World of Warcraft The War Within is going to keep Dragonriding around, in the form of Skyriding. There will be some major changes to it, to make it more accessible, and to let people have the control they want over how they fly throughout the upcoming MMO expansion. This particular update will take place during the July 23, 2024 Pre-Patch, which heralds the arrival of The War Within as an expansion.
For the most part, Skyriding will be the same as Dragonriding, but there are some noteworthy changes that players will want to know about before diving in. Thankfully, World of Warcraft The War Within fans won’t have to wait until August to use Skyriding, either.
What’s changing with Skyriding in World of Warcraft The War Within?

World of Warcraft The War Within will officially change Dragonriding into Skyriding. Typically, major systems added in an expansion get abandoned once the players move on to new content, but that’s not the case with The War Within. It proved popular enough to keep it in as a feature going forward.
Players will have access to two types of flight: Steady Flight (normal flying) and Skyriding. Both will be available in most areas right off the bat. Dragonflight zones will need Steady Flight to be unlocked, which was added in the World of Warcraft Dragonflight 10.2 update. When you arrive in Khaz Algar for The War Within, you will have Skyriding as well. Steady Flight will unlock at maximum level.
The Skyriding Talent Tree has also been adjusted, with several abilities being removed and several being merged into others. Instead of 20 Dragonriding skills, there will be 11 Skyriding skills in World of Warcraft The War Within. This will make getting access to the various abilities much easier.
Also read: 5 ways to get ready for WoW The War Within
In addition, Skyriding Glyphs will also return, with 38 across the expansion: 10 on the Isle of Dorn and Hollow, and nine in Ringing Deeps and Azj-Kahet. Naturally, this also means there will be achievements for unlocking all of them. Many of your favorite mounts will also be a part of this system: 464, to be exact. You will also be able to change between Steady Flight and Skyriding via a button in the Mount Journal.
Another interesting part of flight in World of Warcraft The War Within, several of the mount speeds and levels will change. This will enter the game once the Pre-Patch launches on July 23, 2024. Apprentice Riding (60% speed) is being removed permanently. In addition, flight speeds have increased significantly for both Expert and Master Riding Levels. Players will unlock the following speeds at new levels:
- Journeyman Riding: Level 10 (100% Ground Speed)
- Expert Riding: Level 20 (220% Steady Flight Speed)
- Master Riding: Level 30 (420% Steady Flight Speed).
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