WoW Classic Season of Discovery: All known Mage Runes and where to find them

The Mage Runes do not disappoint in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery.
WoW Classic Season of Discovery's Mage Runes promise to be a great deal of fun (Image via Blizzard)

Mage Runes grants some incredible powers in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. Perhaps the most interesting thing is that the Arcane specialization can heal once the right powers are unlocked. The trouble with these Runes in World of Warcraft is that they are often hidden behind puzzles, item drops, and other secretive methods. However, fans have quickly begun unlocking some of these throughout the world of Azeroth.


Since all the Runes have not been discovered yet, we’ll come back and update this regularly as other abilities are found. We will endeavor to keep this up-to-date so you know where to find all Mage Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.

All Mage Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery

1) Burnout

“Increases your spell critical strike chance with all spells by 15%, but your non-periodic spell critical strikes now have an additional mana cost of 1% of your base mana.”

Burnout could be a very useful ability for Mage DPS in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. It really depends on what additional slots open up for characters later down the line. This is something possible, according to the developers in a recent interview.

  • Dwarf/Gnome: At Gol’Bolar Quarry (69.4, 58.3), find the Frozen Trogg and slam it with fire spells.
  • Human: East of Elwynn Forest’s Stone Cairn Lake, look for the Frozen Murloc and spam fire spells.

2) Fingers of Frost

“Gives your Chill effects a 15% chance to grant you the Fingers of Frost effect, which treats your next 2 spells cast as if the target were Frozen. Lasts 15s.”
  • Dwarf/Gnome: Defeat TImber in Iceflow Lake (unconfirmed at this time)
  • Human: Drops from Hogger
  • Trolls: Drops from Zalazane

3) Regeneration

“Heals the target for health over 3s and applies Temporal Beacon for 30s. Temporal Beacon records the subject’s space-time position. 80% of all Arcane damage done by the caster will be converted to chronomantic healing on each of the caster’s current Temporal Beacon targets. This healing is reduced by 50% on self.”

If you’re going to be a Mage healer, you need this Chest Rune for the Arcane class. It’s the basis of single-target healing, and will be the primary way of healing until Mass Regeneration is unlocked later in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery.

  • Human: Defias Pillagers in Westfall drop them.
  • Gnome: Located in a hut on the northern island in Loch Modan. In the southern hut, on the top island, look for a clickable stack of books.
  • All Horde: Kolkar’s Booty chests in The Barrens.
  • Undead: Dalaran Apprentices in Silverpine Forest drop them.

4) Enlightenment

“You deal 10% more damage while you have more than 70% mana. While below 30% mana, 10% of your mana regeneration continues while casting.”
  • Human: Look for critters that have a “Wild Polymorph” debuff. Cast Polymorph on 6 of them, and loot the Apprentice Notes to create the Rune.
  • Undead: Around Solliden Farmstead, players will find “Odd Melons.” Cast Polymorph on 6 of these and collect the Sorcerer’s Notes.

5) Living Flame

“Summons a spellfire flame that moves toward the target, leaving a trail of spellfire. This trail deals Spellfire damage every second to nearby enemies. Lasts 20s.”

While streaming WoW Classic Season of Discovery alongside a few friends, we unlocked the ability to use Living Flame. While we only did it as Undead, this is an incredibly useful Mage Rune.

  • Human: Kill Kobold Geomancers in the Jasperlode Mine area of Elwynn Forest.
  • Gnome: Kill Frostmane Shadowcasters/Frostmane Seers at (24.88, 50.32).
  • Undead: Kill Scarlet Warriors in Tirisfal Glades.
  • Horde: Kill Burning Blade Fanatics in Durotar’s Skull Rock

6) Living Bomb

“The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking Fire damage over 12s. After 12s, or when the spell is dispelled, the target explodes, dealing Fire damage to all enemies within 10y.”
  • Alliance races: Stonesplinter Seer in Loch Modan drops this Rune.
  • Horde: Complete the Wand to Bethor questline - this starts in Silverpine Forest on Fenris Isle. Kill the Rot Hides until they drop the Talking Head, which begins the quest. After completing this, a grave on the right-hand side of the castle courtyard gives the next quest, The Hidden Niche. Head up the left tower, and use the Dusty Shelf to wrap this one up. Finally, complete the Wand to Bethor quest to gain this Rune.

