Warframe offers players a wide range of weapons through various missions and events. One of the best guns in the game is Imperator Vandal, a heavy-machine Archwing weapon. One can acquire it through a recurring event called the Balor Fomorian event. The gun has an astonishing fire rate and can help players easily take down swarms of enemies.
While the Imperator Vanda is a fantastic weapon, players must know its build and how to use it. This guide details everything one needs to know about Imperator Vandal in Warframe.
How to get Imperator Vandal in Warframe

Imperator Vandal is a rare weapon in Warframe and can only be found in an uncommon event called the Balor Fomorian event. The event consists of an Archwing mission called Formorian Balor Core. This mission requires players to defend the Earth by destroying the core of a ship and reaching a safe distance before it explodes.
While there are layers of the ship that players have to destroy before reaching its core, this Warframe mission can be completed quickly. Completing this mission can take up to 5 minutes if the mechanism is familiar.
After completion, players will be awarded with a certain loot. The drop combines Imperator Vandal components, Endo, and Archwing mods. There is no certainty of what one receives; players must complete the mission multiple times before getting all the Imperator Vandal components, as they have about a 10% drop rate.
All mission drops
- Imperator Vandal Blueprint
- Imperator Vandal Barrel
- Imperator Vandal Receiver
- Endo (400)
- Archwing Mods
Best mods of Imperator Vandal in Warframe

Imperator Vandal has significant critical damage and a great fire rate but lacks base damage. While choosing mods for this weapon, Warframe players must focus on increasing its damage. Rubedo-Lined Barrel and Sabot Rounds can be excellent for enhancing base damage. One can also add Dual Rounds for multishot since this mod increases the number of shots fired without consuming extra ammo.
While the gun already has good critical damage, players can increase it for extra damage. Mods like Hollowed bullets, Critical focus, and Parallax Scope can be excellent for this purpose. Imperator Vandal has a great fire rate but requires around 16 shots before it reaches its maximum potential. One can increase its fire rate by adding Automatic Trigger to the build.
Warframe players must add mods with elemental damage to the weapon, as they can be beneficial during multiple battle scenarios depending on the opponents. While one can change these mods depending on who they're against, some of the best recommendations are Charged Bullets, Contamminating Casing, Hypothermic Shell, Magma Chamber, and Electrified Barrel.
Although these are some of the best recommendations for Imperator Vandal, players can experiment with different mods and have fun.