Excavation Site 9 is one of WoW’s new Delves, and that means new Sturdy Chest locations. Each Delve has an achievement for finding these treasure chests, and if you’re seeking them out, we’re here to help. Excavation Site 9 isn’t located in Undermine, like Sidestreet Sluice. You can find this one down in the farthest corner of the Ringing Deeps — you’ll gain access to this once you start doing the Undermine campaign.
The site can be found down in Gutterville, at the bottom of Opportunity Point. If you’re seeking out the Sturdy Chests in the Excavation Site 9 Delve in WoW, here’s where you can find all of them. As future updates hit, there may be further storylines with more chests to find. If that happens, we’ll update it accordingly.
Where to find all Sturdy Chests in Excavation Site 9 in WoW
Excavation Site 9 is one of the newest Delves in WoW’s patch 11.1 update. It can be found in the corner of the Opportunity Point region of the Ringing Deeps, with the primary goal as usual, being to generate profit. As you begin the Undermine storyline, you’ll travel to this area. While you’re down there, though, there are four Sturdy Chests to unlock over the course of the primary storyline.
You can find the coordinates below:
- /way 73, 40
- /way 57, 47
- /way 50, 61
- /way 33, 58

Sturdy Chest #1 in WoW’s Excavation Site 9 is located in the northeastern section of the map, before you start heading down into the second section. You’ll find a broken Titan statue there, with the chest next to the statue’s head. However, to get it, you’re going to have to do a little jumping. You can jump on to the various pots in this section to grab it.

From here, you can start heading down the path, and you won’t have to wait long until you find Sturdy Chest #2 in Excavation Site 9. As you follow the south/downward path, you’ll get closer to the Checkpoint. Before you get there, you’ll find a ramp leading up, made of red “vegetation”. At the top, there’s the next Sturdy Chest.

Sturdy Chest #3 is close by in WoW’s Excavation Site 9 Delve as well. From the Checkpoint, take the path leading down deeper into the zone, and look for a pile of bones nearby. The Sturdy Chest is right in the middle of that. To make it easier to find for me, there was a Rusted Chest there as well. Hopefully, it will be there for you as well, though this chest was out in the open.

The final chest, Sturdy Chest #4, is right along the path. Take the large stone steps up, and keep going forward. You’ll see a large wall before long, with a pair of market stalls — one with a red banner, and the other with green/white stripes. The Sturdy Chest is between the two. If you get all four, you’ll receive the Excavation Site 9 Discoveries achievement.
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