7) Ice Lance

"Deals Frost damage to an enemy target. Causes triple damage against Frozen targets."

When beginning as a Mage in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, you’ll unlock this quest from your Mage Trainer in your particular starting area. You will find this very early after loading and beginning the current seasonal content.

  • Gnome, Undead, Human, Troll: Complete level 2 Spell Research quest at your local Mage Trainer

8) Icy Veins

“Hastens your spellcasting, increasing spell casting speed by 20% and reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting by 100%. Lasts 20s.”

Each faction needs to collect ten books to gain this Rune. We’ll divide them into Alliance, Horde, and both factions/cross-faction:


  • Archmage Theocritus’s Research Journal: Tower of Azora, Elwynn Forest
  • Rumi of Gnomeregan: The Collected Works: Thelsamar and Westfall Inn
  • Archmage Antonidas: The Unabridged Autobiography: Ironforge, Hall of Explorers


  • The Apothecary’s Metaphysical Primer: Brill Alchemy Shop
  • Ataeric: On Arcane Curiosities: Sepulcher
  • The Lessons of Ta’zo: Orgrimmar, Valley of Spirits


  • Arcanic Systems Manual: The Barrens, The Sludge Fen
  • Fury of the Land: Stonetalon Mountains, near the Grimtotem area
  • Crimes Against Anatomy: Duskwood, Raven Hill Crypt
  • Secrets of the Dreamers: Near Wailing Caverns portal
  • The Dalaran Digest, Vol. 23: Silverpine Forest in Amber Mill
  • Baxtan: On Destructive Magics: Ratchet, near Engineering trainer
  • Bewitchments and Glamours: Westfall, Moonbrook
  • Goaz Scrolls: Wetlands, Whelgar’s Excavation Site (33, 47)
  • Runes of the Sorcerer-Kings: Loch Modan, the Ogre cave
  • Nar’thalas Almanac, Vol. 74: Darkshore Ruins

9) Arcane Surge

“Unleash all of your remaining mana in a surge of energy focused at the target dealing Arcane damage, increased by up to 300% based on your mana remaining. Aftward, your normal mana regeneration is activated and increased by 300% for 8s.”
  • All races: Reach Honored with Durotar Supply and Logistics for 4g 50s.

10) Mass Regeneration

“Heals all of target player’s party members within 15y of target player for health over 3s and applies Temporal Beacon to each target for 15s.”
  • Alliance and Horde: Go to the northeastern crypt in Duskwood’s Raven Hill. Head down, take a left into the first room, and interact with the object to claim Decrepit Phylactery. Leave this area and go to the west crypt on Raven Hill. Head down and take the first right. You’ll see a stone throne and Slumbering Bones, which you can interact with. Use the Phylactery on it and defeat the Level 25 Elite Lich. Beware the Banish spell it casts.

11) Rewind Time

“Your current target with your Temporal Beacon instantly heals all damage taken over the last 5s. Ineffective on targets that did not have a Temporal Beacon 5s ago.”
  • Alliance and Horde: This is sold by Grizzby in Ratchett. Once you complete three side quests for him at level 25, he will sell you the rune: Shredder Turbochargers, Dark Iron Ordinance, and Fish Oil. The Rune costs 5g.

12) Arcane Blast

“Blasts the target with energy, dealing Arcane damage. Each time you cast Arcane Blast, the damage and healing of all other Arcane spells is increased by 15%, an dmana cost of Arcane Blast is increased by 175%. Effect stacks up to 4 times and lasts 6s or until any other Arcane damage or healing spell is cast.”
  • Alliance and Horde: In the Zoram Strand, kill Wrathtail Naga until they drop the item, Naga Manuscript. It contains a riddle to solve. You must find the three crystals in the Zoram Strand and cast Arcane Explosion. Use the book again to unlock Arcane Blast.

