Baruuk is coming out as a big winner of the pseudo-exalted rework in Warframe, so there's no time like the present to get it if you already haven't. The expression of the Monk class fantasy in this game, Baruuk can not only withstand a lot of punishment but also deal a tremendous amount of damage. However, do note that Baruuk particularly shines in solo play and is hard to utilize fully with an active squad.
In this guide, we'll go over the different ways you can get the Baruuk Warframe.
All the ways you can get Baruuk in Warframe

The main way to obtain Baruuk's Warframe component blueprints is via the Vox Solaris syndicate vendor in Fortuna, Venus. To get these, you have to switch to Operator/Drifter, go to the Backroom (follow the hallway right behind Eudico), talk to Little Duck, and select Browse Wares.
This requires you to have completed the Vox Solaris quest beforehand. Furthermore, you must also reach at least Rank 3 (Hand) with Vox Solaris to be able to purchase all the blueprints.
Buying all the blueprints will cost a total of 20,000 Standing:
- Baruuk Main Blueprint - 5,000 Standing
- Baruuk Neuroptics Blueprint - 5,000 Standing
- Baruuk Chassis Blueprint - 5,000 Standing
- Baruuk Systems Blueprint - 5,000 Standing
You'll need a lot of Vega, Calda, and Sola Toroids to reach Rank 3 and turn in Rank-up offerings, and also some more as crafting requirements for Baruuk's Warframe component blueprints. These can be easily farmed from the Profit Taker boss in Warframe. Alternatively, you can farm the Toroids en masse from various Corpus depots in the Orb Vallis.
The Circuit
Baruuk is also one of the Warframes you can get from the regular Circuit after you beat the Duviri Paradox quest. He appears as a potential pick during Week 11. However, you'll still need the Toroids to craft Baruuk, as mentioned earlier.
Should you buy Baruuk from the Market?
Finally, you also have the option to purchase Baruuk from the Market for 325 Platinums, which comes with a Warframe Slot and a pre-installed Orokin Reactor (meaning the actual cost is 285 Plats). Personally, I believe it's not worth getting Baruuk this way, as the grind to get him yourself is not that hard.
We would instead advise you to get Baruuk Prime's parts via p2p trading, which should cost less, saving you quite a fair amount of Plats. The only advantage of the regular Warframe over Prime here is you can get Lull as a Helminth ability, which does not provide anything uniquely high-value.
Check out our other guides on the game:
- All Warframes tier list
- Warframe Incarnon weapons tier list
- Warframe Kuva weapons tier list
- Best weapons in Warframe for each Mastery Rank