The Rust September update will go live on Thursday, September 5, 2024. Players are anticipating the release of the brand-new force wipe, as the latest Staging Branch showcase indicates that the September update will feature the biggest additions in Rust for 2024. The new force wipe might switch up the progression meta in the game, starting from new biome changes to a range of other procedural map updates.
This article will provide players with a detailed brief on the Rust September update.
All expected changes in the Rust September update
The Rust September update is expected to roll out the following changes:
New biomes
According to the Staging Branch showcase by SHADOWFRAX, a popular playtester for the title, Rust will potentially feature new biomes in the game. Better yet, they will not have preset designs but will feature unique architecture across different servers.

The brand-new biomes and the map changes they will bring alongside this update will all be procedurally generated with each map wipe and map update. Each server will have its own rendition of the new biomes and the terrestrial updates that come alongside it.
As evident from the Staging Branch, players can expect the development of oases, lakes, new mountains, and even creeks and canyons with the September update. Furthermore, players could also be allowed to explore and create their bases in these locations, providing a great quality-of-life change to the game.
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Changes to animals
The latest update will also bring massive changes to Wolves and how they function in the game. These animals have been buggy since they were reworked back in 2020. The update will incorporate changes to how they function individually and as a pack.
Wolves will now be inflicted with fear status whenever players use incendiary items, such as torches and campfires, around them. Furthermore, wolf packs will no longer be attracted to the cries of injured wolves, but will instead be repulsed by it.
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Wallpapers have been teased by the developers for a while, and the Staging Branch showcase confirms their arrival with the upcoming update. The latest update will bring forth a total of 26 new wallpapers. However, it is unknown whether they will be part of some DLC or merely collectible in-game content.
That's all there is to know about the Rust September update. Also, check out the link below: