Warframe Temporal Archimedea guide: Requirements, mechanics, and rewards

warframe temporal archimedea guide
Temporal Archimedea is now the de-facto pinnacle content with highest base level (Image via Digital Extremes)

Temporal Archimedea is a new variant of the Deep Archimedea game mode in Warframe. Introduced in the Techrot Encore update, this is the same as the Entrati Lab's Archimedia, reskinned to fit Warframe 1999 content. However, with some new debuffs and gimmicks, more lucrative rewards, and a new set of mini-buffs called Peely Pix, Temporal Archimedea is the more fun and rewarding variant.


The comparison here is relevant because you are essentially forced to pick between the Elite form of the two. Elite Temporal Archimedea requires two Search Pulses to enter, same as Elite Deep Archimedea, and you only have five Pulses to work with every week.

Here's everything you need to know about Warframe's Temporal Archimedea, the pinnacle 1999 content. Even if you've never done the older Deep Archimedea missions introduced in 2023, don't worry — we'll explain everything in detail.


How to unlock Temporal Archimedea in Warframe

Temporal Archimedea requires some syndicate grind (Image via Digital Extremes)
Temporal Archimedea requires some syndicate grind (Image via Digital Extremes)

Being pertinent to Warframe 1999 content, the Temporal Archimedea mode is accessible only from Hollvania. To reach this point, you must progress the main story of the game till you have beaten The Hex quest. Afterwards, you have to reach at least Rank 5 (Pizza Party) with The Hex syndicate.


Once you've reached Rank 5 with The Hex, you can go to Kaya Velasco in Hollvania Central Mall, found behind the concert stage to enter the Temporal Archimedea menu.

How does Temporal Archimedea work in Warframe?

Temporal Archimedea is a series of three Warframe missions that you must complete in tandem without changing your loadout. There are a few things that make this out to be the de-facto difficult endgame content, the same as other Archimedea modes, starting with its hardcore death mechanic.


Death and Revival

When you die during a Temporal Archimedea mission (after your bleedout timer runs out), you cannot self-revive. Furthermore, being revived by another player will progressively shorten your bleedout timer if you're downed again. Entering Last Gasp mode with the Drifter/Operator will further reduce your Bleedout timer by two seconds.

Resurgence Tokens: Once a player in your squad is dead, enemies will occasionally drop Resurgence Tokens. A player who is alive can pick up five of these to go to a terminal and hack it. Successfully hacking it will revive a nearby fallen player.


Mortis Strikes: Each dead player will receive a Mortis Strike for three cumulative minutes of remaining fully dead. Acquiring three Mortis Strikes will make that player ineligible for any further mission rewards. Revival does not reset the Mortis Strike timer. Nine minutes of cumulative death time means three Mortis Strikes.

You will still receive rewards from all missions cleared before the point you received the third Mortis Strike.

All Temporal Archimedea mission types and Deviations

Deviations in Temporal Archimedea (Image via Digital Extremes)
Deviations in Temporal Archimedea (Image via Digital Extremes)

Each Hollvania mission type will have uniquely enhanced difficulty gimmicks during a Temporal Archimedea run in Warframe. These are called Mission Deviations, and each mission will always come with one Deviation compatible with it.


Exterminate Escalation

  • Cache Crash: Consequences of opening a Supply Cache are active from the start and will intensify if the Supply Cache is opened. Failure to open a Supply Cache doubles the kill count required to finish the mission.
  • Sealed Armor: Enemies take 90% less damage from non-weak point hits.

Hellscrub (10 Minutes)

  • Hold Your Breath: The entire region deals Toxin damage over time, increasing the longer players remain, except in the vicinity of Hell-Scrubbers. Some enemies may drop filters that create additional, static temporary safe zones.
  • Pile-On: Techrot enemies attempt to melee attack Hell-Scrubbers, bursting on contact and increasing scrubber contamination by 25%.
  • Sporogenesis: Techrot Tumors appear near Hell-Scrubbers, increasing the rate of life support decay with each active tumor.
  • Timer Reduction: An unusual Babau periodically appears. If killed, it drops a Scaldra device which destroys a Hell-Scrubber, awarding no life support but reducing the mission timer.

