Unlike many of the new Warframes released of late, you can get Koumei pretty early on in the game. Blueprints of her parts are obtainable from a new mission type in Cetus that's pretty beginner-friendly. This will let a much larger part of the playerbase enjoy the new Dice-Maiden (definitely-not-spider-frame), and farming her is easy thanks to a pity system.
Like all Warframes, you can buy off Koumei by shelling out Platinum. However, if you want to craft her for free, we have you covered.
How to farm for Koumei in Warframe
To get Koumei's components in Warframe, you have to grind the new Shrine Defense mission (Saya's Visions, Earth). Completing this has a 4.09% chance of dropping any of Koumei's three component blueprints, as well as her main blueprint. The components are:
- Koumei Chassis Blueprint
- Koumei Neuroptics Blueprint
- Koumei Systems Blueprint
How to unlock Shrine Defense mode
To unlock Saya's Visions, there are only two prerequisites:
- Complete the "Once Awake" starter quest.
- Complete the "Saya's Vigil" quest.
As mentioned earlier, most players will likely already have completed these if they've progressed past the early-game stage.
Load into Cetus and fast travel to Konzu and Saya (the character who gives Cetus bounties). Select the “Saya’s Visions” option. Afterward, you can follow the waypoint to visit the new statue of Koumei near the town. Completing this activity once, adds it to a standalone node on Earth, so you can farm it from there.

This mission has Infested hordes, so if you are a beginner player, make use of Heat and Slash damage. Atomos is a great early-game low-MR weapon that has innate Heat, for example. However, you can also just use max-rank Elemental damage mods to add more Heat damage to any weapon.
How to get and use Fate Pearls (Koumei pity system)

Since the drop chances of Koumei components are quite low on Saya's Vigil, farming a full set in this way may take dozens of attempts. Thankfully, there's a pity system you can make use of. Shrine Defense completions will give you 14-18 Fate Pearls (20-24 on Steel Path).

Fate Pearls can be used to buy Koumei component blueprints from the shrine in Cetus. To get there quickly, use the fast travel Gear Wheel (Q) in Cetus. A sum of 330 Fate Pearls is needed to craft a full Koumei set:
Check out our other guides on the game:
- All Warframes tier list
- Everything we know about Warframe 1999
- Incarnon weapons tier list
- Kuva weapons tier list