Among the many rewards in the WoW 20th Anniversary event are a series of ultra rare cosmetics, some of which aren't even in the game anymore. Many of them were incredibly rare World Drops - meaning they could literally drop from any monster in the game. In fact, despite following World of Warcraft from its earliest days, I’m among the many players who have never seen most of these ever drop for them.
These Classic-era ultra rare cosmetics will be unlocked in the WoW 20th Anniversary event, and will only cost small amounts of Timewarped Badges. This is just another part of the massive event, which is offering players mounts, armor collections, and so much more. Here’s what’s on offer from this particular vendor.
Classic ultra rare cosmetics return in the WoW 20th Anniversary event

The WoW 20th Anniversary event will feature the vendor Bobadormu to sell these upscaled ultra rare cosmetics. In the modern era, many of these cosmetics are either impossible to get, or the gold prices are far too high to bother purchasing them. Your only other resort is to just grind and hope that they drop somewhere in the world.
The vast majority of these ultra rare cosmetics will be incredibly cheap during the WoW 20th Anniversary event. They will cost anywhere between 25 to 100 Timewarped Badges, which doesn’t take much to acquire. Some players may already have plenty of them farmed up from previous Timewalking events, so they can pick up exactly what they want.
In particular, the Bow of Searing Arrows, Elemental Mage Staff, Axe of the Deep Woods, and the Pendulum of Doom are among the best, and most desirable items. However, your experiences will no doubt vary. The vendor will offer even a few cosmetics that have been removed from the game, like the Lightforged Blade, an older Paladin-only quest reward.
Below is the complete list of items, what they cost, and where they can normally be found outside of the WoW 20th Anniversary event:
- Coldstone Slippers (25): Scholomance BoE drop
- Holy Shroud (25): World BoE drop
- Feet of the Lynx (25): World BoE drop
- Adventurer's Pith Helmet (25): Uldaman BoE drop
- Caverndeep Trudgers (25): Gnomeregan BoE drop
- Helm of Narv (25): World BoE drop
- Boots of Avoidance (25): World BoE drop
- Mugthol's Helm (25): World BoE drop
- Unearthed Bands (25): Uldaman BoE drop
- Aristocratic Cuffs (25): Blackrock Depths BoE drop
- Slimescale Bracers (25): Sunken Temple BoE drop
- Runed Golem Shackles (25): Blackrock Depths BoE drop
- Freezing Band (25): World BoE drop
- Blackmetal Cape (25): Zul’Farrak BoE drop
- Lefty's Brass Knuckle (50): Dropped from Theldren, as a part of the Tier 0.5 questline bosses that can’t be summoned unless you took part of the questline pre-Cata
- Lightforged Blade (100): Paladin-only quest sword, that was removed in the Cata remake
- Pendulum of Doom (100): Uldaman BoE drop
- Gut Ripper (50): World BoE drop
- Bow of Searing Arrows (100): World BoE drop
- Elemental Mage Staff (100): World BoE drop
- Redbeard Crest (35): World BoE drop
- Axe of the Deep Woods (50): World BoE drop
- Grimlok's Charge (100): Drops from Grimlok in Uldaman
- Crimson Shocker (50): Molten Core drop
- Warden Staff (100): World BoE drop
- Flurry Axe (50): World BoE drop
- Alcor's Sunrazor (50): World BoE drop
- Precisely Calibrated Rifle (100): World BoE drop
It’s worth noting that these are remakes of the original items. Thus, the WoW 20th Anniversary upgrades have different in-game IDs, and you can still hunt down the old versions if you like. The updated cosmetics for the Tier 2 armor will likely also follow this pattern.
If you already have the original and want the updated versions, you can also do that! At this time, we have no idea where the NPC will be available, but when that becomes known, we’ll keep you in the loop.
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