Warframe's Abyss of Dagath update introduces the eponymous 54th unique Warframe, Dagath. As with a few previous interim updates like Lua's Prey and Citrine's Last Wish, this update also introduced a new mission type tied to a new resource that must be acquired to obtain the new Warframe and gear. This time around, this new resource is called Vainthorn.
In Warframe, Vainthorns are the "rare thorn of an extinct rose" used in Orokin Defixios. You will require 182 to build all the equipment that requires Vainthorn as a crafting requirement in the game.
In the current patch, this only includes the Warframe Dagath and her signature Blade-and-Whip weapon, Dorrclave.
Warframe Abyssal Beacon: Source and uses

Logging into the game after installing the Abyss of Dagath update will prompt you with a message from Lotus informing you about a call for help from Syndicates. Syndicates have sent covert teams to raid Grineer galleons rumored to carry Orokin Defixios, curse tablets plundered from the archaeological dig site of Villa Irilia.
Your mission is to recover these Defixios, for which the Syndicate will return you the Vainthorn contained within. To accept this mission, you will first need to purchase the "Abyssal Beacon" item from any of the following six Syndicates:
- Arbiters of Hexis
- Cephalon Suda
- Steel Meridian
- New Loka
- Red Veil
- The Perrin Sequence
Abyssal Beacons cost 5,000 Standing each, irrespective of which Syndicate you purchase it from. They unlock a new node called "Abyssal Zone" on Ceres, available both for the Origin System (lvl 40-45) and the Steel Path (lvl 140-145).
Warframe Vainthorn drop location and farming details

To obtain Vainthorn, you must complete the Abyssal Zone mission on Ceres. Each visit to this node costs one Abyssal Beacon. If you are hosting a squad, the Abyssal Beacon is only consumed from the host's inventory, akin to the old Void Key sharing system.
Vainthorn can only be extracted from the Defixios found within the Abyssal Zone galleon, and it is automatically handed to you once you beat it successfully. The mission works out essentially like an Extermination, with the following added conditions:
- You have to deliver the Defixio to the extraction point as a side objective.
- Once you clear out one-third of the required number of Grineer targets, the mission turns into an Eximus stronghold, meaning you can also farm Riven Slivers here.
- Completing the mission gives you 7-9 Vainthorns in normal mode and 8-12 Vainthorns for Steel Path mode.
- The number of Vainthorns is not boosted by Resources Boosters.
You can find several captured Syndicate agents throughout the galleon, marked with a blue icon on the minimap. Rescuing them gives you a general indication of where you may locate the Deixio.
Picking up the Defixio essentially functions like Power Cells, except they grant you one of the following debuffs when held:
- Phantom Curse: Reduced Gravity.
- Scarcity Curse: Automatic ammo decay and slower recharge for battery weapons.
- Echo Curse: Casting abilities damage you by a flat amount.
- Hunter Curse: Moving damages you, and jumping temporarily disables the debuff.
- Exposure Curse: You have zero shields.
- Blood Curse: Like the Vampire Mode Nightmare mission debuff, Health automatically depletes, and you can kill enemies to replenish it.
- Weariness Curse: Energy drains steadily, akin to Financial Stress from the Index.
- Shadow Curse: Your light source dims steadily. Melee kills brighten it.
The most efficient way to do this mission is to pick up and deliver the Deixio at your earliest convenience, revealing the extraction point. You can then camp on this spot to clear out extraction targets as required.
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