Warframe Kuva weapons tier list: All Kuva Lich weapons ranked

Warframe Kuva wepaons tier
Kuva weapons are still quite strong in Warframe (Image via Digital Extremes)

Warframe's Kuva weapons are a worthy addition to any enterprising Tenno's arsenal - and this comprehensive tier list will attempt to rank them all. Kuva weapons are the first school of weaponry with a 'progenitor bonus' in Warframe, a base damage overhead to help them outperform regular models. The majority of them are also powerful variants of those that already exist.


The original set of Kuva weapons soon became trendsetters for the meta since Warframe: Old Blood, their debut patch. However, there have been many patches since then, and the goalpost for the game's attainable power ceiling has moved in 2024.

While these weapons come with high power ceilings at the maximum rank of 40, it takes five Formas to reach that point. This WarfrRame tier list for Kuva weapons will help you decide which of them are the most worthy of the Forma sink.


Disclaimer: This tier list serves as a broad parameter for a weapon's overall peak performance. Even though these are considered the best Kuva weapons in Warframe, your mileage may vary based on personal preference.

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Kuva Ogris is arguably best area-of-effect weapon in the game for Sorties and other dailies (Image via Digital Extremes)
Kuva Ogris is arguably best area-of-effect weapon in the game for Sorties and other dailies (Image via Digital Extremes)

The best of the best. Despite the competition from Incarnon Genesis weapons, Kuva weaponry can still break the Top 10 in Warframe in terms of popularity. The following weapons are why Lich-hunting is still relevant even for late-game players.

  • Kuva Nukor: A significant upgrade over the original Grineer beam sidearm, Kuva Nukor is just as deserving of the S-tier status as it was two years ago. This weapon can serve as a status primer, or as a tool to microwave enemies by itself if the build is right.
  • Kuva Zarr: The meta-defining GOAT of boom-and-zoom weapons. The ammo nerfs hit this cannon hard, but it is still viable if you prop it up with things like Energized Munitions or the Carrier Sentinel.
  • Kuva Hind: Kuva Hind is a by-the-numbers assault rifle with good critical stats and good Slash weightage. It is good enough to outperform a Soma or Baza Prime - but these days, it is easily outdone by Incarnon bullet-hose options. However, its high Riven disposition still leaves it enough room
  • Kuva Ogris: There are two reasons that the Kuva Ogris is on this tier. Firstly, it has the highest area of effect out of the boom-and-zoom Kuva weapons. Secondly, Nightwatch Napalm gives it roughly twice as much DPS, easily making it one of the best options to deal with trash mobs in daily missions - as long as you keep feeding it ammo.
  • Kuva Chakkhurr: One of the most underrated weapons, the Kuva Chakkhurr is essentially a sniper without a scope. It has the highest critical chance of all non-Incarnon weapons, and in the hands of a Warframe like Mag or Nova, it easily rivals some of the meta Incarnon weapons in terms of area-clearing capabilities.


Kuva Kohm is the best bullet-hose Kuva weapon - once you get to full spool, that is (Image via Digital Extremes)
Kuva Kohm is the best bullet-hose Kuva weapon - once you get to full spool, that is (Image via Digital Extremes)

These weapons are not quite strong enough to break into the S-tier. Nonetheless, these can still become top-tier once you offset their weaknesses with different forms of padding, one god-roll Riven at a time.

  • Kuva Kohm: The original Kohm was one of the strongest weapons in pre-Galvanized mods era. The Kuva Kohm's numbers are better on paper, but its use case is hindered by its small ammo pool, and also its reliance on the spool-up mechanic.
  • Kuva Karak: An assault rifle, and a direct downgrade from Kuva Hind.
  • Kuva Sobek: Kuva Sobek is the long-awaited upgrade to one of Warframe's most iconic shotguns. All of Sobek's augments work on this, and the Nightwave Vol 6 also introduced a brand-new powerful one. By default, Kuva Sobek is a good auto-shotgun as long as you are running a heat progenitor and relying on the DoT. However, if you use an Acid Shells build and run it with Saryn, Kuva Sobek easily ascends to an instant S-tier Kuva weapon in Warframe.
  • Kuva Tonkor: An underrated explosive grenade launcher that is unfortunately overshadowed by Kuva Zarr, which has more flexibility with the Barrage Mode.
  • Kuva Grattler: This is arguably the best Archgun in the game, but the limited use case of Archguns and Heavy weapons, in general, does not warrant it more than an A-tier placement.
  • Kuva Bramma: Originally a direct competitor of Kuva Zarr, Kuva Bramma unfortunately got hit the hardest from the ammo nerfs to area damage weapons.


Liches have interesting names sometimes - but the Kuva Hek itself is more interesting (Image via Warframe Forums)
Liches have interesting names sometimes - but the Kuva Hek itself is more interesting (Image via Warframe Forums)

These weapons are either good only in one niche or have obvious superior alternatives among the other Kuva weapons in Warframe.

  • Kuva Hek: Kuva Hek only shines in damage attenuation niches - which currently include Liches, Sisters, and Archons. Unfortunately, more weapons are viable for Archon Hunts now, decreasing the importance of this shotgun.
  • Kuva Quartakk: Even at point-blank range, it is only on par with Kuva Hind. That is not a good statistic for a weapon with linear damage falloff.
  • Kuva Ayanga: Just use Kuva Grattler.
  • Kuva Twin Stubbas: A bullet-hose secondary that does decently for single-targets, but nothing noteworthy.
  • Kuva Brakk: A good single-target sidearm, but suffers from the single-target sidearm syndrome: they don't offer much else on the table.


The only melee Kuva weapon is unfortunately underwhelming (Image via Warframe Fortums)
The only melee Kuva weapon is unfortunately underwhelming (Image via Warframe Fortums)

These are little more than Mastery-fodder. While we're on the topic, bad Kuva weapons in Warframe make for rather expensive Mastery fodder, as you need to use up five Formas to squeeze out the mastery.

  • Kuva Shideg: As the unfortunate result of being a hammer-class weapon, Kuva Shideg does not have much to offer.
  • Kuva Drakgoon: The charge-time mechanic guts this weapon's useability.
  • Kuva Kraken: Underwhelming single-target sidearm that has better competitors even without using Incarnon options.


  • Kuva Seer: The mighty Seer, now infested with the blood of the queens. It does decently for a single-target sidearm, but your overactive teammates will probably beat you to your target. The radial corrosive damage is a nice touch, but not enough to put it on anything more than B-tier.

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Edited by Abu Amjad Khan
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