Of the three weapons added to Warframe in the Jade Shadows update, Cantare is mechanically the most interesting. These thrown daggers are deceptively strong, and the right Cantare build can lay waste to level-cap targets on Warframe's Steel Path as long as you have a group-up tool. The substance is also matched by style; testing a crit Canter build is the most fun I've had using a gimmick weapon for a while.
In this Cantare build guide, we go over how to get its blueprint, its unique trait, and how to utilize that unique trait with an optimal mod setup.
How to get Cantare in Warframe

There are two ways to get the Cantare blueprint in Warframe:
- Cantare Blueprint has a 5% chance to drop as an end-of-mission reward for successful runs of Brutus, Uranus.
- Cantare Blueprint can be purchased for 300 Vestigial Motes by talking to Ordis (Larunda Relay) and selecting 'Release Vestigial Motes'.
You must hit up the new Ascension game mode if you don't want to spend your hard-earned Plats to buy Cantare.
Once you have the Cantare blueprint, you need the following resources to craft it:
- 15,000 Credits
- 1,600 Ferrite
- 1,400 Circuits
- 600 Polymer Bundles
- 4 Argon Crystal
Also Read: How to get Vestigial Motes in Warframe
Cantare buff and Unique trait, explained
Cantare's unique trait is called 'Cantare Chorale.' The Warframe forums section mentions:
"Cantare's blades have a 300% Critical Chance when they return upon reload. Strike enemies with returning blades to activate Cantare Chorale, a buff that increases Reload Speed by 20% for allies."
This is quite complex compared to other Jade weapons, Here's a detailed breakdown:
- When you throw Cantare projectiles, they have an innate 1.25m punch through and lodge into walls and floors.
- Cantare technically has an infinite ammo pool. Rather than a regular thrown weapon reload, after you throw out six daggers (default magazine size), all daggers return to you after a delay.
- On their way back, they pierce through all enemies in their path. This is when they have a fixed (300%) critical chance, which means guaranteed Red crits (Tier 3).
Hitting enemies also gives Cantare a reload speed buff, which goes up to 40% when Jade's Ensemble is enabled. To enable Jade's Ensemble, you need to trigger all the unique buffs from Evensong, Cantare, and Harmony together.
Also Read: How to get Evensong
Warframe Cantare build with Corrosive and Cold (2-Forma)

Cantare's gimmick takes some getting used to, and it is unreliable to proc without some prior setup. When the proper build synergy is in place, though, Cantare has the highest DPS ceiling out of all three of Jade's signature weapons.
This is because Cantare has multiplicative scaling with Gun-CO, meaning a primer Sentinel like Diriga (Arc Coil) will greatly enhance its damage. Thus, in this Cantare build, we opt for a raw damage approach with Cold and Corrosive.
The Secondary Shiver Arcane is also important for this Cantare build, as we need to reliably proc Cold to get our base damage up before Galvanized Shot kicks in.
For this purpose, the Diriga sentinel weapon should be set up with a combo like Gas+Cold+Radiation - both to prime status and enhance damage through existing Cold Procs.
The more variations of procs, the higher damage amp this Cantare build will have. Due to this, we suggest using an IPS sentinel weapon like Laser Rifle and pairing it with Manifold Bond.
Mods used
- Galvanized Diffusion
- Galvanized Shot
- Lethal Torrent
- Primed Target Cracker
- Pistol Pestilence
- Anemic Agility
- Jolt
- Frostbite
- Arcane: Secondary Shiver
Other than the Cold Prime, a successful Cantare build needs a group-up tool. If you use Nautilus (Cordon) instead of Diriga, you can pick up a frame like Citrine (Prismatic Shard) or Frost to offload the priming duty to your ability.
However, with Diriga, you either need a clumping Helminth ability (Larvae, Coil Horizon, or Ensnare), or a Warframe with such an ability.
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