Warframe Incarnon Boar perfectly demonstrates the transformative power that the Incarnon Genesis system plays when it comes to weapons. Obtainable very early on in the game, the Boar is canonically the first Tenno auto-shotgun. Although it is quite good for the Mastery Rank 2 range it is intended for, it quickly loses potency halfway into clearing the Origin system star chart. Even the enhanced stats on its primed variant make it middling at best. That is where the Incarnon Genesis upgrade comes in. This upgrade not only gives the gun an overall facelift by buffing its stats but also introduces a completely new firing mode.
The Incarnon mode can easily be activated via the alternate fire key once the device has gathered enough charge (which has to be done by landing headshots). In this mode, the Boar becomes a beam weapon that seeks out multiple targets while chaining to additional secondary targets, much like the Ocucor. Although a common enough gimmick with Genesis weapons, the Boar's is the only beam that is capable of splitting at the source.
Warframe Incarnon Boar location and crafting
Like all Incarnon Genesis weapons in Warframe, the Incarnon Boar requires its specific Adapter, which can be farmed on the fourth weekly rotation (Rotation D) of Steel Path Circuit Mode rewards.
If you miss this rotation, you can either wait a few weeks for it to appear again, or you can purchase it off Cavalero for 150 Platinum.
The Adapter can be implanted on all variants of Boar, but the best in-slot option is the Boar Prime. The blueprint and components of the same can be farmed by cracking its specific Void Relics.
Warframe Incarnon Boar mod build (2023)
There are some behavioral peculiarities with the Incarnon Boar's tri-beam. Firstly, the point at which its beam splits is inconsistent and often splits and converges on a single target if there aren't others nearby. Secondly, and more importantly, the beam has a homing property that makes it difficult to land precise headshots.
Despite the forced body-shot handicap, the Incarnon Boar's critical build far outperforms the pure status build. For the biggest bang for your buck, you can aim for a hybrid build by taking the Critical Parallel Evolution IV perk and then using a Galvanized Savvy to occasionally capitalize on the Heat damage of the beam.
The meta Viral Elemental combination coupled with Hunter Munitions yields the best results when using this weapon as it sends the critical chance on it to over 100%. This lets the weapon scale well into Steel Path missions, even without the Incarnon mode.
Additionally, since Galvanized Savvy and Evolution II perks take care of the gun's damage output, the bonus Multishot granted by Shotgun Vendetta goes a long way in making the tri-beams of the Incarnon mode even stronger.