WoW Classic Season of Discovery: All known Paladin Runes and where to find them

Paladins are still Alliance-only.
The Alliance-exclusive Paladin in WoW Classic Season of Discovery delivers on fun new Runes (Image via Blizzard)

Many classes received fun Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, but few gained as many powerful options as the Paladin. Several of the classes’ most potent abilities - that the class needed right from the outset - are going to be available. Unfortunately, not all 12 of the known Runes have been uncovered. As more secrets become uncovered, we’ll update this accordingly.


All three specializations of Paladin receive powerful new Runes and will surely do a lot to make a mediocre class really stand out. WoW Classic Season of Discovery still has plenty of time to go, so there will no doubt be other interesting secrets to uncover.

All Paladin Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery and where they’re found

1) Seal of Martyrdom

“Fills you with holy spirit for 30s, causing each of your melee attacks to deal 30% weapon damage to your target, but you lose health equal to 10% of the damage inflicted. While this seal is active, your party and raid members within 40y each gain mana equal to 10% of damage you take from this seal. Unleashing this Seal’s energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 70% weapon damage at the cost of health equal to 10% of the damage inflicted.”

Personally, I’ve never been big on a melee class sacrificing health to deal more damage, but other, braver Paladin players might disagree in WoW Classic. However, you can unlock it if you wish to.

  • Human: Speak to an NPC in Stormwind Cathedral. Pick up the note in the Cathedral Catacombs next. There’s an island between Westfall and Elwynn Forest, where a lady waits. Defeat her for the Rune.

2) Horn of Lordaeron

“The Paladin blows the Horn of Lordaeron, which increases the total Strength and Agility of all party members within 30 yards by 6. Lasts 2m. Exclusive with Blessing of Might.”
  • Human: Defeat undead foes in Westfall until you receive Libram of Blessings. Equip and give Blessings to 5 different players in order to gain the Rune.
  • Dwarf: Loch Modan’s Tavern has a room downstairs with a book. Grab the Libram on the table, accept the quest, and buff five different players.

3) Aegis

“Increases your block value by 30% damaging melee and ranged attacks against you have a 10% chance to increase your chance to block by 30%. Lasts 10s or 5 blocks. Effect not cumulative with Redoubt. (Proc chance 10%)
  • Human: Requires Level 8 (train Purify spell). Use Purify at the Paladin, at the end of Jasperlode Mines. This is a new section and has spiders.
  • Dwarf: Requires level 8 (train Purify spell). West of Dun Morogh, at the gates of Gnomeregan, look for an NPC named Wounded Adventurer. Purify and then speak to them.

4) Inspiration Exemplar

“Your inspiring presence periodically dispels Fear and Sleep effects on nearby party members.”

This might be a fun skill in the open-zone PVP that will be waiting on level 25 players in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. With how many Shadow Priests and Warlocks will try to fear players, this could be vital to success.

  • Human: Requires a Paladin or Priest in the party. East of the hill east of Jerod’s Landing. Interact with the Adventurer’s Remains on the ground and get party members to summon a portal. Defeat the mob and gain the Rune.
  • Dwarf: Requires a Paladin or Priest in the party. In the Wendigo cave west of Kharanos, interact with the Adventurer’s Remains. Need a Priest/Paladin to interact and help summon. Defeat the mob and loot the Rune.

5) Rebuke

“Interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2s.”

Note: Only the player who gains the final blow receives the Rune, so it’s not advised to do this in a group while playing WoW Classic Season of Discovery.

  • Alliance: In the Park in Stormwind, speak to the Bartender. She will complain about a local drunkard near the entrance. Defeat them in combat and gain the Rune from the Bartender.

6) Crusader Strike

“An instant strike that causes 75% weapon damage and regenerates 2% of your Maximum mana.”
  • Human: Requires Level 4 (train Judgment). Accept a quest to recover a stolen Libram from the Elwynn Forest Defias Bandits. Recommended to do this while also farming the Red Bandanas. Find the Libram, equip it, and then Judge 10 enemies, and then use the Libram to unlock Crusader Strike.

7) Hand of Reckoning

“Taunts the target to attack you, but has no effect is the target is already attacking you.
“While you know this ability, the threat bonus from Righteous Fury is increased to 80% and Righteous Fury causes you to gain mana when healed by others equal to 25% of the amount healed. Additionally, while Righteous Fury is active, damage which takes you below 35% health is reduced by 20%. Righteous Fury will remain active until canceled.”
  • Alliance: Head to Loch Modan’s Stonesplinter Valley. Head into the cave to find a Sunken Reliquary. Loot the Libram of Justice, activate it, and kill 10 enemies while they’re stunned by Hammer of Justice to receive the Rune.

