Panzer Vulpaphyla or Vulpaphylas, in general, are the Infestation's response to the Kavat companions of the Tenno. These vulpine creatures can be rescued and revived to serve as player companions, and they bring their special flair to combat. Armed with sharp claws and toxic quills, Panzer Vulpaphylas are tailor-made to spread as much status procs and chaos as possible.
This guide will outline the best Vulpaphyla components, how to use them, and an endgame-viable build perfect for general use.
How to obtain a Panzer Vulpaphyla in Warframe?
The first step to obtaining a Panzer Vulpaphyla is to catch one in the wild. Players can catch a Vulpaphyla by roaming the Cambion Drifts until they hear an animal call and look with their tranq gun. The other method is to use an animal lure from Son and capture one through the conservation mechanic.
Regardless of the capture method, your objective is to find a Panzer Vulpaphyla either roaming or fighting the infested. Upon tracking one down, use the tranq gun to subdue the target. Note that a headshot will immediately put it to sleep, bodyshots will take time and might spook off the animal, in which case you'll have to start over again.

After a successful capture, you'll obtain a Weakened Vulpaphyla, which will need revivification. This process requires an Antigen and a Mutagen. These components determine the defensive sub-stats and the initial polarity of the companion. Antigens and Mutagens must be crafted, and the crafting components are farmed through activities in Cambion Drift, like fishing, scavenging, mining, etc.
There are four choices for Mutagens, which are:
Likewise, there are only four Antigens available, which are detailed below:
Since you need only one of each to begin the revivification process, you can start with as low as 2500 standing or go as high as 12000, which is a bit much. We suggest taking Phijar Mutagen and Desus Antigen, as Toxin and Viral resistances go a long way for your companion's survival, but other choices are okay also.
1-Forma Panzer Vulpaphyla build guide

Before explaining the mod choice, players should note that mod placement determines the order of companion skill usage. Therefore, the topmost mods in this picture determine the first two mods in the placement order.
Furthermore, after leveling a Vulpaphyla or other modular companions to level 30 for the first time, you can gild them to obtain mastery rank and an additional polarity. Therefore, this picture indicates three polarities, of which Desus Mutagen is giving Vazarin (D-shape), we have chosen Naramon (horizontal bar-shape) from gilding, and the Madurai polarity (V-shape) from the single Forma.
Mods used:
- Viral Quills
- Martyr Symbiosis
- Panzer Devolution
- Fetch
- Bite
- Calculated Redirection
- Animal Instinct
- Pack Leader
- Reinforced Bond
- Tenacious Bond
Viral Quills, Martyr Symbiosis, and Panzer Devolution are your Vulpaphyla's tools of the trade. Viral Quills allow Panzer Vulpaphyla to act as a viral primer, while Martyr Symbiosis and Panzer Devolution help your companion keep itself and you alive. Fetch and Bite are general options to help you kill enemies and maintain some active combat presence by themselves.
Calculated Redirection boosts the shield value of your companion, while Reinforced Bond hands Overshields to your precious Vulpaphyla. Tenacious Bond adds a critical damage multiplier to your weapons. Pack Leader allows you to heal and provide Overguard to your companion through melee attacks and is helpful in quickly filling your Vulpaphyla's health pool.
Animal Instinct is a quality-of-life mod and can be changed for other mods like Hastened Deflection or Contagious Bond.
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