WoW Classic Season of Discovery: All known Hunter Runes and where to find them

Hunters are going to have it easy.
Hunters promise to be fascinating in WoW Classic Season of Discovery (Image via Blizzard)

Hunters in WoW Classic Season of Discovery are genuinely pretty interesting. While this class didn’t receive new roles, like Mage Healers, the DPS promises to be reliable.


Some of these new powers reward the Hunter for not having any active pets, so if that’s the style of character you have wanted to play in the Classic Era, that’s going to be a possibility. However, all the information about these new powers is yet unknown in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.

As more Runes are unlocked for Hunters during WoW Classic Season of Discovery, we’ll update this article with what we’ve uncovered. If you want to pick up a bow or rifle and head into the wilderness, here’s what you need to know.


Hunter Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery and where they are found

1) Master Marksman

“Increases your critical strike chance by 5%, and reduces the Mana cost of all your Shot abilities by 25%.”

If you’re going to play a Hunter and run no pet, this is one of the powers you’ll need to equip as a DPS character. Some players in WoW Classic Season of Discovery may find other routes, but having extra damage is never a bad thing.

  • Dwarf: At (29, 49) in Dun Morogh, look for the Rustling Bush. Use Hunter’s Mark on it and kill the mob that spawns.
  • Night Elf: In Teldrassil (46.6, 46.3), look for a Rustling Bush. Use a Hunter’s Mark on it and defeat the mob for the Rune.
  • Orc/Troll: Look for the Rustling Bush west of Razor Hill (38, 52). Use a Hunter’s Mark on it and defeat the mob that spawns.
  • Tauren: Mulgore features a Rustling Bush at (59.02, 54.38). Use a Hunter’s Mark on it and defeat the mob that spawns.

2) Sniper Training

“Your Shot abilities gain 10% increased critical strike chance while you have not moved for the last 6s.”
  • Alliance: Westfall’s Level 17 Elite Defias Scout drops the Rune.
  • Dwarf: Drops from Kackle (Elite Crocolisk) in Loch Modan (54, 54).
  • Night Elf: In Darkshore, look for a harpoon by the beached sea turtle skulls. Throw it at Paxnozz (48, 15) and defeat it for the Rune.
  • Horde: Talk to Kilxx in Ratchett, by the docks. Buy a Fishing Harpoon and head into Booty Bay. Bruuz circles a boat at the bottom of the bay. Use the harpoon to weaken it and then defeat it for the Rune.

3) Flanking Strike

“You and your pet deal simultaneous instant 100% melee damage. Afterward, your Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike deal 10% increased damage for 10s, stacking up to 3 times. Raptor Strike has a 20% chance to reset the cooldown on Flanking Strike.”
  • Dwarf: Head to a cave (38.5, 43.4) with Dun Morogh Pig Meat. Place the meat in the cave and defeat Jorul (Elite Bear) for the Rune.
  • Orc/Troll: Summon Raluk in Durotar (68.7, 71.4) using Durotar Pig Meat. Defeat Raluk for the Rune.
  • Night Elf: Use Teldrassil Bird Meat at (48.3, 31.4) in Teldrassil. Defeat Mowgh to receive the Rune.
  • Tauren: Bring Mulgore Bird Meat (off nearby Swoops) to (36, 57) and use it to summon an NPC.

4) Beast Mastery

“Your pet’s damage and health are increased by 30%, and its Focus regeneration by 80%. In addition, your pet’s Growl now also taunts the target to attack it for 3s.”

Could Hunters have been tanks in WoW Classic Season of Discovery? This particular Hunter Rune makes me think they had a chance to play this role or will in the future.

  • Alliance: Loot Goretusk Haunch from Goretusk mobs and use it at the coast of Westfall. This item is bait for a Coyote Dwelling, which you use to spawn and kill Silverspur.
  • Horde (Barrens): North of Camp Taurajo, look for a Patrolling Cheetah. It has a speed buff. Set a trap in its path to clear the buff and then defeat it for the Rune.
  • Horde (Silverpines): Look for a Ferocious Grizzled Bear in Silverpine, and keep killing them until the Level 16 Elite Grizzled Protector appears. Defeat it for the Rune.

5) Chimera Shot

“You deal 125% weapon damage, refreshing the current Sting on your target and triggering an effect:”
  • Serpent Sting: Instantly deals 40% of the damage done by your Serpent Sting.
  • Viper Sting: Instantly restores mana to you equal to 60% of the total amount drained by your VIper Sting.
  • Scorpid Sting: Attempts to Disarm the target for 10s. This effect cannot occur more than once per 1m.
  • All races: Complete your level 2 quest from your Hunter trainer in the starting area.

