World of Warcraft and RuneScape represent the “good old days” of MMOs. World of Warcraft showed up to evolve beyond the walls of what EverQuest had built, and RuneScape’s development actually started as a MUD - Multi-user dungeon - a text-based MMO. However, they wound up adding graphics, making it technically speaking, a graphical MUD.
No two MMOs are really alike though. Whether we’re talking about World of Warcraft, RuneScape, Guild Wars 2, or Star Wars: The Old Republic. There may be similarities, but what about the differences?
This article focuses on RuneScape and WoW, and some pretty major ways that they’re different. This doesn’t make one game better than the other, mind. Both games have die-hard, dedicated fanbases.
NOTE: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.
What are the major differences between World of Warcraft and RuneScape?
1) World of Warcraft uses a class-based system, whereas RuneScape uses a more open, skill-system

When it comes to character growth, World of Warcraft and RuneScape could not be any more different. WoW has always used a class-based system, though, in the early days, it did use skill points for the weapons stats. That was done away with a few expansions later, leaving only the professions something that had skill levels to improve in.
Each class functions differently from the others, with unique abilities, and a trio of specializations to try. This is being expanded further with the Hero Talents coming in The War Within. Conversely, you have no character classes in RuneScape. The whole idea is you have one character, and the in-game activities you take part in increase your various skills.
There are 29 skills total, with free-to-play players getting access to most of these. They can be incredibly grindy, but that’s part of what makes an MMO. It’s a real achievement to cap out some of these.
2) Graphically, World of Warcraft and RuneScape are incredibly different

Both World of Warcraft and RuneScape have been accused of being “dated” visually, and perhaps that’s more fair to Jagex’s MMO than Blizzard’s. Both games have been updated visually though. There are still fans of the classic RS look and feel though, leading to OSRS - OldSchool RuneScape. That said, Jagex’s game is still pretty blocky and stiff-looking.
Both games have a classic fantasy look, but WoW looks significantly more polished than the other MMO. Both games have certainly come a long way from where they started, and interestingly enough, both communities have a die-hard fanbase that longs for the old days, leading to the immensely popular WoW Classic, which is currently in its Cataclysm phase.
3) Combat is more intense in World of Warcraft compared to Runescape's system

I’ve always described RuneScape’s combat system as “click and play”. There’s not a whole lot of interactivity to it. Once combat has been entered, it doesn’t end until someone flees, or the target dies. Your combat skills do factor in, as do positioning, and you can also use a variety of buffs and potions to increase your combat effectiveness.
You do have combat abilities, but not in the same way that you do in World of Warcraft. You do have abilities to slot in, but there are significantly fewer, compared to WoW. RS’s combat is very much built upon having the best equipment you can have, whereas in WoW, even with mediocre gear, your skillset can keep you alive and healthy.
For example, special attacks/abilities come from wielding specific weapons (EG: Statiuss’s Warhammer), but in WoW, special attacks come from each specific class and talent loadout. Each class has a wide assortment of special abilities - spells, passive, and attack moves that fill out their hotbars. WoW’s combat is also played at a much faster pace, with players constantly using specific combat rotations to maximize efficiency.
4) The subscriptions do different things in both MMOs

Technically, RuneScape is free, but there is an optional membership that you can take part in. You don’t have to, but it is worthwhile. For $12.49 a month, the world opens up in a pretty significant way if you pay for the membership. The world is 3x larger than you can explore. There are more than 200 new quests to take part in, exclusive member minigames, your own home and port, and 12 additional skills.
There is another tier as well that gives even more rewards, but I want to focus just on the base membership. Conversely, World of Warcraft is not a free-to-play game. You do have a free trial for new accounts, but if you want to really explore, you have to pay. Thankfully, one membership covers both RS and OSRS (OldSchool).
However, one subscription of $15 a month grants you access to WoW Retail, WoW Classic, and every other game mode - WoW Remix, Classic Hardcore, and anything else connected to the game the developers come up with.
5) RuneScape's Wilderness PVP allows for player looting, which isn't done in World of Warcraft

Both RuneScape and World of Warcraft have intense PVP options, but the base game isn’t as popular when it comes to the world of PKing (Player Killing). That’s more active in the OldSchool version of the game.
PVP happens in this game in The Wilderness - not counting duels. Players defeated here drop items that the victor can claim as their own loot. It’s more popular on OSRS, which has a more dedicated community, and many players use it as a source of in-game income.
Conversely, this does not happen at all in World of Warcraft and never has. The closest that you will come to this is looting the Honor Item off of someone in a Battleground. This just means that the player can’t walk back to their body and respawn.
Players in WoW have several options for PVP though - Arenas (Rated/NonRated), Battlegrounds, and can simply turn on PVP in the open world (War Mode). There used to be PVP servers, as well as RPVP (Roleplay Player vs. Player), but those have gone away in recent years.
Both titles are legendary and have long-lasting histories. While both are on the older side of things, both MMOs also regularly receive updates and new content as the years go on. While these two games are quite different, they also have similarities and positive reasons to log in and play.