Due to their modular nature, a Warframe Amp chart comes in handy to determine what kind of overall Amp build you can concoct. The only weaponry used in person by the Tenno Operators is an Amp, a specialized vessel to channel their innate void energy into damage. The raw output of this innate reserve of void energy can be seen after completing the Second Dream until you start the War Within quest.
The War Within quest provides your Operator a more adept way to channel the Void Beam from their hands. The starter Amp you get, called Mote Amp, is fundamentally the same.
This is granted automatically to you as a gift from the Quills when you first visit them. As the nature of a free starter gun would imply, this is the worst Amp in the game. As such, you should immediately start working on building your starter Amp.
Warframe Amp chart: All the Amp modules you can get in Cetus and Fortuna

Every open-world patch in Warframe, sans Duviri Paradox, involves factions that offer the ability to build modular equipment. For Plains of Eidolon, this was the ability to build Zaws, modular melee weapons.
The 'hidden' second faction in Cetus, called the Quills, additionally offers modularity in Amps. Similar to Zaws, Amps in Warframe can be completely customized and entitled by a player. Much like Zaws, they consist of three modules: Prism, Scaffold, and Brace.
Prisms determine the primary fire on your Amp, while the Scaffold oversees the kind of alternate fire mode you may use. The Brace is the central module for the build that determines what kind of stats your Amp will have.
The following Warframe Amp chart lists all the modules you can get from Quills in Cetus or Solaris United in Fortuna.
In the Warframe community, the numbers next to these modules in the chart, i.e., the order in which you unlock them, are used as a short form to indicate that module. For example, a 1-4-7 Amp would mean an Amp that uses the first Prism module (Raplak), the fourth Scaffold (Phahd), and the seventh brace (Certus).

To build an Amp, go to either Quill Onko in Cetus or Little Duck in Fortuna and select the 'Amp Assembly' option. Amps must be built and leveled up to 30 like a normal weapon. At this point, you can Gild it to unlock its upgraded and final stats.
Warframe Amp build for Eidolons and general use

Eidolons used to be the only focal point to test your Amps out when the Plains of Eidolon update came out. However, there are a number of other uses currently. For example, Void Angels and specters of Thrax units in Zariman missions can only be dispatched with Amp damage.
The one module with a near-unanimous winner is the Brace. Certus brace, unlockable by getting to the Rank 4 standing with Solaris United, is easily the best Brace. This is because the best way to increase your Amp damage output is through increased critical damage.
For Eidolons, the 7-7-7 Amp build (Klamora - Propa - Certus) is widely considered to be the best. The Klamora Prism makes up for its short effective range with the ability to hit multiple Eidolon limbs simultaneously, dramatically increasing your effective damage. The Propa Scaffold grants you the highest possible damage to be able to one-shot Eidolon shields.
However, Propa Scaffold can be tricky to utilize outside Eidolon fights. You will eventually need to craft 7 total Amps using at least every Prism from the Warframe Amp chart to get full Master Rank points. This gives you the opportunity to also craft a secondary mainstay Amp to keep around.
A community favorite build for general-purpose non-Eidolon encounters is 4-4-7 (Rahn - Phahd - Certus). The Rahn Prism gives you the ease of long-range hitscan automatic fire, while the Phahd Scaffold gives you a bouncing projectile that can clear a room on its own.
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