Legacyte Harvest (3 Captures)

  • Mitosis: Two Legacytes spawn each round and twice as many captures are needed for success.
  • Growth Hormones: Legacytes are more powerful with each generation but take longer to escape.
  • Parallel Evolution: As the Legacyte evolves other enemies present also gain new abilities.


  • Reinforcements: Reinforcements will arrive during the fight; first Scaldra, then Techrot.
  • Toxic Tank: The tank has a Toxin aura, leaves Toxin trails, and its attacks all deal Toxin damage.
  • Thermian Plating: Only Thermian RPGs can damage the tank. Reinforcements that carry Thermian RPGs will arrive during the fight.

Defense (6 Waves)

  • Noise Suppression: Drones fly above Flare, spraying them with Efervon gas.
  • Miasmite Mash: Enemies drop Miasmites on death that immediately rush Flare.
  • Vamp Rock: Flare creates a field that disrupts player abilities while draining energy to boost Flare's health. Flare slowly loses health when no players are in range.

Other universal modifiers that always apply regardless of mission type:

  • More Eximus units spawn than usual.
  • Enemies have increased defenses. The increment is 100% when solo, with each squad member adding 50% more, up to 300%.
  • Each Restore item has a 3-minute cooldown timer attached, regardless of Restore item size.

There is also another mechanic unique to Hell-Scrub during Temporal Archimedea. An unusual Babau periodically appears. If killed, it drops a Scaldra device to use on a Hell-Scrubber, awarding no life support but reducing the mission timer.

Risk Variables

Risk Variables in Temporal Archimedea (Image via Digital Extremes)
Risk Variables in Temporal Archimedea (Image via Digital Extremes)

In addition to a mission-specific Deviation, all missions come with a random Risk Variable. These are not necessarily always negative — they can either empower enemies, buff or debuff Warframes and weapons, or introduce new mechanics to spice things up.

  • Temporal Arcihmedea has one Risk Variable per mission.
  • Elite Temporal Archimedea has two Risk Variables per mission.

Here are all the possible Risk Variables in Temporal Archimedea:

  • Hostile Regeneration: Enemy health slowly regenerates.
  • Vampyric Liminus: Slow moving, immortal, Duviri Liminus drain health and energy from allies who get too close.
  • Bolstered Belligerents: All enemies have Overguard equal to 50% of their max health.
  • Fortified Foes: Guardian Eximus units may be encountered, including Guardian Eximus Necramechs.
  • Myopic Munitions: Enemies will only take damage if a player is within 15m of them.
  • Postmortal Surges: Slain enemies explode with Void energy.
  • Bold Venture: Enemies move and attack 15% faster. They also take 15% more damage and deal 15% less damage.
  • Entanglement: Allies within 4m of slain enemies endure reduced Movement Speed and Parkour Velocity.
  • Devil's Bargain: Allies within 4m of slain enemies gain +25% Fire Rate at the cost of -50% Ammo Efficiency.
  • Balloonfest: Scaldra Harbinger balloons are more numerous, and attack and move more quickly.
  • Artillery Beacons: When killed, Scaldra troops drop artillery beacons that summon bombardments.
  • Corrupted Flesh: Techrot enemies are infused with Efervon and take damage over time. They explode when killed and leave behind deadly Efervon in their wake.
  • Competition Streak: Random negative effects from Amir and Aoi's "Faceoff" mode will be applied throughout the mission.
  • Miasmite Swarm: Techrot Miasmites swarm out of the shadows throughout the mission.
  • Dense Fog: Efervon gas blankets the level. Enemies may drop filters that can provide a temporary reprieve.
  • It’s Alive: Within the underground, hostile overgrowths will attack if players stop moving.
  • Techrot Speed Run: All enemies are replaced with Techrot and move much faster.
  • Scaldra Speed Run: All enemies are replaced with Scaldra and move much faster.
  • Heavy Warfare: Enemies take 90% less damage from non-heavy weapons. Enemies will drop heavy ammo packs and heavy weapon recall time reduced to 5 sec.
  • Arcade Automata: Enemy guns launch large, slow moving orbs instead of their usual ordnance.
  • Beyond The Wall: Murmur enemies join ranks with Scaldra and the Techrot.

