Fans of the Infested dart gun Tysis are surely happy with the new Techrot Encore update, introducing a shinier version aptly named Coda Tysis. The newer gun belongs to the Coda series of weapons, obtained from vanquishing the newly added Infested adversaries, the Technocyte Coda.
Like the Grineer faction's Kuva Lich and Sisters of Parvos that belong to the Corpus, these adversaries act as personalized bosses, designed to counter players with their unique combination of borrowed Warframe skills. The Technocyte Codas are unique in that they fight in duets and can summon a whole Infested boy band to beat the player.
How to get a Coda Tysis in Warframe

If firing a dart gun and slingshotting enemy corpses across the map to spread even more death and disease is your thing (weird choice but I don't judge) then obtain your own Coda Tysis from Eleanor's list of Coda weapon offerings. These offerings change with each weekly reset as well as the Valence element that comes innately.
Now, Eleanor will demand a price for selling these Coda weapons, which can be paid by spending Live Heartcells. These resources are obtained after you vanquish your active Technocyte Coda duet and are mailed to your Inbox after the final assassination mission. Bear in mind that you cannot have an active Kuva Lich or a Sister of Parvos if you want to farm a Technocyte Coda duet.
Also Read: Warframe: Best Coda Sporothrix build
Reasons to use Coda Tysis over Tysis
Now that we know how to farm your own Coda Tysis, let's discuss why even use the weapon in the first place. Coda Tysis, on paper, is marginally better than Tysis itself. When released in 2014, Tysis boasted one of the lowest Critical Chance and Critical Damage stats in the entire roster of weapons. Conversely, the gun boasted a 50% Status Chance at base, making it a status-spreading monster.
Coda Tysis maintains the inherent high Status Chance but also increases the lackluster Critical Chance and Critical Hit stats, while boosting base damage and Magazine Size slightly. The stat comparison is as follows:
- Higher base damage per projectile: 76.00 vs. 49.00 (excluding any Progenitor bonus)
- Higher Impact damage: 18 vs. 9
- Higher Puncture damage: 32 vs. 23
- Higher Slash damage: 26 vs. 17
- Higher total damage: 121.6 vs. 49 (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable)
- Higher base critical chance:13.00% vs. 3.00%
- Higher base critical multiplier: 2.00x vs. 1.50x
- Higher average damage per tap: 137.40 vs. 49.73 (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable)
- Higher burst DPS: 343.52 vs. 124.33 (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable)
- Higher sustained DPS: 294.44 vs. 97.69 (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable)
- Larger magazine: 18 vs. 11
- Higher Mastery Rank required: 17 vs. 9

As it stands, it is still better to use the Coda Tysis as a Status Chance-based weapon if this is your first Adversary weapon, given that it can absolutely flood your screen with different elemental reactions.
If I'm being completely honest, the weapon needs an additional factor to make it a viable choice in Warframe's current meta. There are far better Status damage spreading weapons and even better Primer weapons for your secondary slot. Coda Tysis will become a Mastery fodder for most players, unless someone discovers a hidden interaction that makes it a meta monster.
General build for Coda Tysis in Warframe

I promised a build for Coda Tysis, and that's what we'll discuss here. The build also assumes you'll install an Orokin Catalyst and at least five Formas for the additional Mastery XP. For this build, we'll consider taking three Madurai (V polarity), one Vazarin (D polarity), and one Naramon (Dash Polarity).
Mods used
- Galvanized Diffusion
- Accelerated Isotope
- Lethal Torrent
- Perpetual Agony
- Semi-Pistol Cannonade
- Pistol Pestilence
- Frostbite
- Primed Heated Charge
- Lethal Momentum - Exilus
Considering the Arcane of choice, there is no better option than the Secondary Encumber to further play into the Status reaction gameplay.
Check out our other Warframe guides and articles:
- Warframe Tenet weapon tier list
- Warframe Incarnon weapon tier list
- Warframe Kuva weapon tier list
- All new Arcanes in Warframe Techrot Encore
- All new Warframe Augment mods in Techrot Encore
- All quality-of-life changes in Warframe Techrot Encore
- Ash rework details in Warframe Techrot Encore