Hate, alongside Dread and Despair, are the signature weaponry used by the Stalker in Warframe. One of the final vestiges of the old Orokin guardian force, the Stalker, is a highly iconic figure in the game. Naturally, its iconic weapons are also coveted additions to one's arsenal. Unlike the new fanservice Stalker mock-up frame added for the Circuit, the Stalker weapons truly live up to their reputation.
While the secondary Despair leaves much to be desired, the primary weapon Dread and the melee Hate once used to be tier-list toppers in Warframe's meta. The gear bloat with the game's current 500-odd assortment of armaments, however, has made them somewhat dated in comparison.
The Incarnon Genesis upgrades to these legacy weapons are Digital Extreme's attempt to bring them back in line with their former glory.
Warframe Incarnon Hate drop location and crafting guide

Like all weapons tied to the Incarnon Genesis system, you will require both, the regular Hate melee as well as the specific Incarnon Adapter needed to build Warframe Incarnon Hate.
Hate drops from the Stalker (and Shadow Stalker, its higher-level variant) with a 5.5% drop chance, the same as Despair. After the Stalker drops its blueprint, you can craft it like any melee weapon.
The only way to farm the Hate blueprint is by enforcing Stalker encounter conditions. Doing Assassination missions successfully may incur a mark of death from the Stalker.
A party where all players are marked for death by the Stalker still only has a 3.5% chance to spawn in an eligible scenario. However, you can guarantee this encounter with the Stalker Beacon purchased from Baro Ki'Teer.
The Hate Incarnon Genesis, on the other hand, only has to be farmed from the Steel Path Circuit mode. The only caveat is that the Incarnon Genesis Adapters are available on a weekly rotation, so you might have to wait for its turn to appear first.
Once you select it, the Incarnon Hate will appear as a guaranteed drop on the 5th or 10th tier of Circuit Progress rewards, depending on the priority of your selection. The Adapter in the inventory can then be installed on to Hate anytime by visiting Cavalero in Chrysalith, Zariman Ten-Zero. Note that this installation also has an additional cost of Pathos Clamps and other Duviri resources.
Warframe Incarnon Hate mods and evolution tree build in 2023

Warframe Incarnon Hate is a highly critical-based weapon. The most obvious build is further bolstering its already powerful base critical chance with the Absolute Valor perk.
The Hate can then be played as a heavy-attack Slash proc trigger on short notice. The Scythe stances all have built-in forced Slash procs on heavy attacks, which benefit from the enhanced critical chance from Sacrificial mods for high-damage red crits.
Alternately, if you must use it as your main weapon, the Hate can be built for its Incarnon mode, where a critical-status hybrid scaling build would be viable. For this, you should replace Sacrificial Steel with Blood Rush and incorporate Weeping Wounds as well as a viral elemental combination into your build.