13) Spellfrost Bolt

“Launches a bolt of spellfrost at the enemy, causing Spellfrost damage and slowing movement speed by 40% for 9 sec. This spell will be checked against the lower of the target's Frost and Arcane resists and counts as both Frost and Arcane damage.”

If you’re looking to deal Arcane and Frost damage simultaneously, Spellfrost Bolt will be an important one for you. It costs 12% of your base mana, so it can be expensive but worth casting. However, this is another grinding Rune.

  • Players need to find the item Spell Notes: PELFRB STOLLOTS. It drops from Skullsplitter Mystics in Stranglethorn Vale, near Zul’Gurub. A good place to start is (47, 34), but there are many places you can find them. Seek groups of Skullsplitters to find them.

Once you have the item, ensure you have a Comprehension Charm. The Reagent vendor can purchase these in any capital city for six silver and 30 copper.

14) Chronostatic Preservation

“Fuses Arcane, Fire, and Frost magic to freeze chronomantic energy in to a stored state for later use. You can hold this energy for up to 15 sec before it combusts and expires. When unleashed, heals a friendly target for 665 to 998. This spell is considered Arcane, Fire, and Frost for interactions with other spells, talents, and effects.”

An interesting Rune that combines all types of Mage energies into one blast will be a Rune that requires some cooperation. You’ll probably need 3-4 mages with you that all have their Frostbolts and Ice Lances ready.

Head to the following locations in Thousand Needles, and have a group of mages cast those spells on the Singed/Scorched enemies until you can loot the Partial Spell Notes. You need three sets:

  • Singed Highperch Consort: In the Wyvern’s Roost at (11, 36)
  • Scorched Screeching Roguefeather: Near the Harpy Cave on the southern wall of the zone. She’ll be seen flying around a large rocky outcropping.
  • Seared Needles Cougar: Near the Great Lift (near camp E’thok). The cat is in a cage, so you need to get the key from Galak Mauler or other nearby Centaurs.

When done, combine the three items to make the Rune of Chronostatic Preservation.


15) Hot Streak

“Any time you score 2 non-periodic spell criticals in a row using Fireball, Fire Blast, Scorch, or Living Bomb, your next Pyroblast spell cast within 10 sec will be instant cast.”

Hot Streak has always been one of my favorite Fire Mage talents because it lets you instantly cast Pyroblast once the conditions are met. It’s easy to use and incredibly satisfying to suddenly blast a player or enemy mob with a Pyroblast.

  • Go to Alterac Mountains and kill Syndicate Thief mobs (around 58.8, 67.0) until one drops Singed Note.
  • Go to Blacksmith Forge in Strahnbrad (60.0, 46.4) and cast fire spells on the two Bellows attached to the forge outside. Do this until both are red and flaming.
  • This summons an Ancient Fire Elemental. Defeat it to gain the Rune.

This is a level 35 Fire Elemental but is thankfully not Elite. It has 2,000 or so HP, so it should be easy for a mage to Frost Nova and blast until it’s dead.


16) Missile Barrage (Phase 2)


“Gives your Arcane Blast a 40% chance, and your Fireball and Frostbolt a 20% chance to reduce the channeled duration of your next Arcane Missiles spell by 50%, reduce the mana cost by 100%, and missiles will fire every 0.5 secs.”

Personally, I’m not really a big fan of the Arcane Missile Barrage builds, but this one’s not so bad. Reducing the mana cost by 100% is a really big deal for Mages, and could be useful in healer builds.