8) Divine Storm

“An instant weapon attack that causes 110% of weapon damage to up to 4 enemies within 8y. The Divine STorm heals up to 3 party or raid members totalling 25% of the damage caused.
  • Information coming soon.

9) Divine Sacrifice

“30% of all damage taken by party members within 30y is redirected to the Paladin for 10s. Damage which reduces the Paladin below 20% health will break the effect and grant the paladin 10% increased damage and healing done for 10s. Divine Sacrifice cannot be used while you are under the effects of Blessing of Protection, Divine Shield, or Divine Protection, and prevents you from being targeted by those abilities while it is active.”
  • Alliance and Horde: This is sold by Grizzby in Ratchett. Once you complete three side quests for him at level 25, he will sell you the rune: Shredder Turbochargers, Dark Iron Ordinance, and Fish Oil. The Rune costs 5g.

10) Avenger’s Shield

“Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing Holy damage, Dazing them and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Lasts 10s.”
  • Alliance: In Redridge Mountains, in the Northern Blackrock Orc cave, defeat the Rare Spawn that appears there.

11) Exorcist

“Exorcism can now be cast on any target and has 100% increased critical strike chance against Undead and Demons.”
  • Alliance: Libram of Banishment drops from Worgen in the region. Use Turn Undead on five enemies, and then defeat them with Exorcism. You will gain the Rune after completing this task.

12) Beacon of Light

“The target becomes a Beacon of Light to all members of your party or raid within a 40y radius. Any heals you cast on party or raid members will also heal the Beacon for 100% of the amount healed. Only one target can be the Beacon of Light at a time. Lasts 1m.”
  • All races: Reach Honored with Durotar Supply and Logistics, for 4g 50s.

13) Sacred Shield

“Each time the target takes damage they gain a Sacred Shield, absorbing damage and increasing the Paladin's chance to critically hit with Flash of Light by 50% for up to 6 sec. In addition, causes your Flash of Light to heal targets with Sacred Shield for an additional 100% over 12 sec. They cannot gain this effect more than once every 6 sec. Lasts 30 sec. This spell cannot be on more than one target at any one time.”

If you plan on healing as a Paladin, you should try and this WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 2 Rune in your arsenal. However, as an important note, do not go after this without having access to Blessing of Freedom. It is important.

  • Head to Nijel’s Point in Desolace (66.5, 7.6) and loot the item Libram of Deliverance from a book on the bench inside the building itself.
  • Equip the Libram of Deliverance and use Blessing of Freedom to remove movement-impairing effects from others five times. Then, right-click this again to learn the Rune.

The advice most players are giving is to head to the Wetlands and go to the Dragonmaw area. Players get caught in nets there all the time, and you can use Blessing of Freedom on them to get them free. Another great spot is the Murloc Netter in Westfall (38, 14). Also, for it to count, it must be a root removal. So nets, frost nova, anything that halts someone in their tracks.


14) Sheath of Light (Phase 2)

“Dealing damage with your melee weapon increases your spell power by an amount equal to 30% of your attack power for 1 min. In addition, your critical healing spells heal the target for 60% of the healed amount over 12 sec.”

Sheath of Light is incredibly powerful, and it was also incredibly hard to find. It was only recently discovered, but it’s worth seeking out. Dealing damage with your melee weapon also increasing your Spell Power is a really big deal. It also makes your critical healing spells heal for additional amounts, so it’s great for most builds.

  • Go to Desolace (52.6, 84.8), and grab the Broken Hammer in Mannoroc Cove. Use it to begin The Broken Hammer quest. Go kill the nearby Burning Blade Summoners for a Torn Letter.
  • Head to Stormwind Cathedral to turn this in to Katherine the Pure at (37.8, 31.6). Accept A Lost Brother from her.
  • Go to Menethil Harbor, Wetlands, and look for Harold Riggs on the docks. He’ll guide you to Dun Morogh, Newman’s Landing (18.0, 74.5). You’ll need to swim south from the Wetlands along the coast When you find the body of a fallen crusader, you’ll be ambushed.
  • Kill the ambushers and loot Orders from the Grand Crusader, and accept the quest that comes with it.
  • Return to Katherine the Pure, who puts you on the next step.
  • Defeat High Inquisitor Whitemane in Scarlet Monastery (Cathedral), so you can enter her chambers. Interact with Aeonas the Vindicated, and go back to Katherine the Pure. She’ll give you Sheath of Light.

However, the Ambusher at Newman’s Landing is a Level 40 Elite. You can solo it if you have Guarded by the Light, but it’s still dicey. It wouldn’t hurt to bring a friend or two.

