As headliners of the 'Angels of the Zariman' update, Warframe's Void Angels make for the toughest encounters you can find on the Zariman Ten-Zero. The in-game lore shows them as the spiritual remnants of those who died during the Zariman disaster, corrupted by the song of the Void. They can occasionally be found lodged into the walls of the Zariman ship.
Ravenous Void Angels, a variant of this boss, must be fought in the Void Armageddon game mode as part of the mission objective. On the other hand, you can also find the regular variant in any Zariman mission: Dormant Void Angels. Other than a side-objective for Zariman bounties and Operations like Gargoyle's Cry, these are the only source of the Voidplume Pinion resource.
How to find Dormant Void Angels in Warframe

All nodes of Zariman Ten-Zero, whether you load into them directly or take a bounty from Quinn, will have a Dormant Void Angel tucked away in a corner somewhere.
While they may sometimes take a while to find, their placement is not completely random. They always spawn in one or two possible fixed locations in each Zariman tile type; hunting them down gets easier with more familiarity.

The easiest way to find them is to take the "Wake and Banish" bounty from Quinn in Chrysalith. This bounty has the side objective of awakening a Dormant Void Angel, marking them with a pointer.
- If you don't find this bounty, wait till the bounties refresh.
- Bounty rotations refresh in 150 minutes, and you can get the Void Angel side objective on any of the five bounties.
- Void Angels have a 50% chance to drop a Zariman Arcane, making them a good source for farming these Arcanes.
Warframe Void Angel boss guide: Best weapons and Amp for Void Angels

Like many of Warframe's bosses, Void Angels must be defeated by engaging with their unique boss mechanics. First, you can chip away at their tripartite health pool with a high single-target DPS weapon such as Felarx. Other options include:
- Laetum
- Kuva Hek
- Knell Prime
- Zaws with the Exodia Contagion Arcane
In the Steel Path mode, usage of Warframe abilities with armor-stripping capabilities is recommended. After you deplete each health segment, the Void Angel will go into an invulnerable state, and a spherical portal will open up next to them.
As an Operator or Drifter, you can go into the Ethereal plane through this portal to face the Void Angel's Ethereal form, which must be defeated with an Amp. Standard Eidolon Amp builds also work here, but the Raplak Prism (1-x-7 Amp) has an edge due to its high range.
The easiest way to kill the Void Angel's Ethereal form, however, is the Madurai Focus school. The Void Strike perk, when used alongside the Eternal Onslaught Amp Arcane, gives you enough damage to kill it off before any of the defensive mechanisms kick in.
Warframe Voidplume Pinion farming tips

Once defeated, the Void Angel has a guaranteed Voidplume Pinion drop you can pick up. However, this cannot be duplicated by any means, such as resource boosters or loot-duplication abilities like Nekros' Desecrate. It is also a squad-wide pickup, meaning one squad member can chase down the Void Angel while the rest accomplish the primary objective of the mission.
If you can get the 'Wake and Banish' objective on a fast mission type like Exterminate, you can farm a Voidplume Pinion every 5 minutes with a premade squad.