Deviations and Risk Variables are random afflictions that are incurred on each weekly reset, and you don't have any control over these. However, you do have control over additional debuffs you can take on, called Individual Paramters — which you'll want to do in order to get more rewards out of one Temporal Archimedea run.

Individual parameters: Loadout modifiers

Loadout Paramters (Image via Digital Extremes)
Loadout Paramters (Image via Digital Extremes)

To the left of the mission list on the Temporal Archimedea screen, you can see a set of possible loadouts. These will give you a choice of three Warframes, three primaries, three secondaries, and three melee weapons. Taking any of these highlighted Warframes or equipments into the Archimedea grants +1 Research Point per completed mission.


Individual parameters: Personal modifiers

In addition to Loadout Modifiers, you will be presented with four Personal Modifiers each week. These are four toggleable debuffs that are randomized during the weekly reset. Each selected debuff gives you +1 Research Point per completed mission.

Here are all the debuffs that can roll for Warframe's Temporal Archimedea mode:

  • Gear Embargo: Gear cannot be used.
  • Powerless: All Abilities are disabled until you kill 50 enemies.
  • Secondary Wounds: Gain 1 Puncture Status Effect every time you take damage.
  • Lethargic Shields: Shield recharge delay increased 500%
  • Ammo Deficit: Ammo restored by drops and gear is reduced 75%
  • Abbreviated Abilities: Ability durations reduced by 50%.
  • Transference Distortion: Transference into Operator and Drifter is blocked.
  • Framecurse Syndrome: Activating an Ability inflicts 50 damage upon you.
  • Knifestep Syndrome: Lose 2 Health when moving. Jumping pauses the effect.
  • Energy Exhaustion: Lose 2 Energy per second for each enemy within 10 meters of you.
  • Exposed: Your armor is reduced to 0.
  • Untreatable: Pickups do not heal, and Health Orbs cannot be picked up.
  • Ability Overload: Using an Ability opens a Void Rift on top of you.
  • Undersupplied: Max Ammo on all weapons is reduced by -75%.
  • Constricted: Max Energy is reduced by 75%.
  • Hypersensitive: Duration of negative Status Effects is tripled
  • Dull Blades: Melee weapon combo count chance is reduced by 50%.
  • Permanent Injury: Max health reduced each time health damage is taken
  • Dropped Guard: Warframe and ally Overguard gain reduced by 75%.

Why would you want to stack these debuffs? Because they grant more Research Points, which we'll discuss now.

Warframe Temporal Archimedea rewards and Research Points, explained

Temporal Archimedea rewards are dependent on max Research Points gathered in a week (Image via Digital Extremes)
Temporal Archimedea rewards are dependent on max Research Points gathered in a week (Image via Digital Extremes)

The key in Warframe's Archimedea modes is to earn the highest Research Points possible in a single run. As represented by the bar at the bottom of the Temporal Archimedea screen, more Research Points unlock incremental reward tiers for your successful runs.


Research Points don't work in a cumulative manner. In one Temporal Archimedea run, only the Research Points gathered during that run will determine what reward pool you will be eligible for.

However, once you do a successful run with 25 or more Research Points, the Elite Temporal Archimedea mode is permanently unlocked — which lets you rack up the highest amount of Points per run.

How to get more Research Points

Here's a table showing how you can get more Research Points in one Archimedea run:

ConditionResearch Points (per mission)Research Points (for clearing all three missions)
Clearing missions in Temporal Archimedea+1+3
Clearing all three missions in Elite Temporal Archimedea
Loadout Modifiers+1 each, up to +4+3 each, up to +12
Personal Modifiers+1 each, up to +4+3 each, up to +12

In the regular Temporal Archimedea, you can get up to 27 Research Points; but in the Elite mode, you can get up to 37 Research Points.

