World of Warcraft is an expansive MMO that offers myriad classes for players to choose from. It possesses strong lore and attracts many newcomers owing to frequent content-rich updates. Selecting a particular class can be a daunting task for new players, owing to each of them consisting of unique abilities and advantages.
World of Warcraft also features a staggering number of Races to choose from. While seasoned players won’t have much difficulty in aligning with a particular race for their chosen class, the majority of beginners can feel overwhelmed by the task. Such fans can benefit from this tier list.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and the tier list solely reflects the writer’s opinions.
Which are the best World of Warcraft Races for Hunter?
World of Warcraft offers enticing classes for players to opt for, with Hunters being one of them. This class can enable one to resort to both ranged and melee combat. The ability to have pets by their side adds to the appeal of choosing this class.
Fortunately, there are various Races one can opt for to align with this versatile class. While the impact of selecting any race is minimal, one can avail some robust attributes in the long run. You can check out this article that ranks all the classes based on their difficulty.

The following are some of the most effective Races for the Hunter class:
- Dark Iron Dwarf
- Troll
- Orcs
- Dwarf
- Blood Elf
- Night Elf
You will benefit from Races like Dark Iron Dwarf and Trolls. The former possesses the Fireblood racial trait that eradicates any debuffs. Trolls, on the other hand, can improve mobility in Hunter class owing to the Da Voodoo shuffle trait. You can check out this guide on how to easily unlock Allied Races.

The following Races also work well with Hunter class:
- Void Elf
- Human
- Draenei
- Tauren
- Worgen
- Highmountain Tauren
The Human Race is ideal for beginners and offers great racial traits like Diplomacy and Will To Survive. Such players can refer to this article on how to get started in World of Worldcraft in 2023. For enhanced mobility for Hunter, you can opt for Void Elf and leverage its Spatial Rift trait to teleport away from enemies.

One can explore these Races for their Hunter:
- Vulpera
- Zandalari Troll
- Goblin
- Mechagnome
- Mag'har Orc
Vulpera can be relied upon for their myriad tricks and resistance to fire damage. Players inclined to focus on health regeneration can try out the Zandalari Troll race. Those interested in defeating foes faster can leverage Goblin’s Time is Money trait.

These are some of the least effective Races:
- Kul Tiran
- Lightforged Draenei
- Nightborne
- Pandaren
- Undead
- Gnome
Kul Tiran is not a bad Race on its own but can lack effectiveness in long-range combat since its strength lies in the Haymaker trait. Despite possessing great mobility due to traits like Escape Artist and Nimble Fingers, the Gnome Race can fall short in the survivability aspect. If you're inquisitive about the best Races, you can delve into this article outlining the best Dragonflight Races for every class.
World of Warcraft is one of the most popular franchises with a strong and vocal fan base. The same can be evidenced by the LEGO mosaics of iconic characters created by one avid player of this MMO.