6) Explosive Shot

“You fire an explosive charge into the enemy target, dealing Fire damage. The charge will blast the target every second for an additional 2s. Cooldown shared with Arcane Shot.”
  • Dwarf: Defeat Fyodi in Dun Morogh (32, 37).
  • Night Elf: Defeat Rageclaw in Teldrassil’s Ban’ethil Burrow
  • Orc/Troll: Defeat Sarkoth, who drops the item.
  • Tauren: Defeat Arra’chea (50, 15) in Mulgore.

7) Carve

“A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for 50% weapon damage.”

Hunters probably needed a more reliable AoE damage in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, so I’m interested to see how this particular Rune shakes out. Will it be viable and required? Time will tell.

  • Dwarf: Tame a Rabbit via Rabbit Musk. Take it to Toby at Amberstill Ranch.
  • Night Elf: Tame a Deer via Deer Musk. Head to the Hunter trainer in Darnassus and speak to the NPC nearby.
  • Tauren: Tame a Prairie Dog via Prairie Dog Musk. Talk to Takoda Sunmane with it in Bloodhoof Village (46.2, 60.3).
  • Orc/Troll: Tame an Adder via Adder Pheromone. Tame it and bring it to the Razor Hill Snake Charmer.

8) Aspect of the Lion

“The hunter takes on the aspects of a lion, increasing total stats by 10% for all nearby allies and increasing total stats for the Hunter by an additional 10%. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.”
  • Dwarf: In the Wetlands, head to the spider cave (42.2, 64.1) and defeat the level 25 Elite Carrodin.

9) Lone Wolf

“You deal 15% increased damage with all attacks while you do not have an active pet.”

There will be times in WoW Classic Season of Discovery when your pet might be an inconvenience, perhaps in Blackfathom Deeps. That makes Lone Wolf a useful skill all on its own.

  • Alliance and Horde: This is sold by Grizzby in Ratchett. Once you complete three side quests for him at level 25, he will sell you the rune: Shredder Turbochargers, Dark Iron Ordinance, and Fish Oil. The Rune costs 5g.

10) Cobra Strikes

“Your critical hits with Shot abilities cause your pet’s next 2 special attacks to critically hit.”
  • Alliance and Horde: Purchase Freshwater Snapper Bait from the wandering Goblin vendor in HIllsbrad Foothills, Zixil. Use the bait on the small fishing boat at the lake, southeast of Tarren Mill. This spawns a level 25 Elite turtle, that will drop the Rune on defeat.

11) Kill Command

“Give the command to kill, increasing your pet’s damage done from special attacks by 60% for 30s. Each special attack done by the pet reduces the damage bonus by 20%.”
  • Alliance and Horde: Find Jixo Madrocket in the Stonetalon Mountains (59.20, 62.41), and he will give you a quest, Wild Wyvern Wrangling. Retrieve two items for this, a Hyponotic Crystal and a Gnarled Wand of Wild Magic. The Hypnotic Crystal can be found on the final boss of Wailing Caverns - Mutanus the Devourer. The Wand is made by combining a Greater Magic Wand and a Wild Magic Essence - dropped from Furbolgs in Ashenvale. Complete this quest and complete one more simple quest for Jixo. You can also tame a Wyvern as a result of this quest, thanks to the Wyvern Taming Wand.

12) Serpent Spread

“Targets hit by your Multi-Shot are also afflicted by your Serpent Sting for 6s.”
  • All races: Reach Honored with Durotar Supply and Logistics, for 4g 50s.

13) Melee Specialist (Phase 2)

“Raptor Strike cooldown reduced to 3 sec and is now instant, Mongoose Bite cooldown removed, and Raptor STrike has a 30% chance on each attack to not trigger its cooldown.”

I’ve talked about melee Hunters a few times in WoW Classic, and I think this is going to be a must for that kind of build. There’s nothing like having a powerful attack that doesn’t trigger a cooldown.

  • Head to Deadwind Pass and talk to the Dalaran Agent at Ariden’s Camp (52, 35) for the Ariden’s Sigil item. Equip it, or travel with another player who has it equipped. You need to find and kill seven Dark Rider Elites, after using it to reveal the Rider. Each one grants a Dalaran Relic. The Dalaran Presence buff is a hint that one’s near.
  • Deadwind Pass at (43, 29)
  • Duskwood at (23, 47)
  • Swamp of Sorrows at (69, 28)
  • Arathi Highlands at (60, 40)
  • Badlands at (58, 54)
  • The Barrens at (52, 36)
  • Desolace at (65, 25)
  • Return to the Dalaran Agent with all the relics, and turn them in for exp and money. You gain the Rune as the final reward.