  • Head to Deadwind Pass and talk to the Dalaran Agent at Ariden’s Camp (52, 35) for the Ariden’s Sigil item. Equip it, or travel with another player who has it equipped. You need to find and kill seven Dark Rider Elites, after using it to reveal the Rider. Each one grants a Dalaran Relic. The Dalaran Presence buff is a hint that one’s near.
  • Deadwind Pass at (43, 29)
  • Duskwood at (23, 47)
  • Swamp of Sorrows at (69, 28)
  • Arathi Highlands at (60, 40)
  • Badlands at (58, 54)
  • The Barrens at (52, 36)
  • Desolace at (65, 25)
  • Return to the Dalaran Agent with all the relics, and turn them in for exp and money. You gain the Rune as the final reward.

17) Frostfire Bolt (Phase 2)

“Launches a bolt of frostfire at the enemy, causing Frostfire damage, slowing movement speed by 40% and causing an additional Frostfire damage over 9 sec. This spell will be checked against the lower of the target's Frost and Fire resists and counts as both Frost and Fire damage.”

Interestingly enough, this drops off the same enemy that Spellfrost Bolt drops from. It’s probably worth it to farm them until you get both drops, so you can move on to other things in the game.

  • Players need to find the item Spell Notes: TROFF IRESTBOL. It drops from Skullsplitter Mystics in Stranglethorn Vale, near Zul’Gurub. A good place to start is (47, 34), but there are many places you can find them. Seek groups of Skullsplitters to find them.

18) Brain Freeze (Phase 2)

“Your Frost damage spells with chilling effects have a 15% chance to cause your next Fireball, Spellfrost Bolt, or Frostfire Bolt spell to be instant cast and cost no mana.”

This is a huge deal for users of Spellfrost Bolt and Frostfire Bolt. Being able to instantly cast them without spending mana or cast time? That’s a no-brainer. Go out of your way to seek out this simple Rune.

  • Head to Desolace, and pick up the Highway Robbery quest at (47, 54)’s Extinguished Campfire.
  • Go to (63, 39), near Kormek’s Hut. Turn in to Bibbly F’utzbuckle, and get On The Lam.
  • Go to Booty Bay’s inn. Turn in the quest to Tokal, and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her a Cherry Grog, for the next quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
  • Go to the bridge between Arathi Highlands and Wetlands (53, 91) and go to the Rowboat. Interact with it to be teleported.
  • Look for Illari Duskfeather and chat with her. Your choice will result in a fight, so beat her, and loot the bag she drops for Illari’s Key. Open the chest to get the Rune.

19) Spell Power (Phase 2)

“Increases critical strike damage bonus of all spells by 50%.”

The Spell Power Rune is a continuation of the Icy Veins rune. That rune, as you saw above, required you to go read 10 books scattered throughout the world. That means, it’s time to look up some new books, and read those for this incredibly powerful Rune.

You do have to read all 10 books for the previous Rune too, so if you don’t have them, go get them. However, there were 13 books in the original quest, so having some of the overlap will make this easier. Please see the above Icy Veins entry for extra books. There’s also an addon on Curseforge, “Mage Book Tracker”, which tracks the books you’e found. It also displays the zone and coordinates of each.

  • Desolace: Demons and You (55.0, 28.0)
  • Dustwallow Marsh: RwlRwlRwlRwl! (57.0, 21.0)
  • Thousand Needles: Geomancy: The Stone-Cold Truth (34, 40)
  • Alterac Mountains: Defensive Magics 101 (48.5, 57.6)
  • Arathi Highlands: A Web of lies: Debunking Myths and Legends (73.0, 65.0)
  • Badlands: Mummies: A Guide to the Unsavory Undead (57.0, 39.0)
  • Stranglethorn Vale: Basilisks: Should Petrification be Feared? (41.5, 50.8)
  • Swamp of Sorrows: A Ludite’s Guide to Caring for Your Demonic Pet: Farm Lost Ones for Rusted Cage Key. Book is in cage at (61.0, 220).

There is still plenty more to uncover regarding Mage Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. The servers only opened yesterday (November 30, 2023), so there’s plenty of time to uncover more.


Check out our WoW Rune guides for specific classes

Druid Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery || Mage || Priest || Paladin || Rogue || Warlock || Warrior || Shaman || Hunter

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Edited by Adarsh J Kumar
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