Trumna Prime, the upgrade to an already underrated ad-clear weapon, is one of Warframe's best non-Incarnon primaries right now. Ironically, its gimmick is somewhat similar to Incarnons, requiring you to build up charges for a devastating alt-fire that elevates the Trumna above other high-base damage assault rifles.
Released with the Xaku Prime Access in Warframe recently, the Trumna Prime packs a meaner punch with some additional stats over the original. However, the tricks of the trade remain the same: Trumna Prime shines with the same builds and synergies. We'll discuss that further in this guide.
What advantage does Trumna Prime have over the original Trumna in Warframe?

Other than the more Orokin-stylized look, Trumna's stats under the hood are just an overall upgrade over the original. Specifically, it has:
- Much higher Magazine Capacity (250 on Prime vs 200 on regular)
- Better Reload Speed (4s on Prime vs 5s on regular)
- Higher Crit Multiplier on primary fire (2.4x on Prime vs 2.2x on regular)
- Higher Status Chance on primary fire (34% on Prime vs 30% on regular)
- Marginally higher base damage on primary fire (3 more Impact damage)
- Higher base damage on alt-fire radial attack (1,150 Fire damage on Prime vs 1,000 on regular)
In other words, it's a no-brainer replacement for the original Trumna, not accounting for the fact that the Prime is much easier to craft. However, there is one limitation: Riven mods. Those who have a good Trumna Riven should stick with the original for now, as the low Riven Disposition on the Prime is barely slot-efficient even on a god-roll.
Best Trumna Prime build for Warframe Steel Path (4/5 Forma)
Trumna Prime is not exactly the best at killing Demolisher units in a Disruption (try Quassus Prime for that). However, it has high enough base damage that it's great at killing Acolytes and clearing out mobs for general gameplay, specifically if you run it with a clump-up frame.

The main thing to note about Trumna Prime is its alt-fire functionality. Simply put, every five kills fill up a secondary fire meter to let loose a grenade that can bounce multiple times and detonates upon contact with an enemy, dealing damage in a huge AoE.
Due to its AoE specialist nature, a Corrosive+Blast build is arguably the best Trumna Prime build in Warframe. For this, we set up a corrosive 60-60 Elemental combo that also pumps up our status chance. Afterward, we add in a Cold mod, which combines with the base heat damage to form Blast.
However, you can switch around this build's Elemental setup by not committing a Forma for the Primed Cryo Round and going with Rime Rounds instead. The 60-60 Elementals will then be the flex slots between loadouts, where you can use separate combos for different factions.
Arcane Used: Primary Merciless (you can use Primary Blight for a Blast+Toxin setup against Corpus alternatively).
Mods used:
- Exilus Slot: Stabilizer / Aerial Ace
- Galvanized Chamber
- Serration / Amalgam Serration
- Critical Delay
- Vital Sense
- Malignant Force
- High Voltage
- Primed Cryo Rounds / Rime Rounds
- Primed Shred (regular Shred is not worthwhile, as the Fire Rate is needed)
Notable Warframe Synergies with Trumna Prime
Firstly, you can get a lot more out of Trumna Prime by slotting in primary-friendly Arcanes on your Warframe, such as Arcane Rage or Arcane Acceleration. Further obvious synergies are weapon-platform abilities such as Roar, Eclipse, or Nourish (Viral damage).
A big Warframe synergy to note with Trumna Prime is with Zephyr. Tornadoes are great for building up your alt-fire, but they can also be instantly built up with kills from your alt-fire. For this to work, your grenade must travel at least 28 meters before enemy contact, at which point it has the intended application of damage separately on all Tornadoes in its AoE.
In all closed tilesets, this would mean either trying a trick shot to bounce it off the ceiling or maintaining just enough distance for the projectile to travel 28 meters before it explodes.
Check out our other guides on the game:
- All Warframes tier list
- Everything we know about Warframe 1999
- Warframe Incarnon weapons tier list
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- All Warframe Twitch drops this week
- Best stat-stick weapons in Warframe