Warframe Argo and Vel is the latest weapon added to the series of Drifter melee weapons. These weapons are different as they can all be equipped on your Drifter during Duviri gameplay. There are six of these Drifter melee weapons out there, and Argo and Vel is arguably the best to use if you prefer moderate damage output spread across rapid swings with good gap closers.
Argo and Vel launches a spectral glaive that can bounce twice in Duviri by holding the special attack combo (block + heavy attack). It also features a unique mechanic in Duviri where it can replenish your special attack charge by successfully blocking either melee or projectile attacks.
How to get Argo and Vel in Warframe

Like all Drifter melee weapons in Warframe, Argo and Vel can be found in Teshin's cave in a segment dedicated to the Duviri arsenal and a target dummy. It is present on the extreme right of the row of weapon racks and can be purchased for either 250 Platinum or 80 Pathos Clamps.
Purchasing the weapon will permanently unlock it for the Drifter, and also send a copy of its blueprint for use in the Origin System. Further copies can be purchased from Cephalon Simaris for 100,000 Standing.
Warframe Argo and Vel stats: Is it the best sword and shield?
In terms of stats, Warframe Argo and Vel is arguably the best melee weapon in its class for overall DPS through raw melee powers.
- It has the highest slash weightage, critical chance, and critical multiplier of all weapons in its subclass.
- It also has the second-highest base damage among all sword and shield weapons, on par with Cobra and Crane Prime.
- The only big disadvantage is its slow attack speed.
Best Warframe Argo and Vel build 2023

Like the special combo exclusive to Drifter gameplay, the Origin System version of the Argo and Vel also has a spectral projectile attack bound to heavy attacks. However, the weapon functions best when used purely as a sword-and-board melee weapon.
It has a respectably high slash weightage, a good status chance, and a significantly high status chance. Together, these stats make it a great fit for a hybrid build with dual scaling between status and critical chance.
For this, you should use both Blood Rush and Gladiator Might to ensure you hit guaranteed orange crits at 12x Combo multiplier. While a full critical build would then slot Sacrificial Steel for a higher critical chance without combo, the hybrid build instead uses Weeping Wounds for high status chance for natural Slash procs.
The faction multiplier mod, i.e. Primed Bane mod of the faction you are going up against, increases the damage output significantly due to double-dipping damage from the Slash procs. Due to the low attack speed, you can either use Arcane Strike on your Warframe or use more native solutions like Valkyr's Warcry.