WoW Classic First Aid leveling guide (1-300)

WoW Classic First Aid
First Aid is an often-overlooked, but important skill in WoW Classic (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

WoW Classic’s First Aid skill is certainly one worth learning, if you intend on being a team player. Having ready access to current bandages, and Antivenom will allow you to heal in a pinch outside of combat. Whether you have healing spells/life draining spells, it’s worth leveling this skill, it’s a great way to conserve mana. It’s not one of the most important things you can do in Classic, but it certainly comes in handy on Hardcore servers.


There are plenty of First Aid trainers scattered across WoW Classic’s two continents as well — the Capital Cities feature them for both Horde and Alliance, as well as some other important towns and regions. If you’re planning to level First Aid, here’s what you need to know.

Materials needed for First Aid leveling in WoW Classic

Your reagent needs could vary while leveling First Aid in WoW Classic, but this is the most reliable set up, in my particular case. You’re also going to need a few books/manuals as you go as well. These aren’t terribly expensive — 22-50 Silver a piece. They certainly won’t break the bank. You can find them in Stromgarde Keep (Arathi Highlands - Alliance) and Brackenwall Village (Dustwallow Marsh - Horde), so pick them up once you reach these areas.

It's me - I'm one of those people that can overlook First Aid - but it's worth grinding up for dangerous situations (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
It's me - I'm one of those people that can overlook First Aid - but it's worth grinding up for dangerous situations (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

You could grind up all this cloth or buy it in the Auction House. This could get expensive, depending on what version of Classic you’re playing, and what the economy is like.


Reagents necessary

  • 180 Linen Cloth
  • 240 Wool Cloth
  • 160 Silk Cloth
  • 120 Mageweave Cloth
  • 100 Runecloth

Items needed from vendor

  • Expert First Aid - Under Wraps
  • Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage
  • Manual: Mageweave Bandage

How to train First Aid in WoW Classic (1-300)

First Aid trainers can only give you access to the Apprentice level of the skill in WoW Classic. To get to Expert (125-225), you need Expert First Aid - Under Wraps. You can either buy it on the Auction House or through one of the above vendors. If you want Artisan (225-300), you’ll need to complete a specific quest, and be at least Level 35.


Below is a list of all known WoW Classic First Aid trainers for both Alliance and Horde, and their TomTom Waypoints. TomTom is one of the most important addons for WoW retail or Classic, so having it for this First Aid grind will help you get started at least.

The early game has a variety of First Aid trainers dotted across the map (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The early game has a variety of First Aid trainers dotted across the map (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Alliance Trainers/TomTom Waypoints

  • Stormwind (Shaina Fuller): Cathedral of Light - /way 42.8 26.6
  • Darnassus (Dannelor): Craftsman’s Terrace - /way 51.6 12.6
  • Ironforge (Nissa Firestone): Great Forge - /way 54.8 58.6
  • Teldrassil (Byancie): Dolanaar - /way 55.2 56.8
  • Elwynn Forest (Michelle Belle): Goldshire - /way 43.4 65.6
  • Dun Morogh (Thamner Pol): Kharanos - /way 47.2 52.6
  • Wetlands (Fremal Doohickey): Menethil Harbor - /way 10.8 61.2

Horde Trainers/TomTom Waypoints

  • Undercity (Mary Edras): Rogues’ Quarter - /way 73.6 55.6
  • Orgrimmar (Arnok): Valley Spirits - /way 34 84.4
  • Thunder Bluff (Pand Stonebinder): Spirit Rise - /way 29.6 21.4
  • Tirisfall Glades (Nurse Neela): Brill - /way 61.8 52.8
  • Durotar (Rawrk): Razor Hill - /way 54 42
  • Mulgore (Vira Younghoof): Bloodhoof Village - /way 46.8 60.8

1-125 Reagents needed

  • 160-180 Linen Cloth
  • 100-120 Wool Cloth

Leveling Up 1-125

  • Train Apprentice First Aid at your nearest trainer
  • Craft Linen Bandages (1 through 40)
  • Train Heavy Linen Bandage at your trainer
  • Craft Heavy Linen Bandage (41 through 50)
  • Train Journeyman First Aid at your nearest trainer
  • Craft Heavy Linen Bandage (51 through 80)
  • Train Wool Bandage and Anti-Venom at your trainer
  • Craft Wool Bandage (81 through 115)
  • Train Heavy Wool Bandage
  • Craft Heavy Wool Bandage (116 through 125)

125-225 Reagents needed

  • 100-120 Wool Cloth
  • 140-160 Silk Cloth
  • 20 Mageweave Cloth
  • Purchase Expert First Aid, Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage, and Manual: Magewaeve Bandage from an Auction House or the above First Aid Vendors

Leveling up 125-225

  • Activate Expert First Aid and Silk Bandage Manuals. Learn the Magewave Manual at 150 First Aid
  • Craft Heavy Wool Bandage (126 through 150)
  • Train Silk Bandage from your nearest trainer
  • Craft Silk Bandage (151 through 180)
  • If you didn’t yet, learn Heavy Silk Bandage from the manual
  • Craft Heavy Silk Bandage (181 through 210)
  • If you didn’t, learn Mageweave Bandage from your manual
  • Craft Mageweave Bandage (211 through 225)
You can find the Artisan quests in these locations - Left for Alliance, and Right for Horde (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
You can find the Artisan quests in these locations - Left for Alliance, and Right for Horde (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Before you go further with WoW Classic’s First Aid, you need to be Level 35 and have completed the Artisan First Aid quest. You’ll find these in Theramore (Alliance) and Hammerfall (Horde).


You’ll be in a room with a variety of sick patients, and you need to use the Triage Bandages — so put them on your hotbar — to heal 15 patients without having six of them die. Before you get started, if you haven’t already, turn on NPC names (Control + V), so you can see their health bars. You’ll also want to stand in the middle of the room so you have quick access to everyone.


When the WoW Classic First Aid quest starts, you’ll see NPCs spawn in with a variety of names, such as Critically Injured Soldier and Badly Injured Soldier. You need to prioritize certain ones to make sure you do this with minimal casualties. Here’s the priority order, from most to least important:

  • Critically Injured
  • Badly Injured
  • Injured
  • Recently Spawned

Once this is done, you’ll have learned Artisan First Aid in WoW Classic, and you can wrap up with the 225 through 300 grind.


225 - 300 Reagents needed

  • 80-100 Mageweave Cloth
  • 80-100 Runecloth

Leveling up 225 - 300

  • Craft Mageweave Bandage (226 through 240)
  • Train Heavy Mageweave Bandage from the NPC you completed Artisan First Aid quest with
  • Craft Heavy Mageweave Bandage (241 through 260)
  • Train Runecloth Bandage from Artisan First Aid NPC
  • Craft Runecloth Bandage (261 through 290)
  • Train Heavy Runecloth Bandage from Artisan First Aid NPC
  • Craft Heavy Runecloth Bandage (290 through 300)

I also highly recommend, once you’re done with First Aid in WoW Classic, grinding Argent Dawn through at least Honored, so that you can purchase Formula: Powerful Anti-Venom for 10 gold — if you can afford it. It’s the best poison cure item you’re going to get, and it could certainly come in handy.


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Edited by Angad Sharma
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