World of Warcraft players can now unlock the Man'ari Eredar Draenei customization in-game. While most of the content for this patch, including Night Elf and Forsaken heritage armor, dropped on patch day, this demonic customization option came out a few days later. Unlocking on September 12, 2023, players who meet the requirements can complete a short quest chain, which offers quite a few interesting rewards.
In addition to simply unlocking a new skin tone, players will also be granted an achievement, and new several weapon cosmetics can be purchased. Here’s what you need in order to completely unlock the Man'ari Eredar Draenei customization in World of Warcraft.
How to unlock the Man'ari Eredar Draenei customization in World of Warcraft
Thankfully, it’s quite easy to begin this quest chain in World of Warcraft. If you want to unlock the Seeing Red achievement, and the Man'ari Eredar Draenei customization, you need to first meet the simple requirements below.
That’s right, you only need to be a level 70 character. It's not known if you need a level 70 Draenei at all, but many players are reporting they completed it on the Horde side.
To start this quest, you’ll need to head to Stormwind (coordinates 77, 36) or Orgrimmar (coordinates 72, 44), and accept the quest Prophecy Stirs. This will start a quest that leads you to the Vindicator to speak with Prophet Velen. To those unfamiliar, this will be an area from the Legion expansion.
The purpose of the quest chain is focused around Prophet Velen and Chief Hatuun of the Broken. Velen wishes to see the Broken rejoin the Draenei, and perhaps they will finally see eye to eye in the end. We won’t spoil the quests, but below is the list you’ll need to complete to become a demon.
Quest chain:
- Prophecy Stirs
- Uncertainty
- Opening Wounds
- Contrition
- Severing Ties
- Proof and Promise
- Epilogue
It’s an emotionally impactful quest chain, and the end result is worth viewing. Even if you have no desire to play a Man’ari Draenei in World of Warcraft, it’s a quest worth seeking out if you play Draenei at all.
Rewards for completing Man'ari Eredar Draenei customization quest in World of Warcraft
Upon completing this quest chain in World of Warcraft, you’ll unlock the Man'ari Eredar Draenei customization options for your account. Thankfully, it’s not something that will 100% require you to create a new character - though you can, if you’d like.
In addition to the new cosmetic options, you’ll unlock a new merchant in Krokuun - Gaal. This Blacksmith will forge some very cool items for you with a Draenei look, but they aren’t going to come free.
However, this merchant isn’t account-bound, so it’s recommended you do this on a character that has your Veiled Argunite already stored away. That way, you have to do less farming after unlocking the Man'ari Eredar look.
New cosmetics and items:
- Lightforged Seeker (Ranged - Bow): 50 Empyrium, 30 Fiendish Leather, 90 Veiled Argunite.
- Eredath Crystal Hammer (One-Hand Mace): 75 Lightweave Cloth, 15 Argulite, 90 Veiled Argunite.
- Arinor Ritual Baton (One-Handed Mace): 50 Astral Glory, 40 Fiendish Leather, 90 Veiled Argunite.
- Anchorite’s Sorrow (One-Handed Dagger): 40 Astral Glory, 5 Labradorite, 90 Veiled Argunite.
- Recovered Kaarinos Blade (One-Handed Sword): 50 Empyrium, 15 Labradorite, 90 Veiled Argunite.
- Velenite Claymore (Two-Handed Sword): 100 Empyrium, 5 Argulite, 90 Veiled Argunite.
- Ancient Soulpriest’s Staff (Two-Handed Staff): 75 Lightweave Cloth, 15 Argulite, 90 Veiled Argunite.
- Telaasti Mining Pick (One-Handed Axe): 75 Empyrium, 5 FLorid Malachite, 90 Veiled Argunite.
- Path of the Naaru (Toy): 90 Lightweave Cloth, 90 Empyrium, 900 Veiled Argunite.
Thankfully, most of this can be bought with Primal Sargerite, if you have some lying around. In particular, you can head to Maras, in Krokuun, Eredath, or Antoran Wastes. If you want all the World of Warcraft transmogs, it will cost you 659 Primarl Sargerite, and 720 Veiled Argunite.
If you also want the toy, which acts as another Hearthstone, you need another 18 Primal Sargerite and 900 Veiled Argunite.
Completion of the above quests is the only requirement for the Man'ari Eredar Draenei customization. You don’t have to farm those cosmetic weapons if that’s not something you want to do. Either way, you’ll have an incredible new look for current and future Draenei that arrived as a part of the 10.1.7 update.