Dual Viciss, a dual-sword recently released with the Techrot Encore update, is Warframe's first melee weapon with innate Gas damage. This factor single-handedly makes it one of the most uniquely powerful mobbing weapons thanks to Melee Influence. On top of it, Dual Viciss comes front-loaded with great stats to boot.
This pair of Scaldra scissors may not look as bombastic as the new Coda Motovore or Coda Pathocyst, but it can absolutely keep up with them in terms of performance, as long as you have the right setup.
In this guide, we'll go over the best Dual Viciss build to group, reap, and sow through absolutely any content, including Steel Path level-cap.
How to get Dual Viciss in Warframe

To get the Dual Viciss, you have to be at least Rank 5 (Pizza Party) with The Hex syndicate in Hollvania. Afterward, you can talk to Minerva to buy the components and main blueprint for the Dual Viciss for a total of 35,000 Standing.
There are no other sources to get this weapon in-game other than buying it via Platinum. No enemies or missions drop it, nor are its parts tradeable. However, this may change in the future.
Best Dual Viciss build in Warframe, and how it works

I have gone four-digit levels deep into Steel Path Cascade with Dual Viciss, and my build is not even maxed out. Thus far, I am rolling with just a single-Forma build, so there's a little room for further min-maxing (which I will discuss).
Mods used:
- Stance: Carving Mantis
- Exilus Slot: Empty (optionally Dreamer's Wrath)
- Galvanized Elementalist (D forma)
- Weeping Wounds
- Organ Shatter
- Condition Overload
- Blood Rush
- Gladiator Might
- Bane mod for chosen faction for double-dip status damage, or (Primed) Pressure Point
- Voltaic Strike
Arcanes and further build setup
The centerpiece for this build, as you may have guessed, is Melee Influence (ideally Rank 5). The CliffNotes version of how it works is once you proc Electricity, you have a 20% chance to get the Influence buff. For the duration of this buff, all status procs from your melee weapon are replicated to all enemies within a wide radius, and the procs inherit full damage scaling from your mod setup.
With the Dual Viciss, you get innate Gas and modded Electricity (needed for Influence in the first place), two of the best elements for quadratic scaling. It also has respectable base crit and status, so you can simply do hybrid scaling with Blod Rush and Weeping Wounds to be a whirlwind of death at max combo.
Other than Melee Influence, the second big thing you need is a status-primer, and then a tertiary need for group-up tools. Both of these can be achieved with a Nautilus modded for status-spreading through Manifold Bond.
However, if you don't want a secondary Viral primer, you can also get rid of the Bane (Smite) mod and Gladiator Might, replace them with Cold and Toxin 60-60 mods, and put Electricity at the end.

You can also do Blast+Electricity this way, which basically gets you all the good quadratic-scaling status effects.
If you choose to unlock Exilus Slot, spending two more Forma gets you the chance to do Primed Smite mod and Dreamer's Wrath for a free heavy attack once in a while. Another easy way to do Heavy Attacks is Galvanized Reflex + Focus Energy, which has a much faster ramp-up, allowing you to spam it.
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