14) Trap Launcher (Phase 2)

“Your traps can now be placed at any location within 40 yards, and can be placed while you are in combat. Additionally, your Fire-based and Frost-based traps now have separate shared cooldowns.”

I really like the idea of Trap Launcher too. However, having separate shared cooldowns for your Fire and Frost traps is also an interesting choice. Being able to launch a Frost trap safely from a distance is a good thing, that’s for sure.

  • Head to Desolace, and pick up the Highway Robbery quest at (47, 54)’s Extinguished Campfire.
  • Go to (63, 39), near Kormek’s Hut. Turn in to Bibbly F’utzbuckle, and get On The Lam.
  • Go to Booty Bay’s inn. Turn in the quest to Tokal, and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her a Cherry Grog, for the next quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
  • Go to the bridge between Arathi Highlands and Wetlands (53, 91) and go to the Rowboat. Interact with it to be teleported.
  • Look for Illari Duskfeather and chat with her. Your choice will result in a fight, so beat her, and loot the bag she drops for Illari’s Key. Open the chest to get the Rune.

15) Dual Wield Specialization (Phase 2)

“Increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 50%, causes your Raptor Strike to strike with both weapons when you are dual-wielding, and Raptor Strike deals 30% increased damage when you are wielding two weapons of the same type.”

Dual Wield Specialization is another useful potential Melee Hunter rune, that’s for sure. You also want to have different weapons for maximum value on this Rune. Thankfully, it also appears to be a pretty easy Rune to find.

  • Go to (31.8, 15.7), near the Nesingwary Camp. This gives you the Danger! Buff.
  • Use a Flare to try and reveal the Bloodscalp Guerilla. It may not necessarily spawn near you. Look around if necessary.
  • Kill it and loot the Rune of the Scrapper to get the new ability.

16) Expose Weakness (Phase 2

“Your melee and ranged criticals increase your attack power by 40% of your current Agility for 7 sec.”

Who doesn’t want more damage? That’s exactly what Expose Weakness adds: More damage each time you crit. Each time you crit in either melee or ranged, all damage goes up (due to more attack power) for 7s.

  • Go to the Badlands, and kill Dustbelcher Ogres, until you get a Primitive Drawing item to drop. Use it to unlock the quest Terror of the Desert Skies. Turn it in to Hemet Nesingwary in Stranglethorn Vale. He’ll give you a cage to use on any nearby critter.
  • Go back to the Badlands, around (22, 67). You’re looking for a large bird’s nest. Use the critter as bait to lure out Gharrik. This is a level 40 bird, so it’s going to be dangerous. Defeat it and loot the Crimson Trophy Quill.
  • Take the Quill back to Nesingwary to receive your new Rune.

17) Invigoration (Phase 2)

“When your pet scores a critical hit with a special ability, you instantly regenerate 5% of your maximum mana.”

My favorite types of abilities in WoW Classic Season of Discovery are ones I don’t have to stress about. This one triggers any time your pet crits, making it invaluable. It’s one less thing to worry about, and it’s pretty easy to get, to boot.

  • Go to the Swamp of Sorrows and speak to Amaryllis Webb (25, 54.2). Buy her Entomology Starter Kit for 50 silver. This begins a scavenger hunt, where you need to head to several areas and catch some bugs.
  • Go to Stranglethorn Vale’s Lake Nazferiti Logging Camp to find an Arbor Tarantula on a tree stump (45, 19) and catch it.
  • Go to Arathi Highlands’ Northfold Manor and catch a Hay Weevil in one of the barns or stables (31, 28).
  • At Desolace, go to the Kodo Graveyard and catch a Flesh Picker near (51, 39).
  • Go back to Amaryllis Webb and get your Rune.

18) Steady Shot (Phase 2)

“Requires Ranged Weapon. A steady shot that causes 60% ranged weapon damage.”

Steady Shot is just pure damage, and is incredibly easy to get one’s brain around. You use a ranged weapon and deal damage! Easy, to the point, and worth having. It’s also incredibly easy to get: Just go kill a specific fish!

  • Go to the Arathi Highlands, to Witherbark Lake (66, 60.5). A fish in this lake, Needletooth spawns roughly every 60s. It’s not elite, and not a rare spawn. Simply go and kill it. It’s a level 35 fish, but players say it can be soloed at 25.

WoW Classic Season of Discovery is ongoing until the coming year. This list will help you know more about these classes, such as the flexible Druid.

Check out our WoW Rune guides for specific classes

Druid Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery || Mage || Priest || Paladin || Rogue || Warlock || Warrior || Shaman || Hunter

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Edited by Angad Sharma
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