The WoW 20th Anniversary event is currently underway, which means there are lots of activities to take part in. Other than the three main activities, you can also fight bosses, grind scenarios, and take part in a challenging raid. However, if you just want to do the activities that are in the hub, we’re here to help you get on track and have some fun with the rest of your community.
Taking part in these events is also a part of unlocking the Coldflame Tempest mount, so you’ll want to take part in these at least once - several times, in the case of Story Time. If you want to go and relax with your friends in Tanaris, here’s what to do for the various WoW 20th Anniversary events.
What to do at each event during the WoW 20th Anniversary event
The WoW 20th Anniversary event has an easy-to-understand schedule. Each hour, on the hour, specific events will take place, so you always know when exactly to show up, if you’re missing something, or if you simply want to take part for fun. Below is the schedule to adhere to.
XX stands for whatever the current hour is.
20th Anniversary event schedule:
- Story Time: XX:00/XX:30
- Fashion Frenzy: XX:15
- Mount Mania: XX:45

Story Time is arguably the easiest event to take part in for the WoW 20th Anniversary. Grab a seat, or stand in the theater area and wait for Lorewalker Cho to begin. As shown above, it takes place twice an hour. Just listen to the various stories he tells, and click the interact button when it pops up.
You’ll cheer, roar, laugh, boo, and do other things, while Lorewalker Cho regails players with the past events of World of Warcraft. You can get a few achievements as a part of Story Time, but if you want the Coldflame Tempest, you’ll need to interact 50 times.
Although that seems daunting, if you see the Throw Rotten Apples interaction, spam it as fast as you can. This is the only one that can be repeated.

Fashion Frenzy is easily the most fun of the WoW 20th Anniversary events. When it’s time for it to begin, at a quarter past the hour, go to the main stage, and wait for Althaea to give you a prompt. It will show up on the screen and is easy to see.
Then it’s up to you to interpret it. Use mounts, toys, and whatever cosmetics to make your outfit stand out. I've seen Rags to Ragnaros twice, and while I didn't win the first one, I did this morning. When the timer is up, the players who got the most will go to the stage, and show off their looks for everyone to see.
If you don’t have a mount that can transmog your gear (such as the Grand Yak), you can speak to any of the transmogrifier NPCs surrounding the stage. There’s even a Barber, if you want to change your hair/eyes/etc to match the new costume.

Mount Mania is the easiest part of the WoW 20th Anniversary event to take part in, but it can also be the most frustrating. Head over to Abigail near the main tents, and she’ll start calling out mounts - 15 of them in total. You’ll want to mount these to show you have them.
The easiest way to do this is to just leave your Mount Collection open, and type the mount in once she calls it out. You aren’t guaranteed to have these, which is what makes it frustrating.
It’s a blend of popular, common, easy-to-get mounts, and rare, tedious, grind mounts. Whoever had the most mounts at the end wins. You only need one for the achievement, and to get the Coldflame Tempest mount, thankfully.
If you don’t want to do these, you can also do the Blackrock Depths raid, go fight the nearby World Bosses, or just hang out in the hub area with other players. It’s entirely up to you! However, if you want to do these activities, that’s all there is to it.
Check out our other WoW guides and features:
- WoW 20th Anniversary event - All Bronze Celebration Token sources
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