated right after the M50 in the American tech tree is the T95 super heavy tank. Just one prototype was made in real life. However, you can get this as a regular tech tree vehicle. It sits at Rank V, BR 7.0, and is one of the heaviest tanks in the game.
Players often call it the 'Doomturtle' due to its look. It is almost impervious frontally to most other tanks it faces. However, the cupola on top is weak as a well-aimed hit can one-shot the entire crew. On top of that, as it is a turret-less tank destroyer, it is vulnerable to flanking attacks. Its slow speed and mobility make it a sitting duck for most agile tanks.
3) Maus

The Maus is one of the most iconic 'Wunderwaffe' vehicles from the Second World War. It sits at Rank V, BR 7.7, and is the heaviest tank in the game. It is also one of the most armored. Armed with one 128 mm cannon and a coaxial 75 mm cannon, the firepower that the Maus brings can be overwhelming at times.
It is a special vehicle in the game as it is available for a limited time once a year. During War Thunder's anniversary every year, the Maus becomes available for research for a short time. If you have unlocked Rank V in the German ground tree, you can research it. When this tank becomes available, you just need to put a few Rp in it. After that, you can take as long as you want to research it.
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4) Object 279

The Object 279, often nicknamed the 'Moon Rover' or the 'Nuclear Tank,' is a Soviet prototype that was designed to survive nuclear blasts. This gives the tank its unique shape. It sits at Rank VI, BR 9.0, in the Soviet ground tree. However, it is not a tank that you can get easily.
The Object 279 was introduced as an event vehicle in 2020. As a result, it can only be found in the Gaijin Market. It costs over 1000 USD due to its rarity. You can try to grind out events to sell event vehicles and then use the money you earn to get this tank.
If you can acquire it, the tank is extremely enjoyable to play with as it can easily shrug off most conventional shells, and can sometimes even survive bombs dropped right next to it. However, the reload time is a bit long, at just over 11 seconds. Tanks with APFSDS rounds can easily knock you out too.
5) Object 775

The Object 775 is one of the weirdest-looking tanks in the game. It is extremely flat by default, but can get even flatter due to its pneumatic suspension. It sits at Rank VI, BR 9.3 in the Soviet tech tree.
It is surprisingly survivable, as its extreme angles can make APFSDS rounds ricochet off it. It is also very agile, reaching speeds of up to 66 kmph. Its short-barrelled 125 mm gun-launcher can only fire HE shells and ATGMs.
However, keep in mind that there are just two crew members in the tank. So, you will die if just one of them gets knocked out.
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6) Strv 103

The Strv 103 is a series of MBTs in the Swedish ground tree. There are three variants of this MBT in the game: Strv 103-0, Strv 103A, and Strv 103C. The Strv 103-0 is premium, while the other two are researchable vehicles.
The Strv 103 is a very well-known and iconic tank in the real world, as it was designed in a way that just one crew member would be able to control every aspect of the tank.
The strange shape and the extreme angle on the top of the tank make it extremely resilient to any shot fired at it from the front. However, if an enemy shoots at you from a higher position, or if you are tilted downward, the advantage of your angled hull gets nullified.
The tank has a unique feature that is called hull aiming mode, which allows you to control the direction of your gun with just your mouse. As the Strv is a turret-less tank, this mode makes it very easy to aim. You will be able to make minute adjustments to your aim, which is very hard to do in other turret-less vehicles.
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