15) Guarded by the Light (Phase 2)

“Each time you hit a target with your melee weapon, you gain 5% of your maximum mana per 3 sec for 15 sec, but the amount healed by your Flash of Light, Holy Light, and Holy Shock spells is reduced by 50% during this mana regeneration.”

This, combined with some other Runes, makes for a nearly unkillable Paladin. It’s a great time to be a Paladin right now in WoW Classic SoD, and it makes me want to roll one and play on the Alliance side.

  • Note: You need someone who can revive you for this quest.
  • Head into the Ruins of Alterac, in the Alterac Mountains. Click the skeleton on the south-facing wall and loot Dormant Holy Rune.
  • Cast Divine Intervention on the other player, so you perish.
  • Have the other healer resurrect you, and unlock the new Rune.

16) Enlightened Judgements (Phase 2)

“Increases the range on your Judgement by 30 yards and your spell hit with all spells by 17%.”

All this does is empower your Judgements, and make your spell hit go up. Still, I highly recommend going out of your way to do the little scavenger hunt that you go on to unlock this particular Rune.

  • Players need three Tarnished Prayer Beads, and then need to purify them into Divine Prayer Beads. Once this is done, take them to Brother Atticus in Stromgarde Keep, in Arathi Highlands.
  • Prayer Bead 1: Drops from Syndicate Rogues, Witherbark Medicine Men, Dark Iron Dwarves, and Boulderfist Ogres. Purify it by casting Blessing of Might and killing a foe.
  • Prayer Bead 2: Drops from Boulderfist Ogres, Syndicate Rogues, and other enemies. Purify by casting Divine Shield with less than 10% Health.
  • Prayer Bead 3: Witherbark Shadow Hunters, Syndicate Rogues, and other enemies. Purify by using Seal of Justice with Judgement on a fleeing enemy.

Some have said that you can get all three beads from the various Syndicate Rogues. However, since this requires Divine Shield, you need to be at least level 34 to complete this. You can get the Prayer Beads before that, though.

17) Infusion of Light (Phase 2)

“Increases the damage done by your Holy Shock by 20%, and your damaging critical strikes with Holy Shock reset the cooldowns on Holy Shock and Exorcism and refund the cost of Holy Shock.”

Increasing your Holy Shock damage will go a long way to increasing DPS, especially since you also have a chance to reset Holy Shock and Exorcism - all you have to do is crit! I’m a big fan of this Rune, even if its instructions are very familiar.

  • Head to Deadwind Pass and talk to the Dalaran Agent at Ariden’s Camp (52, 35) for the Ariden’s Sigil item. Equip it, or travel with another player who has it equipped. You need to find and kill seven Dark Rider Elites, after using it to reveal the Rider. Each one grants a Dalaran Relic. The Dalaran Presence buff is a hint that one’s near.
  • Deadwind Pass at (43, 29)
  • Duskwood at (23, 47)
  • Swamp of Sorrows at (69, 28)
  • Arathi Highlands at (60, 40)
  • Badlands at (58, 54)
  • The Barrens at (52, 36)
  • Desolace at (65, 25)
  • Return to the Dalaran Agent with all the relics, and turn them in for exp and money. You gain the Rune as the final reward.

18) The Art of War (Phase 2)

“Your melee critical strikes reset the cooldowns on Holy Shock and Exorcism.”

Combine this with the above Rune, and suddenly, Holy Shock is a force of nature. As long as you’re in melee range, getting melee critical hits, you can Holy Shock way more often, thanks to the Art of War Rune in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 2.

  • Head to Desolace, and pick up the Highway Robbery quest at (47, 54)’s Extinguished Campfire.
  • Go to (63, 39), near Kormek’s Hut. Turn in to Bibbly F’utzbuckle, and get On The Lam.
  • Go to Booty Bay’s inn. Turn in the quest to Tokal, and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her a Cherry Grog, for the next quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
  • Go to the bridge between Arathi Highlands and Wetlands (53, 91) and go to the Rowboat. Interact with it to be teleported.
  • Look for Illari Duskfeather and chat with her. Your choice will result in a fight, so beat her, and loot the bag she drops for Illari’s Key. Open the chest to get the Rune.

WoW Classic Season of Discovery has only just begun, and there’s a lot to be excited about. We’ve covered most of the Warcraft classes, including the flexible Druid for both Alliance and the Horde.

Check out our WoW Rune guides for specific classes

Druid Runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery || Mage || Priest || Paladin || Rogue || Warlock || Warrior || Shaman || Hunter

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Edited by Ritoban "Veloxi" Paul
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