The first hotfix for Warframe's Techrot Encore update is already underway a few hours after release. The first hotfix after a major patch is meant to weed out outlying bugs with new content, and 38.5.1 is no different. Notably, it fixes a common crash for players trying to farm Antivirus mods from the related bounty missions, which was creating a phantom bounty that would cause a CTD.
Without further ado, here are the full patch notes for Warframe hotfix 38.5.1.
All changes in Warframe hotfix 38.5.1

The first fix could possibly affect an extremely niche minority of Warframe veterans in the LR5 Rank: the maximum loadout slot number has been increased by one. This increase was missed for the launch of Temple, even though the maximum Loadout Slot is typically increased alongside each new Warframe release.
- Downed Technocyte Coda will now have an invulnerable health bar to make it clear if they are downed or not in the Final Showdown.
- Temple's Pyrotechnics now also targets nearby enemies instead of only enemies around your reticle.
- Updated Temple's Ripper Wail ability description to clarify that extra heat damage is only applied when enemies are hit on the Backbeat.
- Now reads: Ally's weapons in Affinity Range are lit-up with extra Heat Damage each time an ability is used on the Backbeat and successfully hits enemies.
- Updated Parazon pop-up to clarify that Potency Mods can only be placed in the top row.
- Made adjustments to Velimir's idle animation.
Top Fixes:
- Fixed returning to Höllvania Central Mall after completing an Antivirus Bounty Mission resulting in a "zombie" Antivirus Bounty mission being available. Attempting to play this Bounty would cause players to crash.
- Fixed boosters applying to Beating Heartstrings rewards at the end of Stage Defense rotations.
- Fixed Optimism, Old Pizza, and It Sees You Peely Pix not granting Pix Chips on Round completion in Temporal Archimedea.
- Fixed incorrect drop rates for Potency Mods.
- For a full look at the intended drop rates, please visit our official drop tables.
- Fixed receiving only duplicate stickers from Peely Paks earned from Temporal Archimedea Reward Pools.
- Fixed a script error resulting in crashes or loss of function when changing values on a slider if the Numerical Separator setting is not set to "1,000.00".
- This addresses issues with the Stardust Signa and Sigils, for example.
- Fixed missing Legendary Rank 5 Slate.
- Players who attained Legendary Rank 5 between Techrot Encore's launch and this hotfix will receive their Slate via a script in a future hotfix.
- Fixed rare cases of certain player accounts being unable to login.
- This was patched live at around 12:30pm ET today, but we're calling out in patch notes in case you were affected and haven't tried logging in since!
Offset & Cosmetic Fixes:
- Fixed Lycanblight Shoulder Armor causing Aoi, Arthur, and Flare Gemini Skins to have bad hair days.
- Fixed various offset issues with the Jagger Bolt Shoulder Armor.
- Fixes towards offset issues with the Chymerist Drifter Suit.
- Fixed permanent yellow tint on the Energy channel of the Stormfall Operator/Drifter Suit.
- Fixed missing cyst offset for Temple.
- Fixed various offset issues for the Gyre Vortengeist Skin.
- Fixed various Emblem offset issues on Temple.
- Fixed various offset issues on the Minerva and Velimir Gemini skins.
- Fixed an issue with Temple where certain Gemini-specific tints might stick when swapping back and forth between their Gemini and default skin.
- Fixed incorrect tints on Rusalka's Braid in the Scaldra Lookie market diorama.
- Fixed the Repeat Mission button not working for missions in Höllvania.
- Fixed PHs appearing in "Kill Enemies with Finishers" Bounty Condition, Antivirus Mod Drop locations in the Codex, Swap Sticker option in Peely Pix Displays, the on-hover Höllars description the Pause Menu, and the "Hide Equipped" setting in the Trading Menu.
- Fixed text string appearing when attempting to equip Arcanes on an Exalted Weapon that you don't have applicable Arcanes for.
- Fixed Hell-Scrubber mission in Temporal Archimedea incorrectly listing Scaldra as the faction in the on-hover mission pop-up.
- Fixed Scaldra Harbinger weapon not appearing as a missile launcher if it spawned with one due to the Balloon-Fest Risk Variation in Temporal Archimedea.
- Fixed Stage Defense mission in Temporal Archimedea being in Winter instead of Spring.
- Fixed broken HUD after a certain fight in The Hex Quest.
- Fixed moving Ludoplex decoration resulting in players being unable to interact with it until they move it again.
- Fixed cases of Technocyte Coda introduction transmissions blocking HUD elements.
- Fixed various missing on-hover tooltips in the Technocyte Coda menu.
- Fixed orb left by Wisp's Cataclysmic Gate Augment not dissolving properly once the effect ends.
- Fixed "Installed Mod exceeds capacity" pop-up appearing for Exalted Melee Weapons when upgrading a Mod in the Mod Menu when it reduces the total capacity below 10 (instead of actually exceeding it).
- Fixed Antivirus Mod bundle having the wrong icon for ByteRyte Mod.
- Fixed a crash in Hell-Scrubber Temporal Archimedea missions.
- Fixed a crash after a significant time idling in The Round Table section of Höllvania Central Mall.
- Fixed a Script Error caused by Atlas' Landslide if two Altases are present.
- Fixed a script error caused by Zeke's tendrils.
- Fixed a script error when stabbing an Adversary.
- Fixed a crash related to the "It Sees You" Peely Pix if applied to a Temporal Archimedea mission.
- Fixed a script error caused by Baruuk's Serene Storm.
- Fixed a script error related to the new Quick Select mod selector tool.
- Fixed a script error in Faceoff missions.
- Fixed a script error in the Technocyte Coda Showdown mission.
Missed Notes from 38.5:
These changes were implemented in Techrot Encore, but the Warframe Techrot Encore patch notes for 38.5 left them out:
- Fixed offset issues with the Nimandi Prime on Loki.
- Fixed Arca Plasmor projectiles bouncing off of Frost's Snowglobes when multiple are stacked on top of one another.
- Fixed Tromyzon Entroplasma's description having the wrong fishing location listed. Now correctly states that they are found in Orb Vallis Hotposts during Cold weather.
- Fixed Void Angel attacks and portals pulling Inaros out of his Passive and causing loss of function.
- Fixed Elemental Augment Mods (ex: Shock Trooper) not boosting Status Effect damage.
Check out our other guides on the game:
- All Warframes tier list
- Warframe Incarnon weapons tier list
- Warframe Kuva weapons tier list
- All Coda weapons in Warframe
- All new Arcanes in Warframe Techrot Encore, and how to get them
- Warframe Technocyte Coda hunt guide
- Best weapons in Warframe for each Mastery Rank