Vesper 77 is the new sidearm introduced with the Warframe 1999 update. Similar to the mods, this secondary semi-auto wonder attempts to nudge the meta further toward precision weaponry. Like the AX-52 primary, it also has a bonus on weak point hits: you get +40% Critical Damage on all headshots. To make things easier, aiming the weapon also marks the weak points with a reticle straight out of Virtua Cop.
In this build guide for Vesper 77, we'll go over how to utilize its stats to make a precision weapon viable for Warframe's level cap.
Warframe Vesper 77 stats: What is it good for?

From a cursory look at Vesper 77's unique trait, it's easy to tell it goes into the precision weapon bucket with a focus on crits. It does have decent status chance, but that's more of a secondary add-on and not functional for a Heat-inherit setup. The base damage is a 40-60 split between Impact and Puncture, so the small amount of Puncture procs also helps with a raw-damage approach.
Best Vesper 77 build in Warframe: Mods and Arcane
As thoroughly established, Vesper 77 leans heavily into the identity of a precision weapon. Thus, the call you need to make here is between using the new mod Pistol Acuity and modding for multishot.
While Pistol Acuity outright disables multishot, it presents a much higher damage ceiling, which is precisely the use case for Vesper 77.
The following build costs 5 Forma:
- Exilus Slot: Steady Hands — Grants Recoil reduction
- Galvanized Crosshairs — For high-tier Crits when the stacks are up
- Pistol Acuity — Extra weak point damage, which is what you're gunning for anyway
- Sharpened Bullets — You stay aimed in with this build, so this is a good critical damage multiplier on top
- Primed Target Cracker — Unconditional Critical Multiplier
- Creeping Bullseye — Unconditional Critical Chance, the fire rate penalty is not received due to cannonade
- Primed Convulsion — For some additional Elemental Damage on top of modded base damage
- Primed Expel mod — Change according to what faction you'll be facing; there's no double-dipping, but it's still more damage
- Deep Freeze or Magnetic Might — Both grant Magnetic for extra Overguard damage
The Primed Convulsion slot is the spot for a potential Riven Mod. However, due to the low Riven Disposition, we would advise against it, as of this writing.
The Arcane of choice is also obvious: Secondary Deadhead. You are going for the kill shot on weak points with this weapon, so it's much faster to get your Arcane stacks with Deadhead.
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