How does reward distribution work in Temporal Archimedea?

Temporal Archimedea offers you a much higher amount of rewards compared to other weekly content in Warframe, like Archon Hunts and Netracells. However, there are two rules you need to know about how reward distribution works here:

  • You get rewards based on specific Research Point thresholds reached with runs
  • Each week, you can only get one of these threshold rewards once. This means if you clear the 37 Research Points threshold, you cannot get any more Temporal Archimedea drops before the next weekly reset.

Now, for the actual rewards.

All rewards obtainable from Warframe's Temporal Archimedea mode

The following table shows specific Research Thresholds you can hit to get the related loot pack. Each of these thresholds only drops one possible item from the related loot pool.

Research PointsThreshold RewardPossible Drop
5Silver Cache
Arcane Escapist, Arcane Hot Shot, Arcane Universal Fallout, Elemental Vice, Omni Forma Blueprint, Crimson Archon Shard, Azure Archon Shard, Amber Archon Shard, Tauforged Crimson Archon Shard, Tauforged Azure Archon Shard, OR Tauforged Amber Archon Shard
10Silver Cache
Arcane Escapist, Arcane Hot Shot, Arcane Universal Fallout, Elemental Vice, Omni Forma Blueprint, Crimson Archon Shard, Azure Archon Shard, Amber Archon Shard, Tauforged Crimson Archon Shard, Tauforged Azure Archon Shard, OR Tauforged Amber Archon Shard
15Peely Pix Pack
3x Peely Pix Stickers; Duplicates for Chromatic Peely Pix grants a Pix Chip instead
20Gold Cache
Arcane Escapist, Arcane Hot Shot, Arcane Universal Fallout, Elemental Vice, Omni Forma Blueprint, Crimson Archon Shard, Azure Archon Shard, Amber Archon Shard, Tauforged Crimson Archon Shard, Tauforged Azure Archon Shard, Tauforged Amber Archon Shard, Emerald Archon Shard, Topaz Archon Shard, Violet Archon Shard, Tauforged Emerald Archon Shard, Tauforged Topaz Archon Shard, OR Tauforged Violet Archon Shard
28Pix Chip Pack
6x Pix Chips: Can be used to purchase things from Kaya Valesco
31Gold Cache
Arcane Escapist, Arcane Hot Shot, Arcane Universal Fallout, Elemental Vice, Omni Forma Blueprint, Crimson Archon Shard, Azure Archon Shard, Amber Archon Shard, Tauforged Crimson Archon Shard, Tauforged Azure Archon Shard, Tauforged Amber Archon Shard, Emerald Archon Shard, Topaz Archon Shard, Violet Archon Shard, Tauforged Emerald Archon Shard, Tauforged Topaz Archon Shard, OR Tauforged Violet Archon Shard
34Diamond Rewards
Arcane Escapist, Arcane Hot Shot, Arcane Universal Fallout, Omni Forma Blueprint, Tauforged Crimson Archon Shard, Tauforged Azure Archon Shard, Tauforged Amber Archon Shard, Tauforged Emerald Archon Shard, Tauforged Topaz Archon Shard, OR Tauforged Violet Archon Shard
37Second Pix Chip Pack
9x Pix Chips: Can be used to purchase things from Kaya Valesco

What are Peely Pix?

Peely Pix are a mechanic unique to the Temporal variant of Archimedea mode in Warframe. They are basically stickers you can attach to individual Temporal Archimedea missions to gain minor buffs.

Five random Peely Pix Stickers will be granted to you after you unlock your first Temporal Archimedea run with Search Pulses. Afterwards, more can be gained by reaching 15 Research Points in a run and from Kaya Valesco's vendor inventory.


Additional copies of a Peely Pix Sticker can be used to upgrade it to Sparkly and Chromatic rarities, same as upgrading Arcanes.

That's all about Temporal Archimedea in Warframe. Check out our other guides on the game